The Romance Of Mr. Walton

C510 Beat Kiss Scold Love

C510 Beat Kiss Scold Love

Huo Tingshen did not react much and only said, "Let her do as she pleases."    


That was her own business. It was her own business where she wanted to go.    


After a long time, Huo Tingshen regretted underestimating human nature and letting go of someone he should not have let go.    


On Friday afternoon, Tong Hao left the office after work.    


As usual, she saw the tall and handsome Huo Tingren at first glance.    


There was a moment. For a moment, the corner of her lips unconsciously curled up.    


She walked to her car and Huo Tingren waved at her.    


"I heard you're going to my house for dinner tomorrow?"    


Tong Hao snorted and said, "I am going to Qing's house for dinner."    


"What a coincidence. The Qing you are talking about happens to be my wife, Second Brother's family."    


Tong Hao took out the car keys, but Huo Tingren snatched it and went around to the driver's seat. He opened the car door familiarly.    


After the two of them got in the car, Huo Tingren said, "Come to my bar tonight."    


When mentioning the bar, Tong Hao suddenly understood and said, "I almost forgot if you didn't mention it. How long has it been since you went to your bar? Aren't you afraid that your bar will close down?"    


"Isn't it because of you? I'm chasing my girlfriend now. It's gone forever. "Let's not talk about the bar."    


Tong Hao heard this and could not help but laugh. "Then why are we going over tonight? Is it because my conscience has been discovered?"    


"My brothers want to see my girlfriend."    


"Huh?" Tong Hao was stunned. "Then I won't go."    


"Why? Is the ugly wife afraid to see her in-laws?"    


Tong Hao raised her hand and patted Huo Tingren's arm. "What nonsense are you talking about?"    


"Don't worry. They are all friends of my basketball club. They are very easy-going. Besides, my family likes you very much. Are they still afraid of those kids?"    


"In my eyes, you are also a young kid."    


Huo Tingren raised his eyebrows and looked at her with a naughty smile. "Didn't you notice? I just said that you are my girlfriend. You didn't refute me."    


"Just shut your mouth. Talking can make you happy, right?"    


Huo Tingren snapped his fingers. "Congratulations, Miss Tong. You guessed right."    


Tong Hao wrote one book after another. Tong Hao said seriously. Tingren, I'm serious. I really don't want to go. I don't want to go to a gathering like this. "    


Huo Tingren was speechless. "You're so boring. Everyone is in their twenties. What right do you have to call others children? "It's as if you're very mature."    


Tong Hao was angry. She reached out and pinched his arm.    


He hissed in pain, "It hurts."    


"It's to make you feel pain."    


Huo Tingren drove the car with one hand and rubbed his arm with the other.    


"Okay. It's a kiss and a curse of love."    


"You have enough." Tong Hao stared at him.    


Huo Tingren looked at her and couldn't help but laugh.    


Tong Hao was a little nervous. If Tingren introduced her to someone else, Others would definitely laugh at Tingren for not having good taste.    


After all, Tingren's conditions were so good. What kind of woman could he not find?    


Seeing that she suddenly stopped talking, Huo Tingren asked, "What? Are you really afraid of meeting people?"    


Tong looked at him and said, "Tingren, actually, even I don't understand. You don't like so many women with good conditions. Why do you have to hold a woman older than you?"    


"Those girls are so boring."    


"But they will grow up eventually."    


Huo Tingren said disdainfully, "Since you know, you should know that they will also become 24 years old. " 30 years old, "Huo Tingren said." Do you think I will give up on them just because they are 24 years old? Tong Hao, in these years, you have only grown old and don't have brains? Relationship matters are not something that I can control. "    


Tong Hao looked at him.    


He said again, "I knew you a year ago. But did I chase you back then? I don't think so. At that time, I actually didn't think that you were suitable for me. I just felt that you were a woman who needed to be dealt with. I always wanted to tease you and argue with you.    


But at some point a year later, I suddenly realized that I wanted to be with you. Sometimes, feelings come from being caught off guard. Could it be that you want me to know that I like you and want to be with you but still lie to me? "I'm not like you. You're as timid as a mouse and don't even have the courage to give it a try."    


Tong Hao rolled her eyes at him. She turned to look outside the window, "I just can't figure it out."    


Huo Tingren did not agree. He said calmly. "I think you are feeling inferior. In your eyes, men should like little women, right?"    


Tong Hao sighed and did not say anything.    


Huo Tingren said, "Don't worry. My brothers are adults. Don't draw a line in your mind. Don't think they are children."    


Tong Hao felt that this kid was eloquent and wanted to kill people.    


"Send me back before nine."    


Hearing her say this, Huo Tingren was instantly overjoyed. "Don't worry."    


Tong Hao thought Huo Tingren had three or five brothers.    


But she did not expect that as soon as they entered the private room, there were more than ten people.    


When everyone saw her, they whistled, clapped, and called her sister-in-law. Each of them used their own way of addressing her.    


She stood in this group. The average 'giant' who was over twenty centimeters taller than her felt like a dwarf.    


However, thinking about it made her happy. In the past, it was the happiest thing for many girls to be able to sit on a basketball court and watch boys play basketball.    


She had also been to the sports field countless times in the past.    


Huo Tingren thought that Tong Hao might be a little reserved, but after being persuaded to drink three cups of yellow soup, Tong Hao let go of herself.    


Singing and dancing in the middle of a group of boys was simply omnipotent.    


Instead, he became the one who was unhappy.    


Girlfriends were too easy to get along with. It turned out that it was not a particularly good thing.    


After she finished singing a song, she put down the beer bottle. He said to everyone, "You guys sing first. I'll go to the bathroom."    


Huo Tingren got up and said, "Let's go. I'll go with you."    


Tong Hao pushed him onto the seat. "Sit here obediently. I am so big. Can't I go to the washroom alone?"    


She opened the door and went out.    


When she came to the washroom, Tong Hao was still humming a little tune.    


When she came out of the washroom, she happened to see a man. He pressed a woman against the wall and was about to kiss her.    


The woman was not willing. She kept turning her head to avoid the man.    


The man pinched the woman's arm unhappily and said angrily, "What's wrong with kissing? Don't forget, Tonight, I paid for your wine. Do you think that I don't want anything and just spend money for you for nothing?"    


The woman was furious." Let go of me. Otherwise, I'll call someone."    


But the man did not give up, "Bitch, don't be shameless."    


Tong Hao's legs were also fast. She stepped forward and kicked the man's leg.    


The man felt the pain and turned back to glare at Tong Hao. "You're courting death."    


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