Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1847 She's Very Gentle

C1847 She's Very Gentle

Gu Jingyu didn't believe it at all.    


However, he still gently touched Su Ke's head, "It didn't hurt, right?"    


"No, the chopsticks didn't hurt much. It really didn't hurt." In order to make Gu Jingyu feel relieved, Su Ke definitely and obediently hid in his arms. She wanted to absorb the aura from his body and imprint it in her brain for the rest of her life.    


They were clearly in the same body, but why was it that when it was Gu Jingyu, the aura on this body was so good that it smelled good?    


She didn't smell enough.    


Gu Jingyu rubbed her head hard and then kneaded it into a chicken nest shape. Only then did he let go with satisfaction. "Are you tired? Take a nap."    


He also wanted to take an afternoon nap.    


It's very necessary to take an afternoon nap.    


Only then would he have the time to scold and scold Mr. Gu.    


Otherwise, he would not be able to vent his anger.    


Su Ke was really sleepy.    


From Mr. Gu to Gu Jingyu, now that Gu Jingyu was by her side, she immediately relaxed her body and closed her eyes. "Okay, I will sleep for a while. If you are bored, just look at the magazines and movies." Su Ke was also embarrassed that she wanted to sleep when Gu Jingyu just came back.    


But after relaxing, she was really sleepy at this moment.    


She did not sleep well last night.    


So when she was tired, she started to sleep.    


He really couldn't take it anymore.    


"Mmm, don't worry about sleeping. I'll take care of myself." Gu Jingyu was in a good mood being cared for by the little girl.    


"Okay." Su Ke closed her eyes and leaned into Gu Jingyu's arms. She got into the most comfortable position and fell asleep.    


Gu Jingyu gently hugged Su Ke and closed his eyes as well. He started to scold others.    


If it was possible, he would scold even the eight generations of Mr. Gu's ancestors.    


But there was no other way. This really couldn't be done.    


After all, a hundred years later, he would also go and meet the eight generations of his ancestors.    


On their side, it was quiet.    


Moo Nuannuan, who had been peeping on the other side, suddenly had her head straightened by Lih Lingye. "You are not allowed to peek. What is there to see? After dinner, if you want to sleep, lean on me and sleep. I'll also hug you and sleep with you."    


This was not like secretly imitating Gu Jingyu and Su Ke. This was a mandatory sleeping mode between men and women.    


Moo Nuannuan completely retracted her gaze.    


Because she was embarrassed by Lih Lingye's words.    


"I am worried that Su Ke will be bullied by that person. Look. Just now, she almost got bullied." She couldn't help but start gossiping about Su Ke and Gu Jingyu. Moo Nuannuan did not need to worry about it now. After all, Su Ke did not have any relatives. She only had Faang Wenxue, Lih Lingmei, and a few close friends. If their best friends did not make the decision for Su Ke, Su Ke would really be bullied.    


If she could help, then she must help.    


She had never seen Yamamoto Xiuer before. So in her heart, Su Ke was like her younger sister now.    


Lih Lingye once again corrected Moo Nuannuan's face. This time, he let her face him. He looked into her eyes, "No, he changed."    


"Who has changed?" Moo Nuannuan did not react for a moment.    


"I ate and went to sleep." Lih Lingye pinched Moo Nuannuan's hand.    


"Uh, I'm not a pig. I'm not sleepy. I don't want to sleep." At this moment, Moo Nuannuan, who was gossiping, did not feel sleepy at all. She was still curious about who Lih Lingye just said changed.    


Lih Lingye helplessly rubbed between his eyebrows, "He did not pinch Su Ke anymore and hurt Su Ke again. He is already heading towards a better direction. So, you can take back your worries in the future. You don't have to worry about him hurting Su Ke when he comes out. He won't."    


"Could it be that he didn't hurt Su Ke because we were there? I think if there weren't so many people in the commercial cabin, there would be so many pairs of eyes staring at her. He might have hurt Su Ke. " How could Moo Nuannuan be at ease? Su Ke's injuries that day. She had witnessed it with her own eyes. It was simply too horrible to look at. Now that she thought about it, she also hated Mr. Gu.    


However, just like Su Ke, it was because Mr. Gu had occupied Gu Jingyu's body that she couldn't let Lih Lingye beat him up.    


Otherwise, she would definitely let Lih Lingye beat Mr. Gu until his teeth were all over the floor.    


Don't look at how cold and cool Mr. Gu was. However, Moo Nuannuan firmly believed that her man was better than Mr. Gu. He was better in every aspect.    


However, no matter how powerful Mr. Lih was, she could not let him hit Gu Jingyu.    


It was impossible.    


Although Lih Lingye and Gu Jingyu pinched each other as soon as they met, she knew that they were doing fine.    


They were just short of wearing the same pair of pants.    


"No way. My judgment of people has never been wrong. Don't worry, he is really changing." Lih Lingye continued to comfort her. He really wanted to change the topic and let Moo Nuannuan talk about something else. He was the only one, but he could not be too direct.    


If there was only one him in her world, would she get sick of him over time? And then she didn't want to bother with him anymore?    


Thinking of this consequence, Lih Lingye felt that he was going to be bald.    


Fortunately, Moo Nuannuan heard it this time and believed it.    


Perhaps she believed it, so she relaxed too.    


She yawned and also wanted to sleep.    


"This yawn can also be contagious. I want to sleep every time I sleep. Lingye, I'm going to sleep. You clean up the mess." Moo Nuannuan looked at the mess on the small table and did not want to work.    


Although this kind of work was naturally done by women to show the gentleness and benevolence of women, at this time, she did not want to be gentle and did not want to be virtuous. She just wanted to sleep and wanted to leave it to men.    


It was still in her honeymoon period.    


Before getting off the plane, it was the honeymoon period.    


If he did not order Lih Lingye to work at this time, when would he order Lih Lingye to work? He absolutely could not let go of the opportunity to order him around.    


"Alright, go to sleep." Lih Lingye waited for Moo Nuannuan to get into a comfortable position and personally cover her with a blanket before starting to clean up the mess.    


After cleaning up, he waited on the small table outside for the stewardess to come and collect him. Then, he hugged Moo Nuannuan and slept together.    


The business cabin became quiet for a moment.    


Only the sound of breathing was left.    


Mo Qifan, who was behind, looked at the back of the chair in front of him quietly.    


On the other side of the chair was his daughter, Moo Nuannuan.    


She was currently sleeping in Lih Lingye's arms.    


It was a very warm and happy pair.    


It made his thoughts unconsciously return to many years ago.    


At that time, Xi Yurou was much smaller than the current Moo Nuannuan.    


She was not even twenty years old.    


What was beautiful was a flower bud.    


When he first met her, he felt that it was a flower bud that couldn't be picked.    


If he picked it, it would be blaspheming the most beautiful thing in this world.    


However, after getting along with her for a long time, in the end, he still couldn't help but pick the most beautiful flower in this world.    


She was very gentle.    


She loved him very much.    


Even if she disappeared without saying goodbye, disappeared from his world, she abandoned him, he couldn't hate her.    


To her, apart from love, there was no discounts in love.    


This was the fate between him and Xi Yurou.    


It was inseparable.    


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