Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1602 The Feeling of Being in Love

C1602 The Feeling of Being in Love

She just realized it wasn't a file in the briefcase, it was a snack.    


She had no idea when he had prepared it. Along the way, she had never seen him open the briefcase.    


"Do you want to eat it?" He had brought some snacks with him on the plane, but she was the one eating them. She asked shyly.    


"Yes." The man said, but he did not reach out to grab the snacks in the bag in her hand. Instead, he opened his mouth.    


Moo Nuannuan:... "    


She sat there in a daze, hesitating whether to feed him or not.    


Feed him this action was a little... a little too intimate. It made her feel too embarrassed to reach out her hand.    


But not to feed him. The man kept looking at her with his mouth wide open. It had been a few seconds, but his attitude remained the same.    


Was his mouth not stiff? She really admired him.    


Moo Nuannuan thought that as long as she insisted on not feeding him, he would shut his mouth sooner or later.    


In the end, more than ten seconds passed. Lih Lingye, this man, still looked at her with his mouth open, as if waiting for her to feed him.    


At this moment, the stewardess just happened to walk over and very casually cast a glance in the direction of the two of them.    


Moo Nuannuan:... "    


She was about to go crazy.    


With Lih Lingye's expression, anyone would mistakenly think that they were very close.    


But they...    


At least they weren't very close yet.    


The last line was always there.    


Although he did not say it out loud, she understood that he held on for Mrs Lih.    


However, the bottom line in front of him had already been broken one by one.    


For example, they felt like they were in a relationship now.    


For example, he was currently waiting for her to vote for him.    


For example, he had taken care of her all the way until she couldn't find any flaws or mistakes.    


Seeing that Lih Lingye was still in the same posture as before and seeing that the stewardess had stopped when she walked to them, Moo Nuannuan hurriedly squeezed a potato chip before the stewardess opened her mouth and stuffed it into Lih Lingye's mouth. Then she hurriedly lowered her head to watch the movie and did not dare to see the stewardess and did not dare to look at Lih Lingye anymore.    


At the same time, her small face had already turned red.    


It seemed like this was the first time she had thrown in a man's snack like this. She was really embarrassed.    


Lih Lingye chewed slowly. It seemed like this was his first time eating potato chips like this. He asked Lo Feng to prepare the snacks that the children and little girls liked to eat. He thought that he would not be able to eat them. He did not expect to find them delicious after a try.    


Thus, after eating, he opened his mouth to feed. "Another one."    


"You eat it yourself." Moo Nuannuan's face became even redder. She directly stuffed a small bag of sealed potato chips into Lih Lingye's hands. She did not want to feed him. It was such a shameful feeling.    


Lih Lingye looked at the small bag of potato chips in his hands and the corners of his mouth curled up. "Okay." Then he ate one piece and took another piece and handed it to Moo Nuannuan's lips.    


Moo Nuannuan:???    


She didn't treat him to feed her, right?    


However, Lih Lingye's hand holding the potato chips stopped by his lips. It felt like he would stop there if she didn't eat it.    


Then, the air stewardess's voice came from the economy cabin behind, as if she was reminding the passengers something.    


Moo Nuannuan really did not want the air stewardess to see Lih Lingye raising food to feed her, so she could only open her mouth and eat, "I will eat by myself, I don't need you to feed me."    


Lih Lingye did not mind. From yesterday until now, he had a series of interactions with Moo Nuannuan. At first, he thought that it would be a little unnatural, but after getting along with her, he suddenly realized that everything was so natural. It was as if he was not with Moo Nuannuan, but Bai Xianxian.    


The only thing missing was a face.    


Other than a face, it was all Bai Xianxian's feeling.    


He felt that he was suffering from a devilish illness, but he was still willing to endure the pain.    


"You watch the movie, I'll feed you." Then, he continued to feed Moo Nuannuan.    


He fed her. Moo Nuannuan was used to it.    


Besides the two of them, everyone else in the business class did not know each other. Even the stewardess was the same. After getting off the plane, no one knew who was who. Since Lih Lingye insisted on feeding her, she could do whatever she wanted.    


Hence, Moo Nuannuan was like a queen watching a movie while receiving Lih Lingye's investment. It was comfortable. It was as if Lih Lingye was her little follower.    


This feeling of wearing down time was the feeling of falling in love.    


In her memory, there had never been a man who spoiled her like this.    


No, there had never been a man who pampered him like this.    


Not only men, no one had ever pampered him like this.    


This feeling was not only fresh, but also comfortable.    


Just like that, time allowed Moo Nuannuan to quietly let go of her guard.    


She always thought that the declaration of separation before boarding the plane would at least be painful for a period of time, but she discovered that this man, Lih Lingye, seemed to have the ability to cure her. She was by his side and unknowingly cured her irritation and anxiety.    


After flying for nearly ten hours, the plane landed in the capital of E country, mSK. Once they got off the plane, all they saw at first glance were the fighting people of E country.    


They were tall, handsome, and full of exotic flavors.    


Moo Nuannuan adapted very quickly. After all, she had lived here before.    


Lih Lingye adapted even faster. In his eyes, foreigners were just ordinary people.    


After taking the suitcase, Moo Nuannuan followed Lih Lingye through the security check and exited the airport lobby.    


When Moo Nuannuan got on the taxi, she thought Lih Lingye would report the name of the hotel and go to the hotel to rest before doing anything else. She heard Lih Lingye calmly give her an address.    


Moo Nuannuan was stunned, "You want to go to my house?"    


"Yes." Moo Nuannuan did not expect Lih Lingye to give her an affirmative answer when she casually asked.    


He really wanted to go to her house and not to the hotel.    


He scanned his clothes and found that this man looked noble and extraordinary from top to bottom. A man like this was not someone who could not afford a hotel room.    


So, he deliberately wanted to go to her apartment.    


"Okay... I haven't been home for a long time, and I haven't cleaned up. The room must be full of dust. Are you sure you want to go?" Moo Nuannuan did not want to go back to her apartment in the MSK.    


"Yes, let's go." Lih Lingye insisted. His purpose of coming here was to investigate Moo Nuannuan. She came with him, so it would be more convenient for him to get close to everything that had happened to her in the past.    


"Then you have to help me clean up. Drag the floor and wipe the furniture. You can't miss any of them." Moo Nuannuan gritted her teeth. She had been on the plane for so long and had to go back to the apartment to clean after getting off the plane. She did not want to move at all now.    


"I am in charge of cleaning. You are in charge of cleaning your phone and eating snacks." As Lih Lingye spoke, he waved the briefcase in his hand again, making Moo Nuannuan suspect that his briefcase was definitely filled with snacks.    


She was convinced by him.    


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