Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1160 I Choose Two

C1160 I Choose Two

"Where are you hurt?" Veins popped out on the back of Lih Lingye's hand. He was about to lose his mind.    


The young nurse stuttered when she spoke. It was as if she was trying to kill him.    


"Injuring the uterus, I'm afraid... I'm afraid..."    


"What if I'm afraid? Don't stutter." Lih Lingye roared furiously.    


" Let go. " A loud shout came from behind. Ji Yifeng had appeared.    


He was worried that Lih Lingye would make things difficult for the nurse, so he chased him out.    


He did not expect Lih Lingye to really make things difficult for the nurse in his own hospital.    


With Lih Lingye's explosive temper, at this moment, the young nurse was so scared that she was completely dumbfounded.    


When Lih Lingye heard Ji Yifeng's voice, he immediately shook the young nurse off and went straight to Ji Yifeng. "Tell me, what happened to Xianxian?"    


"Sister-in-law has damaged the reproductive system. The hospital is currently carrying out trauma repair surgery. This kind of surgery was very difficult. There were only two ways at the moment. One is to use the most advanced medicine, and it has an 80% chance of repairing the reproductive system. There was also a chance of giving birth in the future, but... Using this medicine will have a very strong side effect on a person's body. It will take a few years or even decades for the body to recover by itself."    


"What about the second one?" The more Lih Lingye heard, the darker his face became. He really should have killed Mo just now.    


"The second method is to suture the wound directly. Naturally, there is no need to use the most advanced and most effective medicine. But after this kind of surgery, I'm afraid it will be very difficult for sister-in-law to get pregnant again in the future."    


"Is there no other way?" Lih Lingye's hand pressed against the wall. For the first time, he felt like he was about to collapse.    


"Yes, there is no other way." Compared to the young nurse, Ji Yifeng was more concise and concise. The words he organized were easier to understand.    


"I choose two." Unexpectedly, when Ji Yifeng finished speaking, Lih Lingye made a decision without even thinking.    


After he made his choice, everyone else looked at him.    


They all looked at him in disbelief.    


Among them was Caine.    


Caine originally thought that Lih Lingye would hesitate because if he chose the second option, Bai Xianxian would no longer have the chance to give birth. It would be very difficult for her to give birth to another child for him in the future.    


Ji Yifeng was also shocked because... No one knew better than him how much Lih Lingye wanted a daughter. This time, although Bai Xianxian gave birth to two children, they were both sons and not the daughter that Lih Lingye wanted the most. Therefore, Lih Lingye chose the second surgery plan. It could be said that he had completely given up on the idea of having a daughter.    


The young nurse also looked at Lih Lingye in disbelief. She originally thought that men were selfish. In order to have children, they would not care about the health of women in the future. She did not expect that Lih Lingye did not even think about it and directly chose the surgery plan that would cause the least harm to Bai Xianxian's body.    


Lo Feng, who was not far away, also had the same expression. He knew very well that when Lih Lingye knew that Bai Xianxian gave birth to a son and not a daughter, his two sons were directly thrown into the incubator. He did not even want to look at them.    


It could be seen that giving birth to a son and not giving birth to a daughter was a huge blow to him.    


But now, Lih Lingye didn't even frown and directly chose to give up the hope of giving birth to a daughter for Bai Xianxian. This was absolutely out of his expectations.    


"Mr Ye, you really choose two?" Ji Yichen asked again with certainty.    


"Mr. Lih, are you sure?" The young nurse wanted to confirm again.    


"I agree." This time, Caine completely stood on Lih Lingye's side. For the first time, he unconditionally supported Lih Lingye's choice in all aspects. As long as it was good for Bai Xianxian, he would support it. On the contrary, he was against it.    


It was just a child. Bai Xianxian already had three children. It was not a small number.    


As for Lih Lingye liking his daughter, it had nothing to do with Bai Xianxian. He could not use Bai Xianxian's body to satisfy Lih Lingye's expectations.    


"Lo Feng continued to face the wall. He did not say anything because he knew what his boss thought about his young mistress. There was no doubt about it.    


"Choose two." Lih Lingye took a slight breath and spoke again. There was no change in his tone.    


He had decided.    


A wife's health was more important than anything else.    


His voice was very soft, but... This sentence was very heavy. Only he himself knew.    


"Mr Ye, you better think about it. If you choose the second option, you might not have a daughter in the future."    


"What's so good about a daughter? Don't you see how cute my Xiaowei and Xiaoke are? I like him and love him. It was too late! I don't want a daughter! Hmm, you can go in. Hurry up and use the second method to continue the surgery. If anything happens to Xianxian, Ji Yifeng... I only have you to ask. "    


"Okay, I will go in." Ji Yifeng turned around and left. Everyone in the operating theater was waiting for Lih Lingye to give them this result. They could not afford to delay any longer.    


The door of the operating theater was closed again.    


The moment it was closed, Lih Lingye's body, which was leaning against the wall, slowly slid down. He then hugged his head and squatted on the ground. At that moment, his mind was filled with self-blame.    


It was all his fault. It was he who did not protect Bai Xianxian well.    


He let Bai Xianxian protect his son with her body of flesh and blood.    


That knife should have pierced his body.    


If it had stabbed his body, it would have been so good. At this time, he did not need to blame himself outside the operating theater.    


A hand was quietly placed in front of him.    


Lih Lingye raised his head. "You don't blame me for not protecting her well?"    


"I also didn't protect her well. This time, it was an accident." Caine's voice became hoarse. He really blamed Lih Lingye. But at this moment, after seeing Lih Lingye's choice and painful look, he didn't care about anything else.    


Everyone had their own lives.    


Perhaps this was Bai Xianxian's life.    


He and Lih Lingye were both there at that time, but they were unable to protect her.    


"No, no, no. You were so far away at that time. I don't blame you. It's all my fault." Lih Lingye knocked his own head hard. He wished he could smash his head against the wall.    


However, he still could not let go of Bai Xianxian. He could not let go of his two sons who had just been born. Bai Xianxian had exchanged those with her life. How could he bear to let go of them? Also, Ning was also his lifeblood.    


It was also at this time that he realized that there were many things in his life that he could not bear to let go of.    


"Lih Lingye, if you have time to complain here, you might as well find out where Lu Yufei is. If my guess is correct, Mo's matter must have been instigated by her. Your methods at that time were too soft." Caine analyzed and said. In fact, he was complaining.    


It was all Lih Lingye's benevolence that caused Bai Xianxian to be injured today.    


But he also knew that what he could do now was to make amends and take precautions.    


To prevent Bai Xianxian from getting hurt by Lu Yufei's people again.    


This was what he had to pay attention to at all times.    


"I know, thank you." Lih Lingye wanted to stand up, but he realized that he had squatted for too long. His legs had become numb.    


"Come..." Caine seemed to have sensed the discomfort on his legs and handed it over to him again.    


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