Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1400 The Cute Ji Qiqi

C1400 The Cute Ji Qiqi

Z stared at a door in front of him.    


He leaned against the wall. He did not believe that Lingmei would not come out.    


As long as she came out, he would directly carry her away this time.    


In his hand was a cigarette.    


However, it had been a long time since he lit it.    


It was all for the sake of his mind being filled with the little guy who had just opened the door.    


He was smoking in this corridor, and the little guy would smoke a second-hand cigarette.    


He thought back to the little face that was almost identical to Lingmei's. The first time he saw it, it shocked him.    


It was his daughter.    


He only needed to calculate the time to know that it was his daughter.    


Because Lingmei was pregnant when she left.    


From morning till noon, he had been waiting here.    


Lingmei could ignore her own food and clothing. But I'm sure I can't bear to part with my daughter.    


She tossed the cigarette in her hand up and down as she played with it. Until the nth time it fell, he directly crushed it and threw it into the rubbish bin at the side. Then, he walked to the door again.    


"Xiaomei, the whole kindergarten is surrounded by your brother and me. Even if it's dark, you won't be able to get out. Why are you lying in your room and not coming out? You have to face it, right? "    


"Besides, even if you come out, I won't force you. If you like to run this kindergarten, you can keep running it. I will respect your choice. I just want you to give me a chance to see you "    


"At that time, I knew that my weakness made you suffer. It was my fault that I didn't convince my father and mother to accept you. However, five years have passed, and our daughter was born. Do you want her to live in the shadow of no father for the rest of her life?"    


"That is cruel for a daughter. It is a kind of loss of life. Xiaomei, my daughter must be hungry now. If you don't want to come out... Can you let her out? When she's full, I'll return her to you immediately."    


Ji Yichen went to the door and said word by word.    


Although he had said it many times, even though the woman inside ignored him, he still had to say it.    


People's hearts were always made of flesh. He believed that Lingmei would let her daughter out easily.    


With just a glance at such a cute little darling, his heart melted.    


The door gently opened and a small crack appeared, revealing a small head.    


Stars were attached to the pigtails on the little head.    


The girl looked up at Ji Yichen and blinked her big eyes. "Mommy said that you are my daddy. She said that you will take me out to eat and then send me back, right?"    


The childish voice melted Ji Yichen's heart. "Mmm. Yes, I'm your daddy. Daddy will take you to eat now. Be good."    


Ji Yichen said and bent over to pick up the little darling. "Call you Qiqi baby, right?"    


"Yes, yes. I am Qiqi, li Qiqi." The little girl first leaned against Ji Yichen's body uneasily. However, her big eyes were absolutely friendly as she looked at Ji Yichen.    


Ji Yichen felt the child's stiffness and said softly, "En, you are Li Qiqi, and also Ji Qiqi."    


"Why is it also Ji Qiqi? I only know that my name is Li Qiqi." Qiqi looked at Ji Yichen in confusion. She was very curious about this man who called himself her daddy.    


"Because your daddy's surname is Ji, you can take your mother's or father's surname."    


"Ji Yichen, she's Li Qiqi. I won't allow you to steal my Qiqi." Lingmei's familiar voice suddenly came from the door.    


It was the same voice as in his memory.    


Even though she was unhappy, her voice was soft and pleasant to the ears.    


When he heard this voice, Ji Yichen's heart skipped a beat. "Yes, I won't snatch it. Qiqi is yours. I am only taking her to have a meal. Later, I will return her to you."    


Although the truth was that he did not want to return Qiqi to Lingmei, he knew that if he did not agree, Lingmei would definitely not allow him to take Qiqi away, even if it was only a meal time.    


"Mommy, wait for me to bring you a lunchbox. I will bring your favorite lunchbox." Qiqi shouted towards the door.    




"Xiaomei, why don't we eat together?" Ji Yichen tried to persuade Lingmei to let go of the knot in her heart.    


As long as she agreed to eat together, then, they would get to know each other once and for all. As long as they met, they would get to know each other very quickly.    


Since she had even given birth to his child, he didn't believe that she didn't have him in her heart.    


She had already been a yard master for a few years, and she had already grown up completely. She had grown up to be able to fend off one side by herself.    


It turned out that she had been living very well during the years she had left him.    


She knew that she had been living a good life. At this moment, her worries for the past few years finally dissipated.    


After seeing the mother and daughter, from today onwards, he no longer had to worry about them. Was she sold by human traffickers? No!    


He did not have to worry about her not being able to eat or wear enough food in a corner of this world.    


There was no need to worry about whether or not she had aborted their child.    


At this moment, he was relaxed, but he also tensed up his heartstrings. After advising her for an entire morning, she still wasn't willing to see him.    


But he didn't want to force her.    


At this moment, Ji Yichen was incomparably conflicted.    


"No." He firmly refused. Fortunately, his voice was a little gentler than before.    


Ji Yichen frowned. He really could not understand Lingmei's insistence.    


At this point, she could not escape no matter what. There was no need to be unwilling to see him.    


But he convinced her.    


Or perhaps, he was even more reluctant to force her out of this room.    


"Then I'll take Qiqi to eat something. Xiaomei will be back soon." After saying that, Ji Yichen did not leave immediately. Instead, he stood there quietly, waiting for Lingmei's reply.    


The room was silent, as if there was no one inside. After a while, Ji Yichen heard Lingmei's sigh, "Alright."    


Ji Yichen immediately carried Qiqi to the stairs.    


"What does Qiqi want to eat?" In fact, breakfast had already been prepared in the kitchen and even lunch had already been prepared. Even though it was not noon yet, just because he was worried that Lingmei would be hungry and worried that his daughter would be hungry, he had already ordered people to prepare it early.    


At noon, if Lingmei and Qiqi continued to be hungry, he would personally send them into the room.    


Fortunately, it was not noon yet and Lingmei finally could not bear to give Qiqi to him.    


Ji Yichen stuck close to his daughter's face and carefully hugged her. At this moment, he finally understood the meaning of if you hold it in your hands, you are afraid of falling, if you hold it in your mouth, you are afraid of melting.    


At this moment, he had the same feeling towards Qiqi.    


"I eat everything, I'm not picky about food."    


"Then should I go to the restaurant to eat, or should I go outside to eat?"    


Ji Qiqi did not answer Ji Yichen. She went down the stairs and looked at Qiqi. Ji Yichen stepped into the air and almost fell down the stairs with Qiqi in his arms. Luckily, he held Qiqi with one hand and supported her with the handrail in time.    


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