Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1780 The Deeper the Love the More Respectful It Was

C1780 The Deeper the Love the More Respectful It Was

And then after washing up, he went to register. At this moment, Moo Nuannuan inexplicably became nervous.    


"Okay." Lih Lingye looked at the woman in front of him with warm eyes. Moo Nuannuan, who had just woken up, had a lazy aura all over her body. Naturally, she also had a delicate beauty.    


In his understanding, that coquettish beauty was something that only Moo Nuannuan and Bai Xianxian had.    


Therefore, Moo Nuannuan should be Bai Xianxian and Bai Xianxian should be Moo Nuannuan. It was as if it was a fake.    


After that, just as Moo Nuannuan turned around and was about to get off the bed, her body became light and was pulled onto the bed by Lih Lingye to rest on the pillow.    


The men who had just woken up were all in the morning air, but when they met Moo Nuannuan, their eyes were absolutely gentle, "Warm, will you regret it?"    


He actually did not have much confidence when he asked her this.    


Although he was certain that she was Bai Xianxian, that was just a deduction and actually was not 100% certain.    


There was still some vague confirmation. If it was someone else, they would definitely not admit it.    


However, Lih Lingye had a kind of magic that made people want to believe him.    


Even if it was only the sixth sense, and not a 100% scientific conclusion.    


Moo Nuannuan quietly looked at the man in front of her. He held his hands on both sides of her body. His burning eyes were filled with burning desire. Even if she looked at these eyes, she would not regret it.    


There was no reason to regret.    


Because what she saw in Lih Lingye's eyes was not perfunctory or routine, but something called love.    


She thought that he probably loved her.    


Just based on his pampering of her during this period of time, if he did not have the support of love, he would not have been able to reach this stage where he had to register for marriage.    


Only by knowing him did she truly believe that there was such a thing as love in this world.    


Moo Nuannuan shook her head reflexively when Lih Lingye asked. She stretched out her arm and wrapped it around Lih Lingye's neck. Then, she raised her head and said to Lih Lingye seriously, "I don't regret it."    


Moo Nuannuan had never been disloyal. Therefore, as long as she agreed, she would not regret it.    


She liked to look into his eyes. His eyes were like her cup. As long as she met his eyes, she could not help but be deeply attracted to him.    


Her simple and powerful words made Lih Lingye's perturbed heart burst with joy.    


He always thought that if he was not 100% sure that she was Bai Xianxian, she would suddenly be worried that she was not Bai Xianxian. He would regret it if he did not love her enough in the future.    


Fortunately, she did not regret it now.    


Otherwise, she would have to register for marriage soon. If she went back on her word, then it would be very awkward at the scene.    


His big palm wrapped around her waist, and his lips pressed against hers. He wanted to give her a good morning kiss.    


It wasn't the first time he had registered for marriage, but he was still looking forward to it. It was as if it was his first marriage. His eyes were filled with passion as he looked at her. That passion was like a ball of fire. Following his gaze, it instantly burned onto Moo Nuannuan's body. It caused the two of them to burn together.    


"Warm..." In the kiss, he muttered her name. Whether it was Bai Xianxian or Moo Nuannuan, it was his life now. It was a fate that he could not let go.    




"Nothing will happen. Don't worry." Knowing that she had been feeling uneasy last night, he comforted her in a low voice. Even if there were any problems with today's registration site, it didn't matter. Because he was there.    


"Mmm." The man's lips left and he retreated his gaze to look at her with a burning gaze. That gaze made Moo Nuannuan feel that her entire body was burning up. "I'm going to wash up."    


Then, he struggled free and went to work.    


Lih Lingye was watching her from the side. Every time he looked at her like this, he would unconsciously overlap her and Bai Xianxian.    


Half an hour later, Moo Nuannuan, who was wearing a fiery red dress, held Lih Lingye's hand and walked out of the hotel room.    


The moment she went out, she welcomed Su Ke and Gu Jingyu, who had just opened the door.    


The two women looked at each other. Both of them had the same red color.    


The two men also looked at each other. Both of them wore suits with red edges. They were clearly dressed in couples' attire.    


In such a day, although it was definitely not as grand as the wedding scene, it was still an absolutely important day.    


Therefore, the two women who had absolute autonomy in their clothing arranged everything for their men.    


Fortunately, the two men didn't object to the red side of the suit. Although they felt that it was a little showy when they looked in the mirror, they obediently put it on.    


Then, they, who did not seem old to begin with, instantly became more than ten years younger, as if they were still young boys in school.    


"Warm and warm." Seeing Moo Nuannuan, Su Ke rushed over and directly held Moo Nuannuan's hand, "Come, let's go together."    


Moo Nuannuan immediately freed herself from Lih Lingye's arm and walked towards the elevator with Su Ke arm in arm. The remaining two men behind looked at each other in disgust and then curled their lips together. They definitely would not be like a woman who would cooperatively pull her arm together. A man holding an arm with a man was too eye piercing and they did not want it.    




"Hmph, hmph."    


It was Lih Lingye who snorted at Gu Jingyu first. Because Gu Jingyu did not teach his wife well and took the initiative to take Moo Nuannuan away, it was all Gu Jingyu's fault.    


Gu Jingyu cast a glance at Lih Lingye. His eyes and brows were all saying that it was all Lih Lingye's fault. Su Ke went to take Moo Nuannuan away, and Moo Nuannuan let her take it. This was too damn easy to pull. It was her fault that she did not refuse.    


Thus, when they entered the elevator, the two women continued to hold hands and laugh. The two men stood far away in the corner and looked at their wife.    


When they were about to register, they really had to register. All of a sudden, they were all a little excited.    


However, they all suppressed their emotions, absolutely not letting the other party see that they were excited. Otherwise, it would be the impression of a young man who was neither reserved nor steady.    


The elevator stopped.    


The four of them walked out of the elevator together.    


As soon as they stepped out of the elevator, Gu Jingyu went over to grab Su Ke. Without saying anything, a big man took the initiative to pull Su Ke's arm. Lih Lingye was naturally not slow either. He absolutely could not let another woman bully his wife anymore, not even a young woman.    


Moo Nuannuan could only belong to him today.    


They had been together for many days, but there had been no substantial progress. But from today onwards, their relationship would have a qualitative leap.    


Not only would she become his wife internationally, she would also completely become his wife. He had waited for this day for a long time. Even if he had confirmed that she must be Bai Xianxian, he did not cross the bottom line.    


It was only for the sake of the deeper one loved, the more one understood respect. If he loved her, he would respect her.    


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