Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1567 There Is a Demon in Your Body

C1567 There Is a Demon in Your Body

She was very sure that the one from five years ago was her, and the one from five years later was also her. She was still that Su Ke. Other than the weathering of time on her face, she did not change anything.    


But Gu Jingyu's thoughts had changed.    


He was going to marry her.    


The corridor quieted down. The two of them stood facing each other and looked at each other. Su Ke saw the desire in Gu Jingyu's eyes.    


Actually, she still cared about him.    


It was because she cared too much that she couldn't stand him not getting married. That was why she left him without hesitation.    


Because being together was truly too painful, to the extent that it pierced her heart.    


Gu Jingyu's eyes first lit up, then they were dyed with mist, and then a dark color.    


He seemed to have made up his mind to tell Su Ke, but there was more and more gloominess in his eyes. Then, he suddenly let go of her hand. "Don't force me." Then, he rushed to the elevator.    


At that moment, the elevator door was slowly closing. Moo Nuannuan stood beside Lih Lingye. "Keke. We'll wait for you at the restaurant." She originally wanted to wait for Su Ke to catch up, but Lih Lingye said that he would give Gu Jingyu and Su Ke a chance to be alone. In the end, Lih Lingye pressed the button of the elevator. Gu Jingyu and Su Ke separated.    


They also blocked Gu Jingyu and Su Ke outside.    


Gu Jingyu stood in front of the elevator in a daze. Two figures appeared in front of the door. He did not move, while Su Ke walked over slowly. She lowered her head, like a child who had done something wrong. She was so delicate that it made people's heart ache.    


He stared at the figure. It was clearly getting closer and closer, but at this moment, he felt that it was getting further and further away from him.    


Suddenly, he punched the elevator door. With a bang, his knuckles turned from red to bleeding. It only took a few seconds for him to hit the elevator door so hard.    


It wasn't that he didn't want to tell her the reason. It was because the reason was too unbearable. It was because he didn't want her to know his other side.    


This muffled sound and the red color between the man's fingers made Su Ke stop in her tracks. She looked at Gu Jingyu's back for some unknown reason. She really did not understand why he was angry and why he smashed the door.    


It was clearly his fault.    


If he had agreed to marry her back then, she would not have left. The relationship between them would not have reached this stage today.    


Back then, no matter how hard she put her heart into it, she would always feel sad afterwards, and that was why she felt so uneasy now.    


Yes, uneasy.    


She didn't trust Gu Jingyu now.    


She looked at him with a pair of colored eyes.    


All of these were caused by Gu Jingyu.    


Thinking of this, Su Ke gritted her teeth and said, "You still feel wronged, don't you?"    


The girl's voice carried a faint anger, and it was also an absolute accusation that made Gu Jingyu's body stiffen. Only then did he realize that his actions frightened her. "I am angry at myself, not you, keke, sorry."    


"Since you feel sorry for me, then tell me the reason." That reason had tortured her for five years. It had been five years, and she couldn't understand why this man didn't marry her.    


Because, even during the five years they had been apart, she had secretly paid attention to her. It should have been from the moment Bai Xianxian brought her to him in a taxi. He had not been fooling around with other women other than her, and there had not been any substantive rumors.    


Since he did not have any other women, then why did he not marry her?    


It was also impossible to say that he had a hidden illness.    


No one knew better than her how much he had.    


Yesterday, he had told her that he was a man with his actions.    


A real man.    


So, she was really more and more curious about the reason why he didn't marry her.    


This reason had always been scratching her heart all these years. She had never been peaceful before.    


On the contrary, it was very torturous.    


Because she wanted to know the reason too much.    


Gu Jingyu suddenly pulled back his hand and brought Su Ke into his arms. Then, he buried his head on her shoulder and took a deep breath of her aura. He said in a hoarse voice. "Give me some more time and I will tell you."    


It was not that he did not want to say it. It was that he said it, or she wouldn't believe it.    


If he hadn't experienced it himself, even he wouldn't have believed it.    


The man's low and hoarse voice was beside her ear. Su Ke was stunned for a moment. She wanted to push Gu Jingyu's hand away but did not move. Instead, she obediently let Gu Jingyu hug her.    


Because she felt a kind of helplessness belonging to a man from him.    


Even a dignified Gu Jingyu would be helpless. If she did not feel it at this moment, she definitely would not believe it.    


One should know that he was the head of the Gu family, and also the young and promising head of the family. Gu Jingyu had always been the god in the eyes of others when he achieved his current position at such a young age.    


After a long time, she also said in a hoarse voice. "Alright."    


Just give him some time, she thought he would tell her the answer.    


Because giving him time was also giving her time.    


He was lying on her shoulder. At that moment, she could clearly feel that the love in her heart had not diminished in the slightest.    


That was why she felt pain.    


It was very painful.    


He couldn't help but respond.    


Su Ke only reacted when she realized that she had agreed to Gu Jingyu's request. How could she carry it out with him when she was like this?    


Or perhaps, from the moment he found her, from the moment he walked into her little house, she and he were no longer able to carry her.    


The elevator had arrived.    


The door behind them opened. However, Gu Jingyu still did not let go of Su Ke. He let the door open and close again.    


It was not until the sound of footsteps came from the corridor that Su Ke pushed Gu Jingyu away. "Rogue, I'm hungry." Then she quickly turned around and did not dare to look at Gu Jingyu again. She really wanted to stay away from him, or else she would feel that her face was burning badly. She reached out and touched it, and it was all scalding.    


Fortunately, the elevator arrived again.    


Su Ke rushed into the elevator. He was also standing in the innermost corner, as if this was the only way she could feel safe.    


Gu Jingyu could not give her a sense of security at all.    


He was the most unstable factor in her world. He could tarnish her heart at any time. It was a mess.    


Because only those who cared about her could hurt her. Those who didn't care about her wouldn't be able to stir up any waves in her heart no matter what she said or did.    


Unexpectedly, she stood in a corner and Gu Jingyu followed her like a shadow. His tall figure was beside Su Ke. When she turned her head to look at him in panic, his big palm lightly grabbed her hand. From loosening to tightening, it was as if he wanted to embed her into his body, and it was getting tighter and tighter.    


"Keke, everyone has a devil in their hearts. And I don't have a devil in my heart, but a devil in my body."    


At this moment, Su Ke didn't understand what Gu Jingyu meant. Later on, she found out the deeper meaning of his words. That devil was definitely a bomb that had been planted between the two of them. It had not been removed, but it had only weakened slightly.    


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