Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1488 Wasn't That Stupid

C1488 Wasn't That Stupid

But that's not the main thing. The main point was that the cup was slightly tilted, and the mouth of the cup fell on Lih Lingye's thin lips.    


Moo Nuannuan could not see the sweet coffee pour into Lih Lingye's mouth.    


But she could see Lih Lingye's Adam's apple rolling slightly because he drank the coffee.    


"You..." Moo Nuannuan was stunned and did not know what to say for a moment.    


Lih Lingye took a sip of the coffee and then another cup of coffee went into his throat.    


It was also the taste in her memory.    


Although this memory was not as deep as the memory of his original coffee, it was just that he occasionally snatched Bai Xianxian's coffee and took a sip.    


However, compared to the taste, the taste was absolutely not bad.    


He was slightly stunned.    


He really did not expect that the original flavor and the sugar and milk flavors were all the same in his memory.    


For a moment, he looked at the coffee on the coffee table in a daze.    


It couldn't be such a coincidence. The physique and appearance were like walking posture. Now, even the taste of the coffee that Moo Nuannuan grinded was the same...    


He stared at the coffee in a daze and did not see Moo Nuannuan's face that was getting redder and redder on the opposite side.    


When Moo Nuannuan said the word you, she thought it would wake Lih Lingye up more or less.    


But he still looked at her cup and was lost in thought.    


Thinking about how he drank coffee just now, Moo Nuannuan instantly felt her lips start to heat up.    


Lih Lingye, he... He separated himself from her cup... and indirectly kissed her...    


When this thought flashed across her mind, Moo Nuannuan stood up immediately. Then, her small hand reached over and grabbed it.    


Then, she was caught off guard and made a move. She succeeded.    


However, just as her coffee cup returned to her hand, before her palm could warm it up, she directly raised her hand.    


Then, the warm liquid in the coffee cup splashed all over Lih Lingye's face.    


It was not a waste.    


It was all on his face.    


The office suddenly quieted down.    


Only the coffee on the man's face dripped down bit by bit.    


Dripping on the man's pants, the tea table, and the floor...    


Then, Moo Nuannuan was stunned for a moment.    


Because, she really did not expect that she would actually be so rude to her boss in the company.    


The reason why she was stunned was because when she had just splashed the water, from the corner of her eye, she just happened to see two figures appear in front of the office door. One of them was raising his hand and was about to knock on the door.    


However, a few seconds had passed and the person's hand did not knock on the office door.    


Moo Nuannuan looked at the man in front of her in a daze for three seconds. His eyes were full of her and her eyes were full of his feeling. Suddenly, she had an illusion. It was as if they had known each other for a long time.    


But clearly, she had only known him for less than a month.    


Moo Nuannuan suddenly turned her head when she thought of her colleague outside the door.    


When she looked over, the two people in front of the door were also stunned and immediately panicked, "Manager Moo, let's... come back later."    


Then, the person who just spoke wanted to bite off his tongue after he finished speaking.    


When she opened her mouth, Lih Lingye and Director Lih, whose back was facing her, could definitely hear her.    


She was finished.    


A junior employee of hers actually saw Director Lih being splashed with coffee by Manager Moo. Let's do it. Xiashoo.    


At this moment, she was so annoyed that she wished she had a golden finger all of a sudden. She quickly took back what she had just said.    


She was afraid that she would lose her job.    


She was crippled.    


Moo Nuannuan heard her colleague's response and immediately turned her head again.    


She thought that she had poured coffee on Lih Lingye's face and he would definitely be angry.    


Especially when there was a colleague speaking.    


He, the dignified Director Lih of Lih's Group, was actually splashed with coffee. If this was allowed to be spread outside, it would definitely become the headlines in T City or even the whole country in a second.    


Under normal circumstances, Lih Lingye would definitely be annoyed.    


But at this moment, his gaze shifted away from her and landed on the coffee on the coffee table.    


One cup of original coffee that he had taken a sip of, another cup of coffee with sugar and milk that had not been touched at all, and her spilled all over the place. It was all coffee...    


He stared at it as if he wanted to see something from the coffee.    


That gaze, that gaze, made Moo Nuannuan somewhat panic. Could this man be having a nightmare in broad daylight?    


So, he couldn't help but grab her coffee cup to drink after being possessed by the nightmare? And even now, the nightmare still hadn't come back to her senses?    


Yes, it had to be like this.    


Otherwise, she knew that this man had mysophobia.    


It was said that he never touched women's things.    


Not only did he not touch it, he was also at least three feet away from it.    


But it was not like that just now. Not only did he use her coffee cup to drink coffee, but he didn't even react when she poured coffee on him.    


Mm, Lih Lingye had better have a nightmare.    


This way, he wouldn't pursue the matter of her pouring coffee on him.    


Thinking of this, she immediately started running and ran to the office door, shouting in a deep voice, "The two of you come back."    


The two female employees who wanted to grow wings and fly away immediately panicked when they heard Moo Nuannuan's shout.    


You look at me. I look at you and finally grit my teeth before turning around and returning to Moo Nuannuan together, "Manager Moo, please instruct."    


"Just now, did you see anything?" Hearing the name 'Manager Moo', Moo Nuannuan finally calmed down. She was the department manager, and everyone in this department had to call her boss. What did she panic about? Even if she splashed it on Lih Lingye, she could not panic nor panic.    


After all, the man did not scream, did not shout, and did not react hysterically. She naturally did not need to be afraid.    


"I did not see it."    


"I didn't see it."    


The two female employees were absolutely at the same time, unless they were risking their lives, they would dare to say they saw it.    


The two of them weren't stupid, how could they dare to say they saw it?    


They definitely saw it, but they definitely didn't see it.    


Was it so easy to enter the Lih's? If they saw it, they would still be able to keep their jobs. The best way was to keep quiet from now on. They would completely hide the scene from their memories and never tell anyone about it.    


This was the choice of a smart person.    


"Alright then, let's get busy." Moo Nuannuan waved her hand and then calmly turned around. After walking into the office, she hesitated for a moment before immediately closing the office door.    


After closing the door, she took a deep breath and gritted her teeth before walking towards Lih Lingye. She first took a few wet wipes from the wet tissue box on the coffee table and wanted to pass them to Lih Lingye, but she found that he was still sitting there staring blankly at the coffee.    


Forget it, it was better for her to wipe it.    


Anyway, he was haunted and didn't know anything. After she wiped him, she quickly woke him up. This way, he wouldn't be discovered. He didn't know that she was the one who poured the coffee.    


It was all her fault. Wouldn't it be foolish of her to lower herself to the level of a Nightmare?    


With this thought, Moo Nuannuan took the wet towel and placed it on Lih Lingye's face. She started to wipe it...    


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