Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1845 I Have to Touch You

C1845 I Have to Touch You

"Slap! A pair of chopsticks flew towards her head, but it didn't hurt even if it hit her head.    


The force of the chopsticks was too small.    


Furthermore, Mr. Gu didn't seem to have used much strength.    


Su Ke suppressed her shock and continued to eat. At this moment, she was clearly hit, but the smile on the corner of her lips actually became bigger and bigger. She was extremely happy.    


"About that, your chopsticks are curled and you are not eating anymore. Are you worried that after he eats, his physical strength will become better and he will be able to exercise with me for a long time?"    


After saying that, Su Ke felt not only the coldness that covered the sky and earth, but also the sound of panting.    


Yes, the man beside her was huffing and puffing.    


He was so angry.    


The more angry he was, the more comfortable she felt in her heart. It was even more comfortable than slapping him twice and kicking him ten times. But I really like it. You should eat more to ensure that he has plenty of stamina when he exercise with me at night. "    


Mr. Gu's breathing became louder and louder.    


"Why are you panting so hard? Do you also want to feel how refreshed he feels after exercise? But I'm sorry, I only think of him. I don't like a blockhead like you. You have no interest at all. If it wasn't because of him, do you think I would want to talk to you? I don't even want to give you one. I just want you to die."    


Yes, I want him to die straight away. That way, he wouldn't have to appear. He would return a complete Gu Jingyu to her.    


The more Su Ke thought about it, the more she felt that Mr. Gu should quickly die. She hated him.    


He hated her to the extreme.    


She even hated him.    


He hated him to the point where he couldn't take it anymore.    


But she had to sit in a row with such a hateful and hateful man. She really felt wronged.    


However, no matter how wronged she felt, she could not say it out loud. Otherwise, if Gu Jingyu found out, he would definitely feel very sad. He was the one who made her unhappy.    


Mr. Gu sat up in a daze again. Of course, his eyes and brows were filled with depression. He looked like he wanted to kill someone.    


However, he couldn't.    


He couldn't do it.    


There was only one reason. He couldn't stand that person's scolding and scolding.    


He suddenly felt that if he was scolded and scolded, it would be better to let him get stabbed and kicked a few times.    


But it was useless. That person would not hit him, even if he wanted to, he would not be able to hit him.    


He couldn't possibly hit himself.    


If he hit himself, he would be a fool.    


Thus, both of them felt helpless towards each other.    


He felt helpless towards that person, and that person also felt helpless towards him.    


Su Ke, who was eating happily, turned her head and looked at him. "I knew you wouldn't eat if I told you this. You are envious that we can be intimate. I have touched and touched each other and done everything I want to do. So, you are jealous of him. So you can't eat him because you're jealous, right?"    


" That's why you're jealous. That's why you can't eat him. " Mr. Gu, who finally shouted back, lost his chopsticks. However, he still had his fork. He picked up the fork and started eating again.    


He absolutely could not let Su Ke think that he was jealous of that person and did not eat.    


He was not jealous.    


On the contrary, he hated the intimacy between that person and Su Ke.    


When he thought of Su Ke touching his body and even enjoying his body, he wanted to tear her apart. Ahhhhh!    


How could his body be touched by her?    


Mr. Gu was so angry that he ate very quickly without making a sound. He really ate very quickly.    


He clearly ate later than Lih Lingye and Moo Nuannuan, but he was actually the first one to finish eating in the entire business class.    


If it wasn't for the fact that the lunchbox in front of him was so clean that there wasn't even a drop of soup left, no one would believe that he had eaten it all.    


After finishing his meal, Mr. Gu continued to sit in his seat and turned on the statue mode.    


It seemed that this was his favorite mode, and also the mode that could make him feel the most comfortable.    


Su Ke continued to eat.    


This was the moment when she was the most proud ever since she had gotten along with Mr. Gu.    


It was very comfortable.    


Why didn't this man die of anger?    


Gu Jingyu came out after angering him to death.    


She ate happily and felt that the food in the lunchbox was the most delicious food she had ever eaten in her life.    


But no matter how delicious it was, there would always be a moment when she finished eating.    


Su Ke began to pack up the empty lunchbox. After she finished putting away her own food, Mr. Gu's food was still there by the side. There was no change at all.    


"Put away your lunchbox." She glared at him unhappily.    


How nice would it be if looks could kill? Then she could kill him.    


Then she would no longer have to suffer from his wimp.    


But now that she thought of a way to beat him lying down, she was really happy.    


"You take it." The man snorted.    


He still wanted to cut her down.    


"It's not like I'm eating it. Whoever eats it will take it." Su Ke did not intend to serve this man anymore. It would already be good if she did not scold him.    


She was a civilized person, so she did not scold him.    


She had a very civilized way to deal with him.    


Look, she was too smart.    


Mr. Gu looked at the lunchbox in front of him again and said coldly: "Then keep it."    


"You..." After a pause, Su Ke said, "Put it there. I understand what you mean. You are jealous that he and I have a deep relationship and can do anything. So you also want to hook up with a woman, right? It just so happens that there is someone you can hook up with on the plane. You want to hook up with her when the stewardess comes to clean up for you later. Isn't that right?"    


" Unreasonable. " Mr. Gu was so angry that his face turned green. He was not interested in women, especially the ones around him. He did not want to hook up with any stewardesses.    


He angrily put away the lunchbox and threw it on Su Ke's small table.    


He fell heavily.    


However, after landing steadily, it definitely did not scatter in all directions.    


She fell on Su Ke's lunchbox and folded it together, waiting for the stewardess to come and collect it.    


Su Ke looked at the food box that Mr. Gu threw over and smiled.    


A very bright smile.    


So it was actually quite easy to deal with a madman.    


It was too boring to just sit there and do nothing.    


It's time to do something meaningful.    


What was meaningful was to improve his' relationship 'with someone.    


Su Ke suddenly stretched out her hand and pulled Mr. Gu's arm.    


She had held Mr. Gu's arm countless times in the past.    


But she had never felt the stiffness of this arm before. At this moment, she felt stiff as if she was holding onto a piece of wood instead of a man's arm.    


In the end, she was complacently thinking that she'd succeeded. The man beside her jumped up with a bullet and instantly stood on the aisle.    


He was tall and stood on the aisle of the cabin. He was about to hit the ceiling with a nod.    


At that moment, the man looked down at Su Ke who was inside. "Don't touch me."    


Logically speaking, with his attitude of rejecting people from thousands of miles away and his voice, Su Ke would definitely feel embarrassed if she heard him.    


He would want to find a hole and hide in it.    


But she did not.    


She smiled and shook her head at him. "I'm sorry, I had to touch you."    


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