Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1696 Die

C1696 Die

He looked into her eyes, and the original ferocity seemed to slowly fade away, and his eyes gradually became clear.    


That clear and bright gaze was what Su Ke was familiar with.    


"Jingyu, I'm Keke, it's Keke." She shook his arm, wanting to regain the consciousness of his first personality. That was the Gu Jingyu she was familiar with.    


But as she shook and looked, Su Ke realized that something was wrong with Gu Jingyu again.    


His eyes were bloodshot and had already covered up the clarity from before. His muddy eyes stared at her as if he was trying his best to endure something.    


That turbid blood made Su Ke's heart tighten, "Jingyu, think about it carefully. We are about to get married. At that time, I will be your wife."    


However, Gu Jingyu's eyes began to turn turbid rapidly. His entire body was emitting a violent aura. "Go to hell."    


He suddenly grabbed Su Ke with his big palm and kicked open the car door. Su Ke was thrown out like a parabola.    


Then, she landed on the ground with a bang.    


It hurt.    


Very painful.    


Su Ke lay on the grass and struggled to lift her head to look at Gu Jingyu who was getting off the car. He was like a wild beast. At this moment, no matter who it was, in his eyes, it was food that he could tear apart.    


The long legs that were once especially cool in her eyes were now in front of her in the blink of an eye.    


The violent Gu Jingyu stepped on Su Ke's chest, "Die."    


He crushed her.    




Apart from crushing, crushing.    


Su Ke tightly hugged one of Gu Jingyu's legs, hoping that his foot could be gentle. Jingyu," she said softly. Wake up. I am Su Ke. I love you. I've loved you for a long time. Jingyu, we agreed that I would give birth to your child. You can't ruin me, Jingyu. I don't want to see you regret it. That would hurt..."    


In that case, it would hurt her body, but the one who regretted self-blame and pain the most was Gu Jingyu.    


With this thought, Su Ke's mind flashed with the scene of her injured lying on the bed, and Gu Jingyu self-blame for cutting himself. She did not want him to regret crippling himself.    


She was with him, and now she only wanted the best memories.    


But now he...    


Su Ke finally understood why this man was so determined to not marry her in the past.    


When she was with him, she would be in danger at any time.    


This Gu Jingyu was too terrifying.    


It was so terrifying that it made people feel like they were about to die just by looking at him.    


Su Ke felt that she was going to die.    


Moreover, she was going to die under the feet of the man she deeply loved.    


Suddenly, a faint smile appeared on her lips. It was good that she died in Gu Jingyu's hands just like that.    


She had been abandoned by others since she was young. She was an orphan. She was used to the cold weather and the warmth of the human world. In these few years, when she seriously thought about it, only Bai Xianxian, Gu Jingyu, Lingmei and Faang Wenxue cared about her and treated her well.    


And when she thought about it carefully, the happiest time of her life was actually given to her by Gu Jingyu.    


Su Ke's beautiful eyes turned slightly and looked up at the man who was sending her to death with tears in her eyes. The corner of her mouth was already overflowing with blood.    


The bright red color was in stark contrast to her fair little face. It was as eye-catching as a peach blossom.    


Even if she had to die, she still wanted to look at this man. She wanted to deeply engrave him in her mind, and then he would flow through the mountains and rivers. In another reincarnation, she still wanted to love this man.    


It wasn't that he didn't want to marry her in the past. It was because he loved her.    


It wasn't that he didn't love her now. It was because he had lost himself.    


He didn't know who he was.    


Blood flowed from the corner of his mouth to his neck. That sticky feeling made Su Ke's heart freeze. She still did not give up. She clearly had a beautiful future with Gu Jingyu, but she still wanted to give birth to a son and a daughter. Then, the family of four went out together, went shopping together, and traveled together. He was in charge of driving the car and carrying the bag. She was in charge of holding the hands of the two babies and following behind him steadily.    


But now...    


Then all the good things might no longer be possible.    


Su Ke could not hold it any longer and closed her eyes.    


"Bang." There was a dull sound.    


Immediately, a familiar male scent drifted into her nose. It was so close. So close.    


Su Ke opened her eyes in a daze. Gu Jingyu's cold and handsome face was now in front of her.    


That was why his aura was so thick that it entered her nose and heart.    


However, the man who had a cold expression and deep eyes just now... At this moment, he had already closed his eyes. She reached out and touched his face.    


He did not dodge.    


He also didn't have any reaction.    


He just obediently let her touch him like a cat.    


"Gu Jingyu, why are you sleeping again?" Su Ke asked in a daze and suddenly woke up. At the same time, she raised her head and looked behind Gu Jingyu. When she saw the young man who was frowning and blaming himself, she finally understood why Gu Jingyu had fallen.    


So it was Lih Xiaoning who had returned.    


Everyone else went into the villa.    


He was the only one who looked back worriedly after he went in.    


It was also this child who had just saved her life.    


Seeing the self-blame in the child's eyes, Su Ke pointed her finger at her lips and made a shushing motion.    


Lih Xiaoning understood that Su Ke was telling him that after Gu Jingyu woke up, he was not allowed to tell Gu Jingyu what he did to her.    


She did not want him to know and did not want him to regret it.    


If he knew, not only would he regret it, he would also blame himself. At the same time, he was afraid that her divorce plan would be put on hold like before.    


However, she felt that if she wanted him to get better, the most intimate company and trust would be the most effective medicine.    


She didn't want to give up on him.    


Giving up on him was giving up on herself.    


Lih Xiaoning sniffled. Gu Jingyu was knocked unconscious again. Su Ke had just been injured by Gu Jingyu's violence. She even bled. "Aunt Ke, let me call a doctor."    


Su Ke shook her head. "No. You go and ask Mu Yebai and Ji Yichen to bring him to the room. As for me, I can slowly get up by myself. Just take some medicine. "    


She did not want to call a doctor. She did not want others to know that she was hurt by Gu Jingyu.    


The less people knew, the less likely it would spread to Gu Jingyu, who would wake up in the future.    


In any case, she just didn't want him to worry about her.    


Lih Xiaoning frowned. "I'll invite a doctor in plain clothes to come into the manor. I won't let anyone see that he's here to diagnose your illness." After he finished speaking, he bent over to help Su Ke up.    


Su Ke used the youth's strength to slowly stand up. Then, the smile on the corner of her mouth became even wider. "You see, I'm really fine. I stood up, right?"    


Lih Xiaoning did not say anything. Instead, he lowered his head and sent a message to Mu Yebai and Ji Yichen.    


Two minutes later, two men rushed out. When they saw Su Ke so weak that she looked like she could be blown away by a gust of wind, they wished they could kick Gu Jingyu. "When he wakes up, I will make him regret it and make him apologize to you."    


"No." Su Ke looked at the two men pleadingly. "It has nothing to do with him."    


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