Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1817 Li Da Cu Tanzi

C1817 Li Da Cu Tanzi

"It's not hard, I just want to see you." He was excited. Even though he had seen her for a while, Mo Qifan was still very excited at this moment.    


As he spoke, he picked up a piece of snack for Moo Nuannuan and sent it to the small plate.    


It was naturally used for public chopsticks.    


Mo Qifan had always been gentle and refined.    


No matter how anxious or excited he was, he would never lose his sense of propriety.    


The biggest difference between him and his past self was passion.    


Very enthusiastic.    


However, his enthusiasm was limited to Moo Nuannuan.    


She was a father. She had not seen her own child for a long time, so she was suddenly excited to see him.    


He wished he could give everything he had to this child.    


"Warm, eat more. You're skinnier than when I saw you that year."    


When these words fell into Lih Lingye's ears, he felt that Mo Qifan was definitely lying through his teeth. Moo Nuannuan really did not lose any weight when she was in Antarctica five years ago.    


This was the one with the most right to speak. It's him, Lih Lingye. After all, she had been his for the past two days. How could she not have seen and touched her body before?    


Even five years ago, before she disappeared, he had touched and touched everywhere.    


Furthermore, he definitely remembered it deeply.    


He had deeply engraved everything about Bai Xianxian into his heart.    


Lih Lingye raised his head and quietly glanced in Mo Qifan's direction. He frowned. If Mo Qifan was not Moo Nuannuan's biological father, he would definitely kick Mo Qifan out at this moment.    


He did not know why, but he just did not like men being so attentive to Moo Nuannuan.    


Even if she was afraid, she could not.    


As these thoughts flashed through his mind, Lih Lingye took a deep breath and warned himself that this idea was too sick.    


Five years ago, it was not like he had never seen Mo Qifan and Bai Xianxian getting close. At that time, he felt that it was normal. Why did he feel that it was abnormal now?    


Maybe it was because he had lost her for too long.    


After all, they had been separated for five years, so he had lost her and got her back. He only wanted to take her for himself and did not want any man to get close to her.    


They looked at Moo Nuannuan again. She was eating all the food Mo Qifan had given her.    


Endure it. Lih Lingye told himself that he had to endure it. It was just a meal. When he returned to the hotel, he would only be the one sleeping with Moo Nuannuan. Mo Qifan, this father, had to stand aside.    


With this thought, he immediately let out a sigh of relief and switched to eating quietly.    


Su Ke, who was standing across from her, looked at the three people opposite her alone. She saw that Lih Lingye, who was eating, had a dark face that was almost as dark as ink. She held back her laughter and took out her phone to send a message to Moo Nuannuan.    


"Warm, your husband is jealous."    


Moo Nuannuan's phone immediately rang.    


She put down her chopsticks and took the phone. Before she could open it, she saw a text message flash out. Su Ke's sentence stunned her for a moment, then she blinked and smiled.    


First, she was stunned because she did not know who Lih Lingye was jealous of. When she blinked, it was because she finally realized who this man was jealous of.    


Even her father was jealous. Lih Lingye was really jealous.    


No, no, no, this was a super big pot of vinegar.    


Putting down her phone, Moo Nuannuan continued to eat without batting an eyelid.    


Naturally, she still ate the food Mo Qifan gave her.    


The food in this restaurant was not bad. There was indeed a reason why there were so many people. It was because there were many returning customers, and the more returning customers, the better the food in this restaurant.    


After eating a few mouthfuls, she took the chopsticks and started to get food for Mo Qifan. "Dad, you should eat too. You've been on the plane for the whole day. It's not good if you don't eat. Don't just focus on me. You should eat more too."    


It was not enough to pick once. She picked again and again.    


It was not until she piled the small plate in front of Mo Qifan into a small hill that she could not put it away anymore that she continued to eat her own food.    


Thus, Lih Lingye's face became even darker.    


He lowered his head and looked at his own plate. It was empty.    


Moo Nuannuan did not take anything for him.    


Thinking back, Moo Nuannuan seemed to have never laid out any dishes for him.    


When the two of them ate together, she only ate her own food. Instead, it was he who kept giving her this and that...    


Lih Lingye felt unbalanced in his heart. Looking at the table full of food, if he were to take it and eat it, it would not be delicious.    


He frowned and put down his chopsticks. He didn't want to eat anymore.    


He couldn't eat anymore.    


If he could still eat, then his heart would be too big.    


He was no longer in the eyes of this little girl, only Mo Qifan.    


Mo Qifan was going too far. He and Moo Nuannuan were still in their honeymoon period, but they had already come all the way here to be their light bulbs. At this moment, only resentment was left in Lih Lingye's mind, and he almost did not treat Mo Qifan as his father.    


Therefore, not long after the meal started, Lih Lingye stopped eating. He sat in the dining chair, stunned, and glanced at Moo Nuannuan out of the corner of his eye.    


The resentment in his eyes was not concealed at all.    


"Cough..." This was the first time Su Ke had seen such a Lih Lingye. She was also stunned. If she did not see it with her own eyes and only heard it from others, she would definitely believe that this person was not the real Lih Lingye.    


She could clearly feel the jealousy and sour smell on his body, even though it was separated by the table. It was also very strong. Even the waiter who came back from the private room could smell it.    


She was convinced.    


Very convinced.    


However, while Lih Lingye was getting jealous, Mo Qifan did not feel it at all.    


It had been decades. Other than enjoying being a father in Antarctica, he had never felt it again.    


He had only enjoyed for a few dozen hours at that time. A few dozen hours was nothing compared to a few decades. It was simply too short.    


So at this moment, he wanted to get back the feeling of being a father from Moo Nuannuan.    


This was a completely different feeling from when he was in the MSK in E Country.    


At that time, he only treated her as a woman his son-in-law found. He did not dislike it. But he didn't particularly like her.    


But it was different now. He had already devoted all his love to Moo Nuannuan.    


Yes, at this moment, in his eyes, other than Moo Nuannuan, there was no one else.    


Therefore, he did not see the expression of Lih Lingye, whose face was so dark that ink was about to drip out of it.    


Therefore, Lih Lingye sat at the table with four people. Su Ke ate slowly as if he was watching a show. Only Moo Nuannuan and Mo Qifan were interacting with each other.    


Therefore, the atmosphere in the room was inexplicably awkward.    


Furthermore, it was getting more and more intense.    


Su Ke winked at Lih Lingye from time to time. Even if Lih Lingye did not respond, she would still be happy.    


Moo Nuannuan, who was beside him, acted as if she did not see him and did not feel him. She just ignored him and did not care about him.    


Yes, whether he ate or not, she did not care at all.    


However, Mo Qifan's small plate was always full of dishes. Lih Lingye felt even more unbalanced in his heart.    


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