Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1751 Wolf Spray

C1751 Wolf Spray

It looks like a pretty rich girl, she might even be able to get her family property if she got the girl's body. She would never let go of such a beautiful thing.    


Su Ke ran as she swept her gaze across the shops on both sides of the road.    


It was already so late at night. Although the MSK was Nightless City, it was only limited to the road. The buildings on both sides of the road were decorated with colorful light bulbs.    


As for her, she had been running like this for a few minutes, but she hadn't seen a single store open for business.    


There were no hotels or nightclubs.    


Usually, hotels and nightclubs would be open for business at this hour.    


Su Ke was a little anxious.    


But the more anxious she was, the less she could see the shops opening.    


"Miss, don't run away. I won't harm you. I just want to help you." The driver saw Su Ke running faster and faster. As he ran, he stretched out his hand to pull Su Ke.    


The man in E was tall and had long legs and arms. Furthermore, he was a young man. It was as easy as turning his hand to chase a petite girl like Su Ke. He reached out his hand and pulled Su Ke into his arms.    


"Let go." Su Ke lowered her head and bit the driver's arm.    


How could she believe that he would not harm her just because he chased after her like that?    


"Miss, it's just for fun. Why are you so agitated? Don't bite. Don't worry, I will be very gentle to you." The driver was in pain. His other hand went to grab Su Ke's long hair, wanting to pull it away from her so that she wouldn't continue to bite him.    


He watched as the man made a move. And she couldn't break free at all.    


At this time, even if she called for help, it was useless. What she saw just now was not even a shadow.    


Su Ke did not struggle anymore. He slowly loosened his lips, and a scent of blood entered his nose.    


She wiped her lips and suddenly said softly, "You want to play?"    


Her voice made the driver happy, "As long as you agree, you can pay me however much you want. I'll return your bracelet too."    


He would snatch it first before coaxing her.    


He would use both soft and hard methods.    


This way, if he could get this girl, he would only need to take a special photo of her. Then, according to the conservative concepts of the Asians, he only needs to use her special photo to threaten her... From now on, she would be his money tree, and he could get as much money as he wanted.    


"Will you really return the bracelet to me?" Su Ke seemed to be coaxed by him, and asked the man in a relaxed manner.    


"Yes, really." The man smiled evilly. At this moment, when he looked at Su Ke at such a close distance, his heart was even more restless. The women of their E Nation were all tall and strong. Therefore, he now liked a petite and beautiful girl like Su Ke. No matter how he looked at her, she looked beautiful, and no matter how he looked at her, he was moved.    


"Alright then. Where do you live?" Su Ke stood up straight and once again used the corner of her eye to look around. Only a car had just passed by and it was very fast. Even if she chased now, it would be useless.    


She simply could not catch up.    


Naturally, she could not ask for help.    


"It's a bit far, but if you drive there, it'll be very fast. Let's go. Follow me into the car." The man also relaxed. He thought that he could easily hook up with a woman. His mood was very good, and his expression became very casual.    


"Okay." Su Ke smiled. She was definitely a little girl's delicate beauty.    


The man turned around and prepared to lure Su Ke into his car again, and then get her to his house.    


But at this moment, he felt something flash in front of him. Immediately, there was a sharp pain and spiciness on his face.    


It was spicy to the point that his eyes were filled with gold.    


He turned around in pain and was about to push Su Ke away, "Stinky bird, you..."    


Su Ke neatly took two steps back, but before she retreated, she pressed two more anti-wolf spray compressions. These two compressions were much fiercer than the first, because the first spray came from the side of the man's face. No matter what, it could not hit the right spot.    


But the second and third spray was different. It was directly aimed at the face.    


"Ah... Ah... Ah..." The man was in pain and hurriedly covered his eyes. He did not have the time or the ability to attack Su Ke. Now, even Su Ke could not see clearly. Ah... Ah... Ah... The man was in pain and hurriedly covered his eyes. He did not have the time or the ability to attack Su Ke.    


Su Ke saw that the man squatted down in pain. Suddenly, she stepped forward and kicked the man. She used all of her strength to kick the man to death.    


The bracelet was given to her by Gu Jingyu. The things Gu Jingyu gave her were not bad. There were at least hundreds of thousands of them. If he said it was black, it would be black. After that, he wanted to take advantage of her. As expected, there was never a lack of scum in this world.    


Too bad.    


That man originally thought that after Su Ke sprayed the anti-wolf spray, he retreated and ran. He never would have thought that Su Ke would turn around and kick him. Although her strength was not as strong as the man's, she still used all her strength to kick him to the ground.    


Su Ke continued to follow up. The anti-wolf spray violently sprayed towards his face and kicked as it sprayed.    


Her anti-wolf spray was the most expensive spray that she had bought in the physical store. After buying it for a long time, it finally came in handy this time.    


The whole bottle was sprayed on the man's face and neck, and the invisible man could only bear Su Ke's kick again and again.    


Finally, the tall and fierce man was kicked to the ground by the petite Su Ke. He could only cover his eyes and wail in pain.    


Su Ke only walked to a tree two steps away and broke a branch. She picked the bulging pocket of the man's shirt that she had been avoiding and, as expected, picked out her bracelet. She opened it to take a look and found that it was in good condition. Su Ke then let out a sigh of relief, "Stinky man. I will not change my name or change my name. My name is Su Ke. Anyway, you have the phone number. You can call the police as you wish. But your fare, I am sorry. I just won't pay. I just don't want to give it to you. You can tell me where you want to go. "    


After saying that, he gave another kick before turning around and leaving.    


This road was a bit remote, to the extent that the man from before had been crying out loudly. Up until now, not a single person had appeared.    


Thinking about how the man had a car, if he recovered later and drove over, in the end, she would be the one to suffer.    


So Su Ke immediately took out her phone and searched the local map. Following the map, she immediately turned into an alley. She walked very fast in the alley and wished she could walk to the end of the alley.    


Otherwise, if she met a scumbag like the driver just now, she would not even have the anti-wolf spray. She was a weak girl and could not deal with him at all.    


Fortunately, Su Ke finally did not decline this time. It only took her a few minutes to cross that alley and her vision suddenly became clear.    


The neon lights were flashing and the lights were blurred. Occasionally, there were young people who were walking past and when they passed by her, there were people who whistled at her.    


She didn't know if it was... It wasn't because of that man's harassment just now, but because she was a little panicked, so when she saw a bar that was opening, she walked in.    


There were a lot of people on the dance floor, and there were many young men and women on the dance floor. Su Ke noticed that there was a two-person block in the corner, so she walked over.    


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