Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1569 The Gas Was Poisoned

C1569 The Gas Was Poisoned

Moo Nuannuan started to get busy.    


She worked during the day and attended the ladies' gathering at night. They were all from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and she was the manager of the Ministry of Foreign Trade. She had to attend the gathering even if she didn't want to.    


After a few days, she felt that besides eating and sleeping, it was her own time. Other than that, all the other time didn't belong to her.    


She originally wanted to listen to Shen Mingxi's words and go see Shen Mingxian. But she really did not have time.    


She did not contact Shen Mingxian, but Shen Mingxian did not contact her either. He did not call her, nor did he send any text messages. It was as if he had vanished into thin air. This man had never existed in this world, and she had never interacted with him.    


It was only on the weekend that there were finally no longer any social activities in the department. It was a day of rest.    


Moo Nuannuan, who spent every day in the executive dormitory, company, and dining area, finally rested on this day.    


She finally had time to swipe her phone.    


Suddenly, she felt that although the days of not having to review the documents in the department were relaxing, there was a feeling of emptiness.    


She had been quite successful in taking over the foreign trade manager for the past few days. Compared to her previous performance, the total amount of customer orders she received was no less than the previous one. This made her very happy. After all, she had always been unfamiliar with the position of the foreign trade manager in the control department.    


Before she came to the Lih's Group, she was only in charge of her own business. But now, she was in charge of all the business in the entire outer department. It was easy to follow the orders and put them down, but in fact, it was really hard to do it.    


After all, each client had more than one business. Therefore, she first had to compete with other competitors, then she had to cross the threshold of herself. Once she got the customer, she would win. If she didn't get the customer, then she would lose.    


The aroma of coffee wafted over. Moo Nuannuan then came back to her senses. She actually thought of work in the company again.    


No, she finally had a weekend break, and no matter what, she couldn't be disturbed by work again.    


Moo Nuannuan carried the coffee over and lazily leaned on the pillow. She drank the coffee and swiped her phone.    


She first carelessly swiped down one by one, and then her fingers, which were scrolling the news, stopped.    


The Minggu Limited Company was officially established, and the person in charge of the company was the Young Chairman of the overseas multinational group, the Shen Group, Shen Mingxian.    


Shen Mingxian's company was officially established today.    


The news network also released pictures of the company's Minggu Company, and each of them had a description.    


When she saw Shen Mingxian cutting the ribbon and the woman beside him, Moo Nuannuan was stunned.    


It was Fong Yuqi.    


She knew this woman.    


Fong Yuqi was the daughter-in-law candidate that Luo Mei strongly supported. In these few years, Luo Mei had praised Fong Yuqi for her good character and good ability in front of her. In any case, she was almost certain that Fong Yuqi was the perfect woman that was most suitable for her son.    


It was just that no matter how Luo Mei talked to Shen Mingxian, it did not matter. Shen Mingxian just did not care about it.    


He said that the only person he liked was her.    


Of course, he said it to her privately.    


Just because of one sentence from Shen Mingxian, she never took Fong Yuqi seriously. She was just a clown who coveted her boyfriend. She was naturally not afraid.    


Only women who were not confident and immature would be afraid.    


A mature woman who was confident would not be afraid of a mistress.    


Yes, if the person in the photo was really Fong Yuqi, she would not go and cause trouble. After all, if Shen Mingxian really called Fong Yuqi, it meant that he was a scumbag man.    


Since he was a scumbag man, why should she care about him? She just needed to end the relationship quickly.    


She would not have any attachment to a scumbag man.    


At this moment, Moo Nuannuan thought of this and slowly relaxed herself.    


She told herself not to be influenced by a Mo.    


Then, she slowly read the news about the establishment of Minggu Limited Company.    


She was trying her best not to be affected. The most important thing for her to not be affected was not to avoid it, but to face it calmly.    


And only when she had the time would she tell herself whether it was right or wrong.    


Fortunately, the words below the matching picture of Shen Mingxian and Fong Yuqi standing side by side to cut the ribbon were very simple. CEO Shen held the socialite Fong Yuqi's hand to cut the ribbon together, wishing the company's business to prosper and make money every day.    


This was indeed simple and very realistic.    


En, she just thought that it was Shen gallbladder who first had business dealings with the Feng family where Fong Yuqi was.    


Otherwise, what else could she think?    


Just imagining what she saw was Shen Mingxian and Fong Yuqi's intimate relationship?    


She would not be so narrow-minded and extreme.    


After all, the higher-ups did not announce the engagement with Fong Yuqi in front of everyone, as Lo Feng had told Lih Lingye on the phone.    


It seemed that Luo Mei did not force Shen Mingxian to get engaged.    


Otherwise, the following documents would not be like this. The beginning would definitely be Mr. Shen and his fiancée Fong Yuqi...    


Thinking of this, Moo Nuannuan calmly flipped through the news and continued to spread other gossip. She forcefully erased the scene of Feng Yuliao and Shen Mingxian taking photos side by side from her mind.    


She could not be affected. She absolutely could not be affected.    


If she was really affected by that photo, she would lose.    


It was also as Luo Mei wanted.    


She believed that Shen Mingxian definitely wouldn't.    


Actually, she also wanted to call Shen Mingxian and send him a text message. However, after she left Junyue Club that day, she Baidu in the car. Under normal circumstances, when men and women shivered, it was men who took the initiative to contact women. Therefore, she gritted her teeth and persisted until today. She did not expect that Shen Mingxian really did not contact her.    


After that, perhaps it was because Luo Mei came, but even Shen Mingxi did not call over these few days to urge her to see Shen Mingxian.    


She told herself not to mind, but her mind could not get rid of the news that she had just seen.    


His company had finally opened for business.    


She had originally thought that she would be by his side when she came. Now, it seemed that he no longer cared whether she was there or not.    


Her heart suddenly hurt and Moo Nuannuan only felt that the sunlight outside the window was glaring.    


And these few days, Shen Mingxian did not find her, and neither did Lih Lingye.    


She was also happy to have peace and quiet.    


Suddenly, she realized that there was nothing wrong with a person's life.    


As long as one got used to it and accepted everything calmly, the world would still change.    


However, when these principles flashed through her mind again and again, Moo Nuannuan found that her heart ached even more.    


"Knock knock..." That was the sound of someone knocking on the door.    


It was clear to the ears.    


The dormitory of the senior management of Lih's Group could never be entered without an access card.    


Therefore, the person who knocked on the door was most likely the person in the dormitory.    


Lih Lingye's face flashed in front of her eyes. Thinking about how he won so much money from her that day, Moo Nuannuan decided to pretend not to hear him. He liked to knock on his door, so she ignored him.    


After five or six knocks in a row, Lih Xiaowei's voice suddenly came from outside the door. He was about to cry. "Mommy didn't open the door, did the gas get poisoned?"    


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