Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1800 The Worker Who Caught His Son

C1800 The Worker Who Caught His Son

It's said that some people can get rich overnight, and some people can get poor overnight.    


Moo Nuannuan wanted to experience it, but it was not a wasted trip to Las Vegas.    


Otherwise, if she came and did not go to the most famous place in the world to gamble once, she would definitely be laughed at when she went back.    


At least she wanted to laugh at herself.    


"Warm, take a look. That look in your eyes, hahaha. He must not have thought that you would take the initiative to go to such a place." Su Ke looked at Moo Nuannuan and then at Lih Lingye and could not help but laugh.    


The words "your wife made Moo Nuannuan's face start to turn red again, i... I was just curious and that's all. I coaxed him because I was afraid that he would not allow me to go."    


"That's true. If you didn't insist on going, I'm afraid Jingyu wouldn't have agreed." Yes, yes, he had opposed it just now. However, after Moo Nuannuan became her divine assistant and when Lih Lingye didn't object to Moo Nuannuan going with them, Gu Jingyu scratched his head and didn't object.    


So, she could be considered to have borrowed Moo Nuannuan's glory.    


Suddenly, she discovered a very important fact. It was said that one thing was inferior to the other. Moo Nuannuan was the one who surrendered to Lih Lingye.    


While they were joking, the four of them all went to the parking lot.    


Gu Jingyu drove his own car. This time, it was Lih Lingye who rubbed Gu Jingyu's car. Lih Lingye's car was given to Su Ke to drive Moo Nuannuan.    


This way, both teams would have cars, and they would be able to enter and exit freely.    


Seeing that the two men's cars were far away, Su Ke stepped on the accelerator, "Warm, sit properly."    


Although it was not good to lose the two men during the honeymoon, thinking that the two women could buy and buy freely and not follow the two impatient men behind, Su Ke was in a good mood.    


Shopping was torture for men.    


But for women, it was also torture for men to follow behind them. It was not fun to buy.    


What they needed was an unlimited card.    


In the largest shopping mall in Las Vegas, there were three grades of high school and lower.    


Let's see how much money you have to squander.    


Of course, you must keep some to bring into the casino.    


Then, whether or not you can use the remaining money to exchange for more money will depend on your own ability and ability.    


Su Ke and Moo Nuannuan entered the shopping plaza and started buying and buying.    


"Warm and warm. Do you think that dress is suitable for people of my mother-in-law's age?" Su Ke was now certain that Gu Jingyu's parents were her mother-in-law and father-in-law. Actually, when she was about to get married, her parents had never opposed it. It was just that Gu Jingyu refused to agree to it alone, so she had seen her mother-in-law and father-in-law before. She liked them very much.    


Therefore, she thought that she would definitely buy some gifts for her mother-in-law and father-in-law before she returned.    


As a woman, granny loved clothes and jewelry the most. Comparing heart to heart, a woman like her naturally understood women the most.    


"That's right, I want the red one. Those who are older like bright colors. The more they live, the younger they are. The one you chose is really not bad. I also want to choose one for my mother-in-law. And my father, the old man, and my three sons. Ah, there are too many gifts to buy. If I can't get Su Ke, you have to help me get them." Moo Nuannuan heard that Su Ke was going to buy it for her mother-in-law. She also wanted to buy it for Yeh Xi.    


At this time, she was really glad that she did not bring Lih Lingye along. Otherwise, how could she buy and buy freely?    


In a woman's room, one could say whatever one wanted to say. Even if it was just teasing an old man, it was not a big deal. But when there was a man present, it was hard to say what he wanted to say, and it made him uncomfortable.    


"Okay, okay, okay. I'll help you take it. If you can't take it, we'll hire a security guard to carry it. Okay, okay. It's decided then. " Su Ke also wanted to buy a lot. Not only her mother-in-law and father-in-law, but also her and Gu Jingyu's. Although the moon in the country was the same as overseas, it was only the moon. It didn't mean that they were dressed in shoes and socks. After all, the style was much worse.    


The domestic and foreign popular styles changed into different clothes. It was a good mood every day.    


Anyway, Gu Jingyu had given her a card with no limit. She could swipe it however she wanted.    


She was already married. She didn't want to be pretentious.    


Thus, the two women bought as much fun as they could, and bought all the friends and family that they could remember.    


In the end, they hired a security guard to help carry the things. They even asked about the fee of the delivery. Because there was too much, it was unrealistic for the two of them to carry the luggage back. The delivery was definitely too heavy, so it was enough for the delivery to go back.    


After asking about the delivery, he bought and bought even more freely.    


Moo Nuannuan even bought five or six sets of clothes for her three sons. Naturally, it was the same clothes for Lih Xiaowei and Lih Xiaoke. Lih Xiaoning bought the clothes. That child had grown up and was mature. It was also a little troublesome to buy clothes. Nowadays, children of his age liked to wear clothes that were not suitable for him.    


However, she felt that adult clothes were not suitable for Lih Xiaoning. It made the child appear too mature and mature.    


However, he was clearly only eleven years old.    


When she returned to T City, she must liberate this son and let him do whatever he wanted. She will push Lih Lingye back to his original position.    


In any case, she could not catch her son's worker anymore.    


He was willing, but she was unwilling.    


That was the son of her heir.    


In the past, when she didn't know, she couldn't bear to part with him. Lih Xiaoning was even more reluctant to part with him now that he knew that he was her son.    


She also bought toys.    


Lih Xiaoning would never play with toys. He had grown up.    


In fact, Lih Xiaowei and Lih Xiaoke did not play with toys either. The two little fellows were only small, but their intelligence was definitely better than adults.    


But Moo Nuannuan just wanted to buy toys for the two children.    


She wanted to make up for the five years of missing motherly love. It would be good to buy them and put them in their room.    


In the end, when the two women finished buying and counting, they saw that there was almost a truck.    


Apart from the temporary clothes, there was no need to send it back to the hotel. They directly packed the express delivery in the shopping mall.    


This way, he wouldn't have to deal with these gifts when he was on his way back.    


With so many extravagant items, just the tax alone was enough to pay quite a bit.    


But Moo Nuannuan was still very happy. This was the first time she really bought gifts for her sons.    


Even so, she was still very happy to see the express delivery work packed.    


Her mind was also filled with the little smiles of the children when they received her gift.    


After the express delivery was sent away, Moo Nuannuan pulled Su Ke into the car, "Quickly drive to the casino." This kind of buying and buying, it was almost dawn.    


Fortunately, the shopping mall in Las Vegas was open until dawn. Otherwise, even if they were big clients, they would have been kicked out long ago.    


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