Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1507 Gentle as Water

C1507 Gentle as Water

However, they couldn't even protest against Bai Xianxian. They couldn't even oppose Bai Xianxian. Because Bai Xianxian did not give him the chance to object or protest, she directly disappeared from his world.    


After Lih Lingye finished speaking, he continued to slowly eat the noodles in the bowl. It was just that the air in the surroundings seemed to have dropped a few degrees all of a sudden. He clearly ate it very hot, but Moo Nuannuan felt cold.    


Moo Nuannuan quietly looked at Lih Lingye. The man's side face was as cold as always. When he did not look at her, it had always been this cold.    


However, every time he looked at her, it made her heart beat faster. She couldn't stand that gentle gaze.    


That gentleness of his must have treated her as Bai Xianxian. Otherwise, he definitely would not have looked at her gently.    


When he thought of this, he felt relieved.    


However, facing his somewhat aggrieved face, inexplicably, Moo Nuannuan actually felt some heartache. Then, without even thinking, she said without thinking, "Have you ever thought about it? She disappeared without hesitation not only because she wanted to free herself. So... Since her death might be to let you live a happy life, then you are now immersed in pain every day. Wouldn't that be letting down her feelings? "    


Lih Lingye was stunned. He dropped his chopsticks and turned to look at Moo Nuannuan seriously. He had heard everything she said. He had to listen carefully.    


It seemed that what she said made a lot of sense.    


If Xianxian knew that he was living in pain right now, Xianxian would definitely not be able to bear to part with him.    


She would also definitely feel heartache.    


She suddenly realized that women really knew women the best. Moo Nuannuan had said what Bai Xianxian was thinking and also what Bai Xianxian's personality was like.    


Bai Xianxian really had that kind of personality. She would rather suffer herself than to let others suffer the same pain as her.    


But Moo Nuannuan's words were clearly telling him another layer of meaning, "Could it be that half of the reason she committed suicide was because of me?" So, in order to not let her continue to suffer, in order to not let him suffer as well, she directly ended everything with death.    


She also took everything with her.    


Moo Nuannuan shook her head, "I also don't know. But since she doesn't want you to know... You should do what she wants and stop investigating. There are many things in life that the more you deliberately investigate, the more you won't be able to find anything. However, when you put down the idea of not investigating, all of a sudden... The truth will come from the sky and let you know everything by accident. So, let nature take its course. "    


She looked into Lih Lingye's eyes and said in a soft voice, one word at a time. That face indeed did not belong to Bai Xianxian. But that expression clearly belonged to Bai Xianxian. It was too similar.    


Lih Lingye looked at it and could not help but nod his head, "Warm, you are right. Looks like I really can't continue to be dispirited like this." If Bai Xianxian knew about this, she would be very sad and worried about him.    


"That's right. There's also Xiaoning, Xiaowei, and Xiaoke. As a daddy, you should spend more time with them. We can't let them lose their mommy. Having a daddy is equivalent to not having one. For the children, it's a bit too miserable. " Moo Nuannuan thought of the three children. A warm feeling arose in her heart, although she did not give birth to them. But she just liked those three brothers. She liked every single one of them.    


Lih Xiaoning was a domineering CEO, while Lih Xiaowei was a cool racing expert. As for Lih Xiaoke, he was definitely an expert among experts in computer science. Even adults couldn't handle a little kid that was a bit bigger than a fart.    


Lih Lingye nodded in agreement. "But I want to spoil them again. I can only play the role of a father. As for the role of a mother... I really can't play the role, but all three of them like you. When you have time for the weekend, can you come to my house as a guest? I wanted to hire you as a part-time job, but... Help me take care of my child during the weekend, but I feel that relationships are priceless. How can you buy it with money? Love becomes a copper stink. I just want you to spend some time with them when you have time. Is that alright?"    


Moo Nuannuan was stunned. She didn't expect Lih Lingye to say such words.    


Yes, if he really hired her to take care of Lih Xiaowei and Lih Xiaoke, she really would not agree.    


Feelings could not be measured with money. She really liked those two brats.    


Seeing that she didn't respond, Lih Lingye became anxious. "If you don't like to see me, then when you go to my house, I'll leave. I'll go home after you leave." He just wanted the children to feel the motherly love, so that they could slightly make up for the lost motherly love that they had lost for five years. Otherwise, he would feel sorry for the children.    


Moo Nuannuan could not help but sigh when she saw Lih Lingye's anxious look as he spoke. No matter how strong a man was, there were times when he was helpless and helpless. The ones that made Lih Lingye helpless were Mrs Lih and his three sons.    


For the sake of his son, he actually lowered his attitude so low. His goal was just to let her play the role of their mother to accompany them.    


Actually, she'd only gone to accompany them to eat, drink, and chat with the children, and she wouldn't suffer any losses. Conversely, she'd even be able to enjoy a kind of warmth and beauty between family members from the children.    


That was a feeling she had never experienced before.    


She liked it too.    


The two of them chatted for a long time in the restaurant under countless gazes.    


It was only when Lo Feng looked at his watch for the nth time did he greet him. "Director Lih, it will be two o'clock in half an hour. Do you want to continue eating or do you want to go and see Mr. Mi?"    


When Lo Feng said this, he kept looking around and felt that the company's restaurant was very lively today.    


Usually, after dinner time, there were only two or three people left eating in the restaurant. But today, it was already this time. In another half an hour, it would be time to go to work, but the number of people in the restaurant was not small at all. The plates were obviously empty, but they just didn't put down the chopsticks or the spoon. While they were chatting in twos and threes, they all looked in the direction of Lih Lingye and Moo Nuannuan.    


They had all given up on their afternoon nap and did not even take an afternoon nap. They just stayed in the restaurant and started gossiping.    


It just so happened to be the afternoon break after work. This wasn't against the law.    


Fortunately, he reminded them. Lih Lingye was the first to stand up. "Manager Moo. Let's go and see Mr. Mi." As he spoke, he waited for Moo Nuannuan to stand up and even gentlemanly pulled open the dining chair for her. That gentlemanly demeanor made the employees who were originally looking at him stare blankly. They had never known that their CEO was so gentlemanly, not to mention being so considerate towards a woman. This simply blinded their eyes.    


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