Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1811 Make Way

C1811 Make Way

Lih Lingye narrowed his eyes and lowered his head to look at the man on the ground. "Apart from Lin Zi, who else ordered you?"    


Lin Zi had been expelled from the Lih's a long time ago. Furthermore, based on his impression of Lin Zi, he didn't seem like a capable man.    


A man who could send someone to assassinate Moo Nuannuan would never dare to do so unless he had the courage and fierceness to do so.    


That person shook his head, "Only Lin Zi."    


Lih Lingye's eyes were all on that demanding face, looking at him without blinking. From his reaction and expression, it seemed that he did not have the intention of lying.    


In total, if he hadn't casually mentioned his family just now, he wouldn't have known that his family was under house arrest by Lin Zi.    


It was just a casual probe.    


However, it hit this person's soft spot.    


He also found some clues.    


But he couldn't think of the reason why Lin Zi wanted to kill Moo Nuannuan.    


There must be a motive for killing a person.    


Waving his hand, Lih Lingye turned around and left. "Gu Jingyu, arrange a plane and send him back to the country."    


Gu Jingyu stared at Lih Lingye's back in disbelief. "You really want to let him go?"    


"We did not give him any treatment along the way. It is a punishment for him. If he can return to the country alive, just give him to his family."    


"What about his family? Should I stay in T City or... "    


"I'll find a remote town to settle down"    


Lih Lingye had already walked out of the dark room. At this moment, his mind kept thinking. He must find out the reason why Lin Zi wanted to kill Moo Nuannuan.    


Logically speaking, he had not found Moo Nuannuan for long. He had only interacted with Moo Nuannuan for a short two to three months, and Lin Zi was no longer his subordinate. So it should be impossible for him to know the relationship between him and Moo Nuannuan. After all... Ever since he confirmed that the warmth was Xianxian, he had never returned to the country. There were very few people who knew about this matter.    


But his sixth sense told him that the reason why Lin Zi wanted to assassinate Moo Nuannuan was definitely related to his relationship with Moo Nuannuan.    


Lin Zi, he remembered that this person was once a subordinate of Yin Wu.    


When he thought of this, Lih Lingye did not stop and called Lo Feng.    


The other side immediately answered, "Young Master Lih."    


"Ask Yin Wu to find out why his former subordinate, lin Zi, tried to warm him up. If you have any news, tell me immediately." Yin Wu should be the person who understood Lin Zi the most. He asked Yin Wu to investigate and shorten the time, using the fastest speed to find out the reason why Lin Zi killed Moo Nuannuan.    


"A Wu got into a car accident not long ago and became a vegetable. He is still in the hospital and is hanging on in one breath. I don't know how long he will live. Young Master Lih, let me investigate this matter."    


"Yin Wu got into a car accident? How long is it not long ago?" Lih Lingye asked coldly. This car accident was somewhat coincidental.    


They did not come out early or late, but now they were in a vegetative state in the hospital.    


It was his former subordinate who gave Moo Nuannuan a death order.    


For some reason, Lih Lingye felt that there must be something wrong with this.    


"About four days." Lo Feng hesitated for a moment, then calculated and said.    


Lih Lingye was shocked. There was a time difference between T City, Las Vegas and MSK.    


4 days ago, in T City. Wasn't it the same day he took Moo Nuannuan to do the DNA test?    


"Lo Feng, go to the hospital now and personally check on Yin Wu's condition. See if he's really in a coma and is in a vegetative state." Lih Lingye immediately ordered Lo Feng.    


Otherwise, it would be too much of a coincidence.    


Yin Wu had actually gotten into an accident on the day he confirmed that Moo Nuannuan was Bai Xianxian.    


And now, the person who gave the order to make a move on Warmth Lin was actually Yin Wu's person in the past.    


All of this was definitely not a coincidence.    


Lih Lingye instantly linked everything together.    


Lo Feng hung up the phone and went to do it.    


Lih Lingye rubbed his forehead and took out his phone. Moo Nuannuan was still sifting through the floors.    


He was looking at her when Moo Nuannuan suddenly turned her head and looked up at him.    


Her heart suddenly jumped.    


The moment he was stunned, he heard the sound of someone knocking on the door.    


Lih Lingye immediately woke up and was about to walk over to open the door. He saw Moo Nuannuan knocking on the door on the phone screen.    


"Mr Ye, look..."    


Lih Lingye rushed to the door and said without looking back. "Be your follower from now on. Um, where are you and I at night?"    


Gu Jingyu was about to kick Lih Lingye when he heard this. "Get lost."    


Where was he at night? Where did Lih Lingye follow him? He would rather not have such a follower.    


That was not a follower, it was clearly a light bulb.    


"It was you who didn't want it. Then I'll resign automatically."    


Gu Jingyu:... ""    


He was staring at Lih Lingye's back when the door opened. When he saw Moo Nuannuan, who was about to knock on the door, he realized why Lih Lingye had followed so quickly. It turned out that it was Moo Nuannuan.    


Uh, at this moment, he had a feeling that Lih Lingye was finished.    


He was eaten by Moo Nuannuan.    


When he saw Moo Nuannuan, even if he was a lackey, he would recognize her and open the door.    


When the door opened, Moo Nuannuan was stunned outside the door.    


She knocked on the door of the house and was completely attracted by the box in front of the door.    


There was Mandarin on the box. In this kind of country, seeing Mandarin made one feel inexplicably familiar.    


It was as if she had found Lih Lingye and Gu Jingyu.    


In the end, she never would have thought that the first time she knocked on the door, she would actually find Lih Lingye.    


While she was in a daze, her body suddenly felt light. She was pulled into Lih Lingye's arms. Then, a figure forcefully squeezed out from the side of the two of them, "Make way... make way."    


Gu Jingyu had obviously done it on purpose.    


However, Lih Lingye did not want to bother with him at this moment. He wished that Gu Jingyu would disappear right in front of his eyes.    


Fortunately, he didn't need to chase Gu Jingyu away. Gu Jingyu automatically rushed out and rushed towards the elevator.    


The pretty boy outside the building was still flirting with Su Ke.    


If he didn't rush down and take care of the pretty boy, he wouldn't care anymore.    


Gu Jingyu was gone.    


Moo Nuannuan was still in Lih Lingye's arms.    


The man's arms tightened, as if he wanted to embed her into his own body.    


With that kind of strength, Moo Nuannuan frowned in pain and finally woke up, "Lingye, what are you doing here?"    


When she asked this, Lih Lingye finally reacted to the people in the secret room behind him.    


He had clearly ordered Gu Jingyu to send that person back to the country.    


However, Gu Jingyu was long gone.    


He lowered his head and kissed her lips. From soft to strong. He stretched the time bit by bit, making Moo Nuannuan quietly forget the question that she had just asked.    


Everything was just his speculation and he had yet to find out the exact result. Therefore, he could not tell Moo Nuannuan anything about uncertain matters.    


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