Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1773 Instant Switch

C1773 Instant Switch

Hearing Gu Jingyu's words, the two men immediately looked at their colleagues.    


At the same time, Gu Jingyu suddenly stood up and strode towards Su Ke.    


Su Ke was stunned once again.    


Why did she feel that the person walking towards her was Gu Jingyu, not Mr. Gu?    


It was as if in an instant, the two of them had switched places.    


No, it seemed like the expression in Gu Jingyu's eyes had changed when the two people who had been beaten up walked towards Gu Jingyu and his colleagues.    


He had turned back into the real Gu Jingyu, and was no longer Mr. Gu.    


It was all for the sake of... Although the two of them looked exactly the same, their auras were completely different.    


Gu Jingyu walked towards Su Ke, step by step, steady and calm.    


The faint smile on his lips was like the most beautiful blooming flower in spring, making Su Ke's heart beat faster, "You... you are..."    


She couldn't help but want to confirm, because she liked Gu Jingyu, not Mr. Gu.    


Now she only had a slight favorable impression of Mr. Gu, there was only one reason. When Gu Jingyu was interrogated just now, Mr. Gu came out to shoulder the responsibility.    


Therefore, she didn't hate Mr. Gu anymore.    


But she absolutely didn't like him either.    


Gu Jingyu smiled evilly and stood in front of Su Ke. Suddenly, he bent over and bit her ear to say something.    


Su Ke's face instantly turned red.    


After that, she was picked up by Gu Jingyu. He carried her and walked to the place where he had been drinking tea and watching the noise. He sat down and looked at the people in front of him.    


At this moment, that person was explaining to the two people who had been beaten up, "Before he came in, he posted the video of us framing him in the Cloud Space on the E country forum. Now the whole country knows that we have been beaten up and made a confession."    


"Is... is that so?" The two of them turned on their phones and surfed the internet. They opened all the major forums and saw that the other colleagues who had heard about it had done the same thing.    


Then, in just over a minute, they were all shocked.    


A small video was spreading crazily on the Internet.    


It was two men wearing masks. They took a suitcase from a storage rack and quietly stuffed two bags of stuff into the suitcase.    


Although he moved very quickly, it could be vaguely seen that it was the two small bags they took out from Gu Jingyu's suitcase.    


Therefore, this video was enough to prove that the things in Gu Jingyu and Su Ke's luggage had nothing to do with them.    


They were also framed.    


When the police dealt with the case, they only emphasized on witnesses and not special witnesses. Now, they had been criticized by everyone.    


Almost the entire Internet was denouncing their bureau.    


That was because there was another small video following closely behind the video. It was the scene of them capturing the two 'suspects', but the suspects were clearly caught wrong. They should have arrested the two people who wore masks in their luggage and things, not Gu Jingyu and Su Ke.    


Although there were only two side faces in the video about the two of them, it was obvious that it was the two of them.    


"You... How did you get people to send these two videos?" The second one was a screenshot of the surveillance video. Gu Jingyu had already been controlled by them at that time, but he could still release the news and let people release these two videos. This was not a small ability.    


Gu Jingyu smiled coldly. Did they all think that his identity as the Gu family's patriarch was for nothing?    


It was a competition of strength.    


Otherwise, if he didn't have the strength, he would have been taken over by the other members of the Gu family long ago.    


He spread his hands. "You guys scared my girlfriend."    


The wicked voice was completely different from the previous Leng Su. However, the people present were all shocked by his flirtatious actions. Furthermore, they had never thought that there would be two people in front of and behind him. In fact, they had different personalities. Therefore, they had no idea about Gu Jingyu's change.    


But Su Ke knew.    


She suddenly understood why Mr. Gu changed his identity the moment the two people who were beaten up by him walked over.    


It was already very rare for Mr. Gu to imitate Gu Jingyu and say those words.    


She remembered the last time she saw Mr. Gu, he had said those words to her. At most, he had said one word, die.    


His appearance was the feeling of wanting to kill someone.    


But this time, the cold aura on his body was much weaker than before.    


"Miss Su, I apologize. We all apologize. I'm sorry."    




" I'm sorry. "    




The sounds of apologies kept sounding out, and everyone on the scene began to apologize.    


After all, those videos were not a joke.    


If this was spread throughout the entire country, it might cause a national protest against their atrocities and forced confessions.    


At that time, the chaos caused by them might cause him to lose his job.    


Losing his job was still a small matter. It was very likely that he would be the one to enter.    


Not only did he fail to catch others, but he had also harmed himself. The loss outweighed the gain.    


Each and every one of them was very sensible.    


The higher-ups already knew about the videos, so the most important thing to do now was to suppress the situation. Otherwise, it would be very difficult to suppress the situation if the situation was like a rolling snowball getting bigger and bigger.    


Su Ke looked at the people who were apologizing to her in a daze. Then, she ignored these people and said, "Give me back my phone."    


All of them turned on their phones and went online to check some videos. Then, all of their faces changed.    


Thus, her curiosity was aroused. She also wanted to see what kind of videos they were.    


A male policeman immediately went to take the phones that he had found from the two of them. He respectfully handed them to Gu Jingyu and Su Ke. "Sir, madam, this is your phones."    


The word Madam behind the sir made the anger in Gu Jingyu's eyes disappear at a speed visible to the naked eye. He hugged Su Ke and casually took his hand. He did not make things difficult for this person.    


Su Ke immediately turned on her phone and went online.    


Then, she quickly understood why these people were so respectful to her and Gu Jingyu.    


She turned her head and stuck her small mouth to Gu Jingyu's ear, "What did you do?" It was so magical.    


She originally wanted to ask this man after she went back, but she was too curious. So she couldn't wait any longer.    


In the end, Gu Jingyu returned to her original body with an evil aura and said, "Give me a kiss and I'll tell you."    


Su Ke was looking down at her phone, but even though she lowered her head, she could still feel the living people around her. It was really embarrassing for her to kiss Gu Jingyu in front of so many people. So, after weighing the pros and cons, she finally gritted her teeth and said: "If you want to say it, don't say it. I don't want to hear it."    


Gu Jingyu accidentally touched her face and then spoke in a low voice.    


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