Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1498 Let's Get Married

C1498 Let's Get Married

Su Ke stood in front of the door in a daze. Her eyes were filled with confusion as she sat up. However, Su Ke was not the only one that flashed through her mind. It was a few little brats.    


Lih Xiaoning, Lih Xiaowei, Lih Xiaoke, Ji Wenhan and Ji Qiqi.    


Ji Yichen found Lingmei, and there was only one more son and daughter. Why did he find Su Ke? His daughter was nowhere to be found, and his son was nowhere to be found.    


However, after a few seconds of disappointment, Gu Jingyu woke up.    


He had to wake up because Su Ke had rushed over.    


"Who are you? Get out, get out." She rushed out of bed and reached out to push Gu Jingyu. The force was so strong that it was a little fierce...    


She wanted to push him out.    


Gu Jingyu frowned slightly and stood in front of the bedroom door as still as a mountain.    


He felt that his position was very scientific. As long as he stood there without moving, Su Ke could only be forced to stay there and could not get out.    


After all, it was impossible to go out of the window. This was not the first floor. Jumping out of the window was suicidal.    


Su Ke pushed and pushed, but no matter how hard he pushed, he could not shake Gu Jingyu at all.    


Seeing that she roared and roared, pushed and pushed, Gu Jingyu stood silently in front of the door like a statue. Su Ke immediately cried.    


She put down her hand that was pushing Gu Jingyu and hung it on both sides of her body. Her slim body trembled slightly, as if Gu Jingyu's heart had been emptied all of a sudden. The pain from inside out was so clear at this moment.    


This clarity also told Gu Jingyu that he loved her.    


He had always loved her.    


Staring fixedly at the girl's hazy eyes, Gu Jingyu could not help but raise his hand. His fingertips landed on the corners of her eyes on her cheeks, gently wiping away the drops of tears.    


But the more he wiped, the more tears flowed.    


It was like a spring, unable to stop.    


Gu Jingyu's heart ached even more, and he could no longer hold back the pain.    


Suddenly, he lifted Su Ke's face with both hands, and then hurriedly wiped the drops of tears with his lips.    


What he had experienced was the taste of the salty water entering his mouth inch by inch. He grabbed her waist with one hand and gently pulled her to the door behind him.    


She was still so light and thin. Her waist, which was not full, was so thin that it seemed as if a gust of wind could blow her away.    


At this moment, when he kissed her, he felt relieved.    


Even if she was not as surprised as Lingmei when she gave Ji Yichen a son and a daughter, he still felt that it was wonderful that he could still have this moment.    


It was fine if he did not have it. It was the same even if he had Su Ke to pamper him.    


His big palm tightly gripped Su Ke's waist and his thin lips blocked all of Su Ke's protests.    


However, Su Ke's protest only lasted for a few seconds before the entire line collapsed. Her long eyelashes were still moist.    


It was unknown whether it was because of the wet tears or because Gu Jingyu kissed her.    


Suddenly, her waist tightened and her entire body was brought to the soft mattress.    


Her beautiful eyes were filled with Gu Jingyu's enlarged handsome face. She wanted to push him away, but every time she did, she never pushed him away.    


Thus, the thought of pushing Gu Jingyu away was given up in an instant.    


Sunlight shone through the window curtain into the room, dyeing the air charming.    




Su Ke fell asleep.    


She didn't know if she had fallen asleep again and again because of Gu Jingyu's tiredness or because she had been discovered and too frightened to sleep.    


In short, she had fallen asleep.    


Gu Jingyu held Su Ke's waist tightly. His ink-black eyes were filled with Su Ke's sleeping face.    


He looked at Su Ke in such a posture for an unknown period of time.    


In any case, he could not see enough.    


Anyway, he did not want to let go no matter what.    


He was just afraid that once he let go, she would message him from his world again.    


After tossing and turning again and again, it was already noon.    


Gu Jingyu only felt empty in his stomach, and he was very hungry.    


But no matter how hungry he was, he didn't want to let go of Su Ke just like that.    


Thus, in the bedroom, one fell asleep while the other watched, and quietly, it was dark.    


Gu Jingyu only got up when Su Ke, who was in his arms, started to wiggle gently.    


He got off the bed.    


He bent over and carried Su Ke, who had already woken up with narrowed eyes. He started to walk towards the washroom.    


The first thing she did every time she woke up was to go to the washroom. He always remembered this.    


When she reached Gu Jingyu's arms, Su Ke looked at the man in front of her in a daze.    


All her consciousness finally returned.    


Biting her lips, she said in annoyance, "Gu Jingyu, you bullied me again." Then, on this day, tears flowed out again.    


Gu Jingyu had already entered the bathroom and placed Su Ke in front of the toilet.    


Then, he looked at Su Ke in a daze.    


Su Ke's face was completely red. "You... you go out."    


Although they had met countless times in such a sincere manner a few years ago, after all, this was the first time in five years that she had fallen into Gu Jingyu's eyes like this.    


In the end, Su Ke was still shy.    


Only then did Gu Jingyu realize that Su was shy.    


That shy expression caused Gu Jingyu's mind to waver. He directly pressed her down on the toilet bowl, then hugged her face and leaned against him. "Keke, let's get married."    


Because of her tears, because of the embarrassment on her face, Gu Jingyu proposed without thinking, regardless of the situation or time.    


This voice was gentle and gentle.    


It did not match Gu Jingyu's cold and hard appearance at all.    


Su Ke blinked her wet eyelashes and was immediately dumbfounded. "What did you say?" She must have been hearing things.    


If she was not hearing things, then it was Gu Jingyu joking with her and teasing her.    


How could Gu Jingyu be willing to marry? He wouldn't marry her.    


She didn't believe it.    


She wouldn't believe it even if she died.    


"Keke, let's get married." Gu Jingyu felt depressed after being questioned and clearly didn't believe that his words were sincere.    


As the head of the Gu family, when had he ever stopped talking?    


In this world, there was probably only Su Ke who dared to question him in front of his face.    


However, he actually did not have the slightest temper. He could only bite the bullet and ask for another marriage.    


Who asked him to be unwilling to marry Su Ke in the past?    


In the end, there was a report of five years in the Modern Realm.    


Su Ke definitely heard this clearly.    


She bit her lip. It was painful.    


This was not a dream.    


This meant that Gu Jingyu had really proposed.    


However, Su Ke's face turned gloomy after confirming it. Not only did she not agree, she also shouted at Gu Jingyu in a low voice. "Get out, or I will suffocate to death."    


Gu Jingyu hugged her head like this so that she could not release it at all. Even if she sat on the toilet bowl, she could not relax.    


In the end, Su Ke's answer made Gu Jingyu dumbfounded.    


He was clearly proposing to Su Ke, and he even begged her twice. However, Su Ke did not seem to have asked for it. She did not seem to agree...    


Then, looking at the woman in his arms, Gu Jingyu could not remain calm.    


Five years ago, he was sure that she still loved him, but now, he wasn't sure at all.    


After all, five years had passed. After all, people would change. He carefully held Su Ke's face. "Keke, marry me."    


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