The Romance Of Mr. Walton

C491 Just Want to Think for Myself

C491 Just Want to Think for Myself

Huo Tingren drove to the high-speed rail station.    


On the way, he called Tong Hao twice.    


However, Tong Hao, who was already on the high-speed rail, would not answer his call.    


She was listening to the music leisurely and did not mention how happy she was.    


When they arrived at the high-speed rail station, Huo Tingren found someone to check on Tong Hao's high-speed rail.    


The high-speed rail to Lin Hai had been released forty minutes ago.    


Huo Tingren exhaled and sent Tong Hao a WeChat message.    


"I checked the number of cars. Two hours later, there will be a high-speed train from Lin Hai to Northern City. I will wait for you at the high-speed train station. Come back yourself. I will pick you up. " If you don't come back, I will go to your house to visit you. "    


After Tong finished reading the message, she only muttered 'crazy' and ignored him.    


After returning to Lin Hai, she called her mother and went to her apartment.    


She had been busy working in Northern City for the past few days. It had been a long time since she had been chasing dramas.    


Seemingly, she went to the supermarket and bought a lot of snacks. She sat in bed and watched TV.    


When her father called her, his phone was muted. She did not receive the call.    


When it was close to evening, she was sleeping in her bed. The doorbell rang at home.    


Tong Hao lazily got out of bed and went to the door to look out through the peephole.    


When she saw the person outside, it was her father. She immediately pulled the door open.    


"Dad, why are you here?"    


Papa Tong said coldly, "I called you and you didn't pick up. What's going on?"    


"I didn't hear it. My phone is silent."    


As she said that, she turned around and walked into the house.    


Tong Hao's father said, "Huo Fourth Master, look. I told you she was fine."    


Hearing this, Tong Hao's footsteps froze for a moment and she turned around.    


When she saw Huo Tingren's face at the door, Tong Hao could not remain calm.    


"You... Why are you here?"    


"Sister Tong Hao, didn't I tell you? You really have too many people to forget things."    


Sister Tong Hao...?    


In the past, she had poked her head out and wanted him to call her "Sis.    


But he was so arrogant that he ignored her.    


Today, he said something. But why did she only feel a chill run down her spine?    


Tong Hao's father said angrily, "Good, good, good. This is your fault. I already told Fourth Master that we would come together. Why did you go back on your word? "Is this how I usually teach you?"    


Tong Hao winked at her father.    


But her father did not have any discerning eyes.    


Huo Tingren asked obediently, "Sister Tong Hao. What about me? Should I talk to uncle, or should I talk to you?"    


Tong Hao's father said, "Huo Fourth Master, you should talk to me. This child does not remember much. I will settle your matters for you. I promise that I will settle the invitation."    


Huo Tingren pursed his lips." That's good. I will come this time... "    


"Dad, dad." Tong Hao walked forward and held onto Tong's dad's wrist. "Tingren is here for personal matters. It's not convenient for you to settle it. "We have a deal," she said. " I will settle it. You can go back. "    


"If it's a private matter, then I'll be the one to do it. What can you do about it? Look at your sloppy appearance now..."    


Tong Hao lowered her head to look at the pajamas on her body. Not slovenly.    


She said unhappily, "Alright, I've already said it, I'll do it."    


She forcefully pushed her father to the door. "Hurry up and go back. Don't delay us from discussing serious matters."    


She closed the door and turned to glare at Huo Tingren.    


Huo Tingren pursed his lips and spread his hands. He looked like he deserved it.    


Tong Hao stared at him. "You're really crazy, aren't you?"    


Huo Tingren took a step forward.    


Tong Hao quickly jumped back. "Stop. Keep your distance from me. I don't want to beat you up."    


As she spoke, she leaned against the wall and walked back to the living room.    


Huo Tingren followed her in and looked around.    


"So this is where you live. It looks good."    


Her living room was very big. There was a big bookshelf by the wall. The bookshelf was full of comic books.    


The house had two bedrooms, and the decorations were rarely feminine.    


The bed in the master bedroom was filled with snacks, and the floor was full of bags.    


"Why is it so messy?" Wang Yao asked.    


Tong Hao quickly went up and closed the door of the master bedroom. She walked to the living room sofa and sat down.    


After he finished looking around the room. Only then did he walk over and sit beside her.    


"I'm thirsty."    


Tong Hao turned to look at him and cleared her throat. "What do you want to drink?"    




Tong Hao stood up. "Wine? There is only coffee and water. Choose one."    


"Water. I don't want to lose sleep tonight."    


Tong Hao stole a glance at him. So he also lost sleep last night.    


She poured him a cup of water and placed it on the coffee table in front of him.    


She walked to the side, pulled a chair over, and sat on the opposite side of the coffee table.    


Huo Tingren frowned. "You're so far away from me. Are you afraid that I'll eat you?"    


"Little brother, it's a misunderstanding. It's a misunderstanding. I just think we should talk face to face."    


Huo Tingren looked at her coldly. "Who is your little brother?"    


"You. Didn't you just call me sister Tong Hao? I like this way of addressing you. I am suitable to be your sister."    


"Tong Hao, don't be so glib here. Let me ask you why you ran away."    


"Where did I run off to?" Tong Hao patted her chair. "This is my home. Who would run back to their home?"    


"Then I will call you. Why did you not pick up?"    


Tong Hao shrugged. "Didn't you hear what I just said to my dad? My phone is silent. I called you before. You don't pick up occasionally, do you? "Tell me, what did you come to find me for?"    


You don't know? " Huo Tingren crossed his legs. "I want an answer."    


"Like I said, I haven't thought about it yet."    


"Don't be perfunctory with me. In fact, you've already made up your mind to reject me. Otherwise, you wouldn't have run away."    


Tong Hao did not understand. This brat clearly knew everything. Why did he still run to her door to humiliate her?    


Seeing that she did not speak, Huo Tingren said unhappily. "Looks like I guessed correctly."    


Tong Hao exhaled and her expression became much more serious. "Tingren, I will tell you seriously. It's really impossible for me to talk to you."    


"Then you must have thought of a reason. Tell me. Let me hear it."    


Tong Hao exhaled. "Okay. I will not give you a perfunctory answer. I will tell you what I mean from the bottom of my heart. Tingren, you are three years younger than me. This is an age gap that I cannot accept. You are young and full of vigor. But I have entered the marriage stage. I need a family, you need a relationship. Our goals are different.    


In my opinion, your so-called love is not only sudden, but also not mature enough. I have my considerations and concerns. I am afraid that when you reach my age, you will suddenly realize that you do not like Yuxi today and discover your feelings for me. Actually, it is not love. By then, I'll be almost thirty. I have nowhere to say I feel wronged. People are selfish. "I am only thinking for myself."    


Frankly speaking, you want a marriage, and you think I can't afford it? "    


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