Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1524 Very Passionate

C1524 Very Passionate

It wasn't Moo Nuannuan's first time seeing Lih Lingye.    


She had seen him many times.    


It wasn't the first time she was so close to him.    


However, she had never been like this. As she looked at his dreamy face, something flashed through her mind.    


And the person that flashed by seemed to be Lih Lingye.    




Lih Lingye flashed across her mind.    


However, in the flashing scene, it was clearly not the current Lih Lingye. He was neat and tidy and smiled faintly at Yan An. "Xianxian, give Wei to me. You go and eat the porridge."    


That call of Xianxian was clearly heard countless times, but when it flashed across Moo Nuannuan's mind, it was as if she was frozen in shock.    


Why did Bai Xianxian's image flash in her mind?    


She had never seen Bai Xianxian before.    


But when she tried to search again, the Bai Xianxian in her mind disappeared.    


No matter how hard she thought, she could not think of anything.    


There was no more.    


There was nothing left.    


Moo Nuannuan frowned and was still thinking hard. But it was useless. Apart from the headache, she could not think of anything else.    


It was as if the fleeting Bai Xianxian was just an illusory shadow.    


But she clearly remembered that it was exactly the same as the picture of Bai Xianxian she had seen before.    


Could it be that one would only be in such a trance when thinking about it in the future?    


After all, she only had an opinion of Lih Lingye right now. She did not have an opinion on Bai Xianxian.    


Everything she knew about Bai Xianxian's past told her that Bai Xianxian was a good mother and a good wife.    


She did not hate Bai Xianxian. On the contrary, she even hoped that Bai Xianxian could suddenly return to T City and go back to Waterside Pavilion to take care of her three sons.    


Just as she was thinking about Bai Xianxian in a trance, Manager Wenn's car slowly stopped in front of the KTV.    


Dozens of people had arrived long ago. They were waiting for Lih Lingye, Moo Nuannuan, and Manager Wenn to arrive and then enter together.    


They chose the largest private room.    


Someone had already started playing the song.    


The scene was very lively.    


Manager Wenn even ordered a few songs for Lih Lingye.    


However, after entering the private room, besides going to the bathroom once, Lih Lingye had been quietly sitting in the corner.    


This time, Moo Nuannuan did not sit beside him.    


The seats in the private room were all random and could also be changed at any time. He could sit wherever he wanted.    


Moo Nuannuan was still in a trance.    


Yang's secretary sat beside her. She thought that she felt uncomfortable after paying the bill of the restaurant. After all, if she paid hundreds of thousands at once, no normal person would be able to bear it.    


Of course, a few hundred thousand was nothing to a wealthy person.    


Yes, if it was Lih Lingye who paid the bill with his card, it really would not be much. But for her and Moo Nuannuan, who were paid wages, it was really a huge sum of money.    


She thought that Moo Nuannuan was unhappy, so she kept guarding Moo Nuannuan. She was definitely a responsible secretary.    


Even after she got off work, she did not forget to take care of Moo Nuannuan.    


Moo Nuannuan was still thinking about the scene that flashed across her mind.    


It was really too clear, so clear that she still could not understand why such a scene suddenly appeared in her mind.    


It was clearly a memory that didn't belong to her, but it had flashed through her memory.    


After a few songs were sung, the private room immediately became lively.    


And it was very enthusiastic.    


Moo Nuannuan looked around in confusion and heard her colleagues shouting, "Director Lih, come here."    


It turned out that the song Manager Wenn had ordered for Lih Lingye had arrived.    


When she looked at Lih Lingye, it was Lih Lingye who stood up. His tall and slender figure walked to the center of the room and casually took the microphone from Manager Wenn's hand. With the other hand in his pocket, he suddenly looked at Moo Nuannuan. Moo Nuannuan was startled and just as she lowered her head to not look at Lih Lingye, she saw that the man actually picked up two glasses of beer from the snack table and walked towards Moo Nuannuan with large strides. "Manager Moo, your department activity. En, let me toast you."    


He held two glasses of beer with one hand, but at this moment, one glass was facing Moo Nuannuan.    


Moo Nuannuan was stunned, and then she remembered that Lih Lingye was definitely 'obedient' in the restaurant. She asked him to drink and he drank it. In the end, she was a little embarrassed, so she casually took it and gulped it down. "Thank you."    


It was just a glass of beer and she did not drink much.    


At most, she would not drink from tonight.    


She was never used to the taste of beer.    


She always felt that there was something wrong with the taste of people who liked to drink it. It was clearly not good at all. Why did everyone drink it so freely?    


Not only was it not good to drink it, but it also made one's head feel heavy and uncomfortable after drinking it all.    


Moo Nuannuan leaned on the back of the chair and listened to the man sing a song called Love Forgetting Water.    


This was the first time she heard Lih Lingye sing. Other than being dissatisfied with him, she had to say that Lih Lingye's singing was not bad.    


If she did not know that it was him singing, she would even suspect that it was the original song.    


When the colleagues in the room heard it, they also screamed.    


It was too good to hear.    


It was simply Liu Dehua who was second.    


At first, Moo Nuannuan was still listening seriously, but when she heard it, she felt her head hurt even more.    


She did not know if it was because the music was too pleasant to listen to. It was because of that cup of beer, or because she kept thinking about the part about Bai Xianxian that flashed across her mind. Moo Nuannuan fell asleep.    


Before she fell asleep, Shen Mingxi's phone was asking her when she would leave, but she did not see it.    


Moo Nuannuan woke up in the dormitory of the Lih's Group's senior management, but that was already the morning of the next day.    


The morning wind blew through the window that had just opened. Su Ke stretched out her hand to push away the man beside her, got up and walked towards the washroom.    


She was a little irritated.    


"Keke..." However, just as Su Ke got up, Gu Jingyu also woke up.    


He was clearly guarding Su Ke every second.    


So naturally, Su Ke woke up, and he woke up as well.    


Su Ke went to the washroom. Gu Jingyu also jumped out of the bed without thinking and went straight to the washroom.    


In the end, the moment he opened the door, it was the scene of the girl sitting on the toilet.    


He was a little stiff. "I... I want to go too."    


"Line up." Su Ke was indifferent. There was not a trace of anger or joy on her face.    


It was an expression that Gu Jingyu had never seen before.    




Very light.    


It was as if everyone other than herself did not exist in her eyes.    


Even though she had just spoken to him, Gu Jingyu still felt the same way.    


In her eyes, he was nothing.    


Therefore, in order to increase his sense of existence, Gu Jingyu did not leave. Instead, he half leaned on the toilet door and looked at Su Ke who was sitting on the toilet bowl.    


If it was another person, he would definitely go crazy at this time. There was absolutely no way to resolve the major issues in his life. However, Su Ke was different. She calmly dealt with her alternate account in front of Gu Jingyu. She stood up and walked out. "It's your turn. Do whatever you want."    


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