Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1677 He Entered the Police Station

C1677 He Entered the Police Station

Lih Lingye was still typing the code with his fingers.    


At this moment, he could only rely on himself.    


He did not believe anyone in his bar.    


One minute.    


Two minutes.    


Lih Lingye's forehead was full of sweat.    


His palms were also covered in sweat.    


In front of him were the staff walking around.    


Because he didn't push open the toilet bars one by one like before and cause trouble in the bar. Instead, he just leaned against the wall. So these staff members didn't do anything to him, but they all looked at him as if they were facing a great enemy. It was as if he would destroy the facilities of the bar in the next second and attack a customer.    


Lih Lingye completely ignored him.    


He also did not have time to pay attention to the angry curses and glares of these staff members.    


Right now, his mind was only occupied by Gu Jingyu.    


He wanted to find Gu Jingyu.    


If he found Gu Jingyu, he would not be able to find him if he randomly searched.    


He had to use scientific and advanced methods to find Gu Jingyu's whereabouts in the shortest possible time.    


Suddenly, his phone flashed.    


The bar's surveillance was restored.    


Yes, everything was restored.    


Although it had taken him a full three minutes, it was much easier to investigate Gu Jingyu's whereabouts now.    


Five minutes later, the sweat on Lih Lingye's forehead became thicker as he scrolled through the frame of the video.    


Something happened to Gu Jingyu.    


Lih Lingye's face darkened when he saw the person who attacked Gu Jingyu.    


It was the woman who wanted to drink with the two of them. After being rejected, she wanted to treat the two of them to a dance.    


However, it was the two of them who chased her away.    


In the surveillance camera, when Gu Jingyu was walking towards the washroom and passing by the two women, his body suddenly went limp and he staggered. Then, he was dragged out of the pub by the two women.    


Yes, Gu Jingyu was dragged out of the bar by the two women.    


In the end, it seemed like he couldn't even walk.    


He was directly carried out.    


His limp body was telling Lih Lingye that Gu Jingyu had been drugged.    


Finally, Gu Jingyu was thrown into a black car without a license plate.    


Then he disappeared into the darkness.    


When Lih Lingye found this place, he rushed out of the bar as fast as he could.    


Just as he was about to get into the car and leave the bar, he was stopped by the police.    


"Sir, you are suspected of disturbing public order. You are under arrest." Immediately, the police handcuffs were raised in front of Lih Lingye.    


He turned around and looked at the bar behind him.    


This glance was to warn the person who was plotting against him and Gu Jingyu.    


If his guess was correct, this person was very likely to be Yamamoto Canglang.    


Lih Lingye did not struggle, nor did he resist the police.    


Because this was the MSK of E country, and not the T city.    


Even if the police here knew his name, they would not give him any face.    


But he also knew that the police here also paid attention to evidence. If there was no evidence, they would not arrest him.    


Now, it was just taking him away for questioning.    


But if they took him away like this, he would not be able to investigate Gu Jingyu's whereabouts.    


Thinking of this, Lih Lingye raised his hand directly. "I'll call the police. My friend went missing in this bar and was taken away."    


At this moment, his mind was full of the two women who took Gu Jingyu away.    


With Gu Jingyu's shrewdness, he would not be caught easily.    


Furthermore, when he passed by the two women, he did not drink or eat anything from them.    


Therefore, Lih Lingye really couldn't understand how Gu Jingyu fell for their trick.    


The more he couldn't understand, the more he wanted to know the truth.    


In any case, he absolutely couldn't be casually brought into the police station right now.    


He didn't expect Yamamoto Canglang to make a move so quickly.    


It was too fast.    


He made his move in less than a night.    


But Yamamoto Canglang wanted to catch him even more.    


His fluent E language made the police frown, but they still insisted on bringing him into the police car.    


Then, they asked around in the police car.    


His attitude was still fair.    


It didn't seem like he was being used to arrest him.    


Lih Lingye didn't exaggerate, but told him everything that had happened.    


The police still didn't believe him, so Lih Lingye asked them to check the surveillance cameras.    


He had already fixed the surveillance cameras, but he did not tell anyone in the bar.    


So, the people in the bar thought he was a drunk man who had drunk too much and had gone crazy. They didn't know anything about Gu Jingyu at all.    


Therefore, if the police went in to investigate Gu Jingyu at this time, there should be a result very soon. Soon, it would prove that what he said was the truth.    


Lih Lingye was handcuffed in the police car.    


His phone was taken away by the police.    


When the police appeared, he dialed Lih Xiaoning's number. He did not know if the child had answered, nor did he know what the child knew at this time.    


But what he could do at this moment was to wait quietly.    


He believed that his son's ability would definitely not be inferior to his.    


Lih Xiaoning would definitely bail him out, and Lih Xiaoning would definitely save Gu Jingyu.    


This son of his had always been proud.    


It was because of this son of his that he became a target of envy and jealousy.    


It didn't matter even if his son didn't answer his call.    


As long as Lih Xiaoning saw that he hadn't picked up the phone, he would definitely be alert.    


Lih Lingye closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.    


Ten minutes later, the police returned.    


Lih Lingye was still brought to the police station.    


He was locked up in the so-called small black room.    


The whole place was silent.    


Lih Lingye leaned against the wall and closed his eyes.    


At this moment, there was nothing he could do.    


He could only silently pray that Gu Jingyu would be fine.    


Even at this moment, he felt that it was a very blissful thing for him to be locked up in this small dark room of the police station.    


At least, it was much happier than being robbed by Gu Jingyu.    


He was much luckier than Gu Jingyu.    


Yamamoto Canglang's men must have wanted to take Gu Jingyu away first, then take him away.    


He was lucky to find the problem, and only then could he be brought to the police station.    


Time in the dark suddenly slowed down.    


It was as if an old man more than a hundred years old was tottering on his own, and that solitary time had turned everything into torture.    


It was as if he could not reach his destination no matter how hard he tried.    


In the manor on the outskirts of MSK.    


Lih Xiaoning had already knocked on Moo Nuannuan's door.    


Moo Nuannuan was leaning on a pillow and reading the news today. She found that her and Lih Lingye's restaurant had become a hot topic today.    


She had no idea how it ended up being on the trending page.    


When Lih Lingye went out, he left a message for her. He told her to go out for a walk. He would bring the old and young to travel tomorrow morning. Lih Xiaoning had already arranged the journey.    


With the father and son here, she realized that she didn't need to worry at all. She just needed to follow them and enjoy the happiness of having family.    


It had been a long time since she was this happy.    


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