Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1790 Like a Pig

C1790 Like a Pig

However, this time, Lih Lingye, who had always been wise and farsighted, couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he tried.    


It was as if his intelligence was in debt.    


He really could not figure out what was wrong with the pictures he had taken.    


In the photos, Moo Nuannuan had bright eyes and sharp teeth. She was cute and lovable.    


Although it was said that love came from the depths of the eyes, he felt that even if he didn't like Moo Nuannuan, Moo Nuannuan was also a top beauty.    


No matter how he looked at it, he could not see enough beauty.    


After thinking for a while, Lih Lingye, who could not figure out what the problem was, surrendered. "Wife, tell me quickly. What's wrong with these photos?" His camera and phone were the perfect match, and coupled with his photography skills, when taking pictures, you pay attention to the angle to match the brightness and darkness of the light, so... He really couldn't think of any problems with the photos he took.    


There was obviously no problem.    


But if his wife said there was a problem, then there must be a problem. So he had to ask without shame. Otherwise, there would be a knot in his heart, and he would feel very uncomfortable.    


Moo Nuannuan smiled slightly, "Do you admit that we are husband and wife?"    


This made Lih Lingye a little angry. "We just registered today. How can we not be husband and wife? Warm. If you keep asking like this, I'll be angry. "    


As he spoke, his face slightly darkened, and he really looked like he was about to get angry.    


However, Moo Nuannuan was not afraid of Lih Lingye at all. "Since you think we are husband and wife, then we are husband and wife. Then why are all the photos taken? I am the only one. It feels like I am alone. My current identity is still that of a loner. How can I feel like a husband? "    


Lih Lingye suddenly came to a realization. He hugged Moo Nuannuan and said, "Come, come, let's take a selfie."    


Moo Nuannuan was slightly stunned. "There is no triangular frame with a phone or camera, and there is no selfie stick. How can we take a selfie?"    


In the end, the man's other hand held up the phone and stretched out his arm. "Hey, I have a very flexible selfie stick here." As he spoke, he shook the arm that was holding the phone.    


Yes, this was indeed a very flexible selfie stick.    


Lih Lingye adjusted the angle of his arm and took the first selfie with Moo Nuannuan.    


Then he took her and continued wandering around the West Gorge scenic area. With the first selfie, the rest of the selfies could no longer be taken.    


Most of the photos were of the two of them and the beautiful scenery of the West Gorge.    


But there were also full-body photos.    


Although there were many people in the scenic area, Lih Lingye could always find a quiet and excellent angle to take pictures. He then placed the camera on the steps, on the branches, or on the huge rocks. After adjusting the time, when the countdown began, he quickly walked in front of Moo Nuannuan and took many photos of the two people's beautiful scenery.    


However, he still decided that the next time he brought Moo Nuannuan out for a trip, he would definitely bring a triangular frame.    


This way, it would be much more convenient to take selfies of his entire body.    


Anyway, he did not like to invite people to take pictures for them. It was too troublesome. Not to mention, it also felt like their world had been invaded.    


He was unhappy.    


After the fun in the West Gorge ended, it was almost dark.    


He drove back to the downtown area of Las Vegas. Lih Lingye was in charge of driving while Moo Nuannuan was in charge of sleeping.    


Lih Lingye's car drove very steadily. Even if it was a bad section of the road, it did not feel bumpy and made Moo Nuannuan sleep very well.    


The afterglow of the setting sun hit her sleeping face. The Jianying figure that was cast down with long eyelashes was like a painting. It was so beautiful that it often distracted Lih Lingye.    


Fortunately, when he was distracted, it was always the red light.    


At this time, he would peek at the sleeping Moo Nuannuan from time to time. Not only could he not see enough, but he also felt like he was dreaming. She was his wife.    


He had a wife again.    


She was still a reasonable and legal wife.    


Moo Nuannuan slept until it was deep into the night.    


However, no matter how deep the night was, to a Nightless City like the Las Vegas, the night only added to the mysteriousness of this city. It did not have the visual impact of darkness. Instead, it felt that the night in the Las Vegas was even more beautiful.    


Moo Nuannuan was woken up by Lih Lingye.    


Actually, Lih Lingye had wanted to wake Moo Nuannuan up an hour ago, because he had carried her onto the plane an hour ago.    


On the helicopter.    


He woke Moo Nuannuan up because if she did not wake up, the small helicopter would land and refuel.    


In that case, Moo Nuannuan would miss the beautiful night in Las Vegas.    


Looking down from the sky at the night sky of Las Vegas, it was simply too beautiful.    


It was so beautiful that it made people subconsciously want to hold their breath. It was as if if if they breathed heavily, the beautiful scene in front of them would disappear.    


Therefore, when Moo Nuannuan opened her eyes, she saw the beautiful and colorful Las Vegas in front of her.    


It was too beautiful.    


It was a moving lighting show.    


The whole city was covered in colorful lights, and it was constantly changing.    


But that change was absolutely unexpected.    


So if you keep looking at it like this, every second is a pleasant surprise, absolutely beautiful.    


Moo Nuannuan looked at it in a daze. First, she thought that she was in a dream. It was only when a man's heat came from her palm that she completely woke up. She did not even know how she got onto this helicopter.    


She was clearly still in the car before she woke up.    


But in the blink of an eye, she felt that she was on the helicopter.    


How beautiful.    


It was so beautiful that she could not bear to blink. "Lih Lingye, did you put me on the helicopter?" She slept too deeply that she did not know anything.    


"Yes, like a pig. If I don't carry you up, you won't be able to get up at all."    


Moo Nuannuan was a little embarrassed, "I seem to be able to sleep very well recently." In the past, she was not like this.    


When she said this, Lih Lingye's heart was somewhat flustered. He gently coaxed her, "When we return to T City, go and do a full body check-up. Other than not being able to give birth, your health foundation is very good."    


But when he said this, Lih Lingye's heart was empty.    


Because in the five years that they had been separated from each other, what had happened to her? Although he had checked. However, he wasn't very clear about it.    


After all, he had only found some summarized text.    


As for what happened to Moo Nuannuan herself, she did not know either.    


She forgot a lot of things.    


It was obvious that someone had done something to her on purpose to make her lose those memories.    


It was precisely because she herself did not know, and he could not find out that it was very comprehensive, that he felt guilty about her physical condition.    


Or rather, he was very worried about her physical condition.    


"Okay" Compared to his worry, Moo Nuannuan did not mind.    


"Look." Suddenly, Lih Lingye pointed in a direction in surprise, indicating Moo Nuannuan to look.    


Moo Nuannuan looked down at the city in confusion. The city was very big, and she could see countless buildings with colorful lights at a glance. It was too beautiful.    


It was not until she followed the direction Lih Lingye pointed at that she found the building he told her to look at.    


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