Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1669 He Was a Kitten

C1669 He Was a Kitten

In any case, he didn't need to worry about giving Lih Lingye to his subordinates.    


He would just treat it as accompanying Lih Lingye out for a tour of the car river and the MSK under the night sky.    


He smiled as he stared at Su Ke's reply.    


There was only one word good, but in his eyes, it turned into Su Ke's small face.    


Her small face was flushed red as she looked at him. It made him really want her to be by his side at this moment, and then hug her in his arms.    


Gu Jingyu just stared at her like that. Suddenly, the woman sent another message, "Gu Jingyu, let's share the location. If you lose it, I can find you. Be good."    


After that, not only Gu Jingyu, even Lih Lingye was very grateful to Su Ke. She was a talkative person. In one sentence, it was this sentence that allowed Gu Jingyu to share the position that saved both of their lives.    


When Gu Jingyu saw the word obedient, his mind instantly imagined the appearance of a kitten. Then, in the next second, the kitten overlapped with his tall and straight figure.    


It was very inconsistent.    


It was too inconsistent.    


He wasn't a kitten.    


But then he thought, to others, he definitely wouldn't be a kitten.    


But to Su Ke, he was willing to do it.    


He was willing to do it.    


"Okay." Gu Jingyu also replied, okay. He looked at Su Ke's reply and saw that it was a pair.    


It felt like they were husband and wife.    


The more he read, the more comfortable he felt.    


The corner of his mouth curled up when he saw it.    


In the eyes of his subordinate by the side, although it was just a sneak glance, he was also directly stunned.    


It was widely known that Young Master Gu rarely smiled.    


And he had always been an evil ruffian.    


Such a gentle smile was simply...    


Even a man like him would be instantly killed.    


In just a second, he no longer dared to look at Gu Jingyu.    


Otherwise, if he looked again, he would probably lose his front car.    


He originally thought that Lih Lingye's car had entered the city, and its destination was also the city.    


As a result, they followed and found that the Maybach actually passed through the city and drove towards the outskirts of the MSK.    


The road in front. There were quite a few buildings and residential areas on both sides of the road. But compared to the downtown area, the admission rate was a bit pitiful.    


Especially at night, as long as one looked through the lights, one could determine the degree of prosperity here.    


However, the more wealthy the family, the more they liked quiet and elegant places.    


Sure enough, Lih Lingye drove the car and slowed down.    


He slowly drove past the front door of a villa district before stopping by the road.    


"Stop the car." Gu Jingyu saw that Lih Lingye had stopped the car, so he quickly asked the driver to stop behind Lih Lingye's car.    


Since Lih Lingye had already found him, he would meet up with him openly.    


In the end, Lih Lingye, who was in front of the car, seemed to have heard him say stop the car. His voice was directly sent over.    


"Gu Jingyu, drive another kilometer and find a quiet and unnoticeable place to stop the car."    


After Gu Jingyu heard this, he played it again, but he pressed the hands-free button and shared it with the driver. There was no need for him to say more.    


The driver nodded and drove past Lih Lingye's car with a swoosh. The two cars directly missed each other, but the two people in the two cars saw each other in that instant.    


Gu Jingyu saw Lih Lingye clenching his fist in his direction. He also clenched his fist and waved it in his direction.    


He felt that Lih Lingye must have seen it.    


After all, the glass of his car was transparent. He could see the outside of the car, and the people outside could also see the inside of the car.    


Lih Lingye's car could be considered to be in the Maybach's car, and it could also be considered as the outside of his van.    


However, before he could confirm it, Lih Lingye's eyes flashed in front of his eyes.    


Then, it became a view in the rearview mirror.    


When the car stopped, Gu Jingyu saw the Maybach in front of him. They were all Lih Lingye in the Maybach.    


In fact, even now, he was a little curious.    


He wondered why Lih Lingye drove the new car he bought in the MSK to do some work.    


After all, Lih Lingye's sixth sense told him that the thing he wanted to do might not be simple.    


However, Lih Lingye never did things according to common sense.    


Or perhaps he deliberately drove this car to let the other party know that he had come to find him.    


In the end, after guessing and guessing, Gu Jingyu felt that everything was possible, but nothing was possible.    


He might as well stop guessing and wait quietly in the car. However, his eyes were fixed on the route Lih Lingye had shared with him.    


Seeing Lih Lingye start the car again, reverse the car, and then reverse the car, and then quickly drive into the neighborhood, Gu Jingyu was stunned.    


In such a rich neighborhood, the security had to be very good.    


How could they allow foreign vehicles to enter so easily?    


Therefore, Lih Lingye must have done his homework when he parked the car just now.    


Perhaps he had invaded the property management system of this community.    


Then, he pretended to be the owner of one of the houses and entered directly.    


After all, if a delinquent really wanted to go into the neighborhood and steal something, then that delinquent definitely wouldn't have much money. As for the fact that he couldn't afford a car like the Maybach.    


If he could buy a car like the Maybach, then he definitely wouldn't need to steal it.    


Gu Jingyu looked at Lih Lingye's route on the phone. At this moment, he finally understood why Lih Lingye wanted to drive the Maybach out to do business.    


He didn't even need to reveal his identity. When the car appeared, no one would think that he was actually a person who was sneaking into the community.    


Very quickly, maybach stopped after driving only one kilometer into the community.    


To be precise, it stopped in front of a villa.    


Gu Jingyu could only guess what Lih Lingye was doing through the route on his phone.    


After getting out of the car and walking, the speed of the car slowed down. It was obvious that he was walking.    


After passing through the map on his phone, Lih Lingye sneaked into the villa.    


Gu Jingyu did not know what Lih Lingye was going to do, so he could only wait quietly. When he needed something, he would appear.    


However, he wasn't just waiting stupidly. Since Lih Lingye had agreed to follow him, it meant that he also felt that it wasn't safe to go there alone.    


If there was one more him, there would at least be one more guarantee and one more safety.    


If something were to happen to him, at least he, Gu Jingyu, would be there to take care of it.    


Therefore, Gu Jingyu contacted his subordinates. More than a dozen people were rushing over from the city of MSK.    


Although it would take some time to get there, at least they were rushing over.    


Lih Lingye did not ring the doorbell. After all, it was not like he was just visiting.    


He did not know the owner of the villa at all.    


Therefore, before sneaking into the villa, he had already decrypted all the surveillance cameras in the villa in the car.    


Sneaking in from the side door was the route he had accurately calculated before he sneaked in.    


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