Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1637 Let's Get Married

C1637 Let's Get Married

Moo Nuannuan's face turned even redder. "I... Lingye and I are just friends now. You... You..."    


Lih Lingye had never even mentioned marriage.    


Before Bai Xianxian's matter was concluded, he and she would not have any results.    


The old man was too anxious.    


But she was not anxious. Everything was up to fate.    


Moo Nuannuan's face turned red. Lih Lingye helped her out of the situation unhurriedly. "Uncle Qing, look at how anxious you are. Don't be scared and warm up. In my life, I have never been in a relationship before. Just let me enjoy the feeling of being in a relationship. This way, I won't lose the most important part of my life."    


"That's right. It's said that daddy and mommy got married before they even started dating. Now it's just the right time to make up for it." Lih Xiaoke also helped to get out of the predicament. In any case, he couldn't let Mommy feel uncomfortable.    


"Haha, brat, at that time, you were not even born yet. How did you know?"    


"I heard it from my little brother. He knows, hehe." Lih Xiaoke scratched his head and felt a little embarrassed. He was just a little kid, and he was completely unfamiliar with things like dating.    


"Xiaoke, tell Auntie how you feel. Do you think your warm mommy is Xianxian's mommy back then?" Faang Wenxue suddenly went forward and squatted in front of Lih Xiaoke. She looked into the little guy's eyes and asked seriously. She was also waiting for Lih Xiaoke to answer seriously.    


After that, the child also calmly and solemnly said. "Yes, Xiaowei also feels the same way."    


Lih Xiaowei immediately agreed, "Me too."    


Faang Wenxue immediately got up and turned her head to look around. They were all family and friends of Lih Lingye, who had come to participate in the opening of Lih Lingye and Moo Nuannuan's restaurant. Everyone looked at them seriously. She said in a low voice, "The first time I saw Moo Nuannuan, I felt the same way as Xiaowei and Xiaoke. If this feeling was only felt by one person, then it could be just an imagination. But I also had it, or... This is not a coincidence, not a delusion, but..."    


After a rational analysis, Faang Wenxue stopped talking when she reached this point. However, the following words definitely gave people unlimited imagination.    


Lih Xiaoning nodded and then shook his head. "I personally checked the DNA. Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's go to the hotel."    


The moment the young man opened his mouth, the heavy atmosphere brought by Faang Wenxue dissipated a lot. It was always in the past. There was no need to hold onto it and not let it go. It was better to look at the future.    


When he said this, Lih Lingye remembered the car he had called over.    


"Let's go, let's go." Then, he personally went to help the old man up, while Moo Nuannuan naturally helped the old man up on the other side. The group of people walked towards the airport parking lot.    


A super luxurious bus.    


Although it was called by Lih Lingye, but absolutely not rented.    


It was a bus that he specially bought, and he wanted to pull down all of his family members with just one bus.    


It was the most advanced, most luxurious bus in E Country.    


The bus was located in two opposite seats, and they could play mahjong and play poker in the bus.    


It was just that there was no restaurant or bed, but there was a lot of space to play and relax.    


The old man naturally chose the most spacious seat and sat down. The rest of the people were small and squeezed together. The big men were squeezed together, and the women were gathered together. After Lih Xiaoning counted the number of people on the bus, he realized that it did not seem appropriate for him to go to any group.    


If he went to the group of children, it would seem like he stood out among the crowd. He was too tall.    


The big man's place, if he wanted to go there, he would appear young and tender.    


As for the woman's place, he was a boy, and that place was even more unsuitable for him.    


He watched Moo Nuannuan, Faang Wenxue and Su Ke, the three women, chatting. That scene...    


It made him involuntarily think of the time when his mother rented the house and called Faang Wenxue and Su Ke to live together.    


The three women always had something to say.    


Finally, he quietly walked to the last row of the bus and sat in the corner. He calmly turned on the pen and started working.    


Lih Lingye saw Ning's hesitation when he got on the bus. When he sat at the last seat, he felt sorry in his heart. However, at the moment, he had no plans to return to T City.    


He heard Faang Wenxue talk about how she felt about Moo Nuannuan. Even Faang Wenxue, an adult who had once crossed paths with Bai Xianxian, said this. This meant that his feelings towards Moo Nuannuan were not wrong.    


Then that DNA would be completely put down.    


He would start from another direction.    


There must be a problem here.    


It wouldn't be too late for him to stay in E country and investigate before returning to T city.    


The carriage was especially enthusiastic for a moment.    


The only ones missing were Yeh Xi and Mo Qifan.    


Because the two of them flew from different places and arrived at the airport at night, he would come to the airport again at night. Now, he had to settle his family down.    


He raised his hand to signal the driver to drive. Both of them were coming for him. So now it was his turn to be the host.    


His son had so much to worry about, so he let his son take a break. When he arrived at MSK, he would be the one to arrange everything for the group.    


Lih Xiaoning had always thought that Lih Lingye had booked a hotel, but when the bus drove into the spacious and beautiful manor and stopped in front of a Gothic building, he put down the laptop in his hand. His eyes swept across the beautiful scenery outside the bus, and he was attracted by the vast expanse of selflessness.    


"Mr Ning, this place is very beautiful." A small hand grabbed his hand, and Mu Tianlin, who had walked over at some point, sat beside him. She sat side by side with him and looked outside the window. It was really beautiful.    


The endless purple ocean attracted Lih Xiaoning's attention.    


"Mother's favorite flower is the purple color, 'Don't forget about yourself'." Lih Xiaoning thought for a while and said in a low voice.    


"I like it too. It's so beautiful." The girl's innocent face was full of longing.    


"Let's go, get out of the car." Lih Xiaoning looked away and quickly put the pen and electric current into his backpack. He put it on his back and took Mu Tianlin's hand and got out of the car.    


The sky was already dark.    


The reason he could see the large area of selflessness was because of the light in his eyes.    


That was the light of the searchlight. From close to far, it displayed the color of flowers in front of everyone. It was too beautiful.    


It was so beautiful that when people got off the car, they couldn't help but want to hold their breath and stand there to watch quietly.    


Even Lih Xiaoke and Lih Xiaowei were obediently looking at the beautiful sea of flowers in front of them.    


It was already so spectacular at night. It would definitely be even more spectacular if they looked further into the distance during the day.    


"brat, I thought you had booked a hotel for each of us, but I didn't expect it to be such a place." The old man was also stunned.    


Lih Lingye smiled. "Grandpa wants to stay in a hotel? That's fine too. I'll send you to the hotel alone."    


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