Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1680 Something Happened

C1680 Something Happened

"Don't tell mom I borrowed your phone. You go to sleep first, I'll give it back to you tomorrow morning." Lih Xiaoning actually didn't want to show any emotions.    


Borrowing the phone would make Su Ke suspect something.    


But if he did not lend it, he really could not wait.    


He could investigate Lih Lingye and Gu Jingyu's whereabouts, but if he didn't have any clues, it would undoubtedly be like finding a needle in a haystack. Then he might not be able to find anything in the entire night.    


Even if he had people, those people were all in Country Z in City T, or scattered in corners of the world. It was impossible for them to gather here in a short period of time, so far away water could not save fire.    


But now with Su Ke's map of Gu Jingyu's location, he could easily find the whereabouts of Lih Lingye and Gu Jingyu.    


Therefore, Lih Xiaoning could not care about what Su Ke might suspect. He had to find Lih Lingye and Gu Jingyu first.    


He couldn't find them. He could not sleep at all this night.    


After Lih Lingye called him and turned off his phone, it indicated that something had happened over there.    


As expected, he took Su Ke's phone and was about to go back to his room to check on her when Su Ke anxiously followed him out. "Did something happen? Can I make a call to Gu Jingyu first to confirm?"    


When she finished speaking, Moo Nuannuan's room door not far away also opened.    


Moo Nuannuan walked out and saw Su Ke and Lih Xiaoning in the corridor. "Ning, Su Ke, what are you doing?"    


Lih Xiaoning was stunned. He thought Moo Nuannuan had already fallen asleep at this time. At least she was lying on the bed waiting for her father's reply. Then she fell asleep unconsciously.    


Unexpectedly, Moo Nuannuan, who could not fall asleep, pushed open the door and came out. She even knocked him and Su Ke right in the middle.    


"Mom, I have something to discuss with Aunt Ke." He smiled and spoke in a calm manner as if nothing had happened. He had really come to see Su Ke and discuss some matters with her.    


However, no matter how calm Lih Xiaoning acted, it was useless. Because Moo Nuannuan had already discovered the phone in his hand at the first moment.    


After all, there was a difference between male and female phones.    


Moreover, Su Ke's phone was a pink one. Even if she had never seen Su Ke's phone, she knew that the pink phone in Lih Xiaoning's hand did not belong to him. Furthermore, she had seen Su Ke's phone was pink.    


"Do we need to borrow a cell phone to discuss matters?" Moo Nuannuan spoke rudely and also exposed Lih Xiaoning with one sentence.    


For some reason, she felt that something must have happened.    


Otherwise, Lih Xiaoning definitely wouldn't have looked for Su Ke in the middle of the night.    


What matter must be discussed at this time? Would it not be nice to talk about it when they set off for the trip tomorrow morning?    


It would not affect their rest or sleep.    


Lih Xiaoning was embarrassed. The young man's white face suddenly turned red. He scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "Godfather Gu did not come back. I am a little worried. I want to study the route Godfather Gu took tonight and ask where my father is."    


Moo Nuannuan was stunned for a second and then said, "Where is Lingye? I can just call him and ask him. There is no need to go through so much trouble." He said that he still needed to study Gu Jingyu's route of travel and also asked Gu Jingyu. Why did he go around in such a roundabout way? She just needed to make a phone call.    


As Moo Nuannuan spoke, she had already picked up her phone.    


But before she could dial, she heard Lih Xiaoning say, "Mom, father's phone is off." The meaning behind his words was that he had already called. He originally did not want to tell Moo Nuannuan, but seeing that Moo Nuannuan was about to call Lih Lingye, even if he did not say it, Moo Nuannuan would know very soon.    


He had to say it.    


Otherwise, if Moo Nuannuan herself found out that Lih Lingye's phone was switched off, he would have a feeling of hiding it from Moo Nuannuan.    


Even though he really did hide it.    


"Lingye's phone is turned off?" Moo Nuannuan looked up at Lih Xiaoning and then looked at Su Ke. "The two of them are together. Hurry up and call Gu Jingyu."    


"Sister-in-law, Jingyu's phone is also turned off." Su Ke bit her lips. At this moment, accompanying Moo Nuannuan made her nervous.    


"Then where did you find his route?" Moo Nuannuan became anxious and her brain could not think straight.    


"It should be his watch. That watch can upload the track through WeChat. So, although his phone is turned off, the route of his travel has always been displayed in real-time on my phone."    


"Did something happen?" Otherwise, it was impossible for one phone to be turned off without electricity, and the other person's phone to be turned off as well. That would be too much of a coincidence.    


"Mom, let me take a look at the trajectory of the action. After studying it for a while, I'll immediately send someone to the scene to investigate. There should be news about father and Godfather Gu soon. Don't be nervous. His father and Godfather Gu were not ordinary people, even if something happened. Both of them have the ability and ability to protect themselves." Lih Xiaoning could only comfort Moo Nuannuan. The most important thing right now was to find out the whereabouts of the two of them. Otherwise, no matter what he said, he would be powerless and pale.    


"Then quickly go and find out." Moo Nuannuan came back to her senses. It was useless for her to question Lih Xiaoning here. She quickly found out where the person was. Whether it was safe or not was the most important.    


Lih Xiaoning nodded. "I will go and investigate." He took Su Ke's phone and walked into his room. He clicked on Gu Jingyu's route of travel and examined it with a frown.    


Su Ke and Moo Nuannuan followed him at the same time. They looked at Lih Xiaoning who was busy checking.    


Both of them did not speak and kept quiet to make it easier for Lih Xiaoning to check people.    


Time passed minute by minute and second and the room was very quiet. Only three people were breathing softly.    


Lih Xiaoning could already feel the two of them following him in, but now he had no time to care about their feelings.    


Because, he had scanned Gu Jingyu's route and told him that Gu Jingyu and Lih Lingye's journey tonight was not as simple as drinking and chatting about life.    


They had definitely gone out to do something together.    


After that, they drank together.    


The bar that stayed the longest was probably after doing something.    


That meant that they should have finished their business and then completely relax to go drink and relax for a bit.    


Since they had done something, they had already drunk their alcohol. Why did they go out now?    


This was not easy to explain.    


After all, everyone knew that alcohol would make things worse.    


So if he really wanted to do something, he would have done it before drinking. Why did he go to drink after doing one thing, and then go to do another thing?    


Unless it was a drinking competition, there was really no reason for him to do things after drinking.    


And he had never heard of any drinking contest in the MSK tonight.    


Therefore, he subconsciously felt that something had happened to Lih Lingye and Gu Jingyu.    


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