Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1336 What the F*ck

C1336 What the F*ck

It was only after his mother left that he understood, or that his mother had long decided to leave this world.    


Thus, before she left, she reminded him again and again.    


Actually, not only had her mother told him, she also told everyone she could.    


Putting Xiaowei and Lih Xiaoke, who were only a few months old, in this world was probably the thing she was most worried about.    


But even if she couldn't let go, she still left.    


It had been a few years. He and his father had been tracking down the reason why his mother jumped into the cold sea, but until now, they hadn't found out the exact reason.    


It was a puzzle that the father and son pair had always been unable to solve.    


Even after a few years had passed, he still could not let go of the cause of his mother's death.    


Then, naturally, his father could not let go either.    


He did not say it, but the action had already proven everything.    


It was as if he had cast a net over the entire world, one after another, just to find his mother.    


Yes, even though he knew that his mother had fallen into the sea, he still didn't believe that she had died.    


And because he always remembered his mother's instructions back then, he had always loved Lih Xiaowei and Lih Xiaoke dearly.    


It was the same for everyone else in the family.    


That was why he had gotten used to them being lawless and out of control.    


However, when the two of them cried, his heart ached.    


"No, I'm going to cry. I clearly found Mommy, and she even hugged me. But you and Daddy just don't believe it. It's just that we're not allowed to see Mommy. It's fine if you don't want to see Mommy, but you still won't let us see Mommy. You're going too far."    


"When she hugged me, I smelled the scent of Mommy on her body. It was exactly the same as the smell in her room. I smelled it."    


The two brats were sobbing as they spoke. On the other side, Lih Xiaoning frowned again. "You smelled the scent on Mommy's body?"    


"Yes, I go to Mommy's room every day. I'm familiar with the scent on her body. She's Mommy, that's right. " Lih Xiaoke said confidently.    


"Brother, daddy doesn't believe us, but you still don't believe us? This time, I guarantee that it's absolutely true. " Lih Xiaowei, who was standing at the side, didn't back down either. He supported Lih Xiaoke from behind.    


After saying that, the two of them continued to sob.    


It was as if they had shed a lot of tears.    


Lih Xiaoning frowned. "I know."    


"What do you mean you know? Do you want to think of a way to rescue us and go out to see Mommy?" Lih Xiaoke was so excited that he almost jumped up.    


In the end, he heard Lih Xiaoning say excitedly, "I will go and see her."    


"Then take us with you. I miss Mommy so much that I can't sleep."    


"I haven't slept for a day and night. I don't see Mommy, I don't sleep, and I don't eat."    


"Lih Xiaowei, don't say something like a hunger strike. I heard you speak with confidence, and it didn't seem like you were hungry at all. Also, don't forget... When I was at home, I was the one who secretly gave you food every time you two were locked up. I'm not at home now. It was either Lo Feng or Aunt Jian who secretly gave you food. You won't starve to death. On the contrary, you'll eat until your belly turns round and round."    


Others might not know what kind of personality they had, but he, as the elder brother, knew it all too well.    


Lih Xiaowei lowered his head and signaled Lih Xiaoke to go.    


Lih Xiaoke nodded and said softly: "Little brother, we just want to see Mommy. Why don't you watch the video live for us when you go and see her to relieve the pain of missing her?"    


"We'll talk about it after you go. Don't mess around anymore, do you hear me?"    


"I heard you." They replied in unison. They were still quite obedient.    


Lih Xiaoning put down the phone. His brows were tightly knitted, and he seemed to be deep in thought.    


After a long time, he sat back down on the sofa and opened the file on Moo Nuannuan on his phone.    


This face was definitely not his mother's face.    


Even though it had been five years, he still remembered his mother's face clearly.    


However, looking at the space between his brows, he did indeed feel a little familiar.    


After staring at it for a long time, his mind was filled with the cries of his two younger brothers that could not be dispersed. He suddenly stood up and began to pack his luggage. It had been a long time since he had returned home, so he decided to go back once.    


He also wanted to meet Moo Nuannuan. There were also two younger brothers who were clearly asking for a beating but were unwilling to beat them up.    


In T City.    


Waterside Pavilion.    


Lih Lingye was sitting on the sofa like a statue. He hadn't moved for more than half an hour.    


Lo Feng peeked from afar, not daring to step forward.    


Mrs Jian came out of the kitchen and saw Lo Feng sticking his head out. She walked over and said, "Sir is thinking about Young Madam again."    


"He is thinking about himself. The two children are naturally thinking about it too. It is just that they are thinking too much. Is there a need to lock them up from yesterday till now? He was willing to let such a young child go? Or is he his father? " The more Lo Feng thought about it, the more worried he became about the two little ones upstairs.    


However, he didn't dare disobey Lih Lingye's order.    


Mrs Jian was just about to speak when she suddenly heard the man on the sofa say: "I am not, could it be that you are?"    


A low voice sounded as if it came from the distant horizon.    


Lo Feng felt his scalp go numb. He felt like he was going to collapse. "Young Master Lih, I was wrong. I won't send you anymore. Just lock it. Anyway, it's your son who is going crazy. It has nothing to do with me. I'm going out to do my thing."    


Mrs Jian sighed. She looked at Lo Feng, then at Lih Lingye who had just finished speaking and remained motionless. She didn't know if he had heard what Lo Feng had said.    


"Young Master Lih, you are still a child after all. You have been locked up for a day and night. It is almost time. Otherwise, if their grandfather knew about it, he might feel sorry for you."    


"Even if his heart aches, he still has to be locked up. He is only five years old and has yet to get his driver's license. He actually drove from kindergarten to the airport. If something were to happen on the road, his grandfather would become even more furious."    


Mrs Jian was stunned when she heard this. "Sir, what did you say? Xiaowei and Xiaoke drove to the airport by themselves?"    


"Yes, they usually spoil them too much, so they are becoming more and more daring."    


"The traffic police didn't find out? Also, when the car drove into the airport, the people there didn't find anything either? "    


When Mrs Jian asked this, Lih Lingye felt his head hurt. "I didn't find anything."    


"Wow, little master is getting more and more powerful. He is good at driving, and his ability to avoid being tracked is also amazing."    


Seeing Mrs Jian's bright eyes, Lih Lingye said coldly, "Do you really want to sit in their car?"    


In the end, he did not expect Mrs Jian to immediately agree. "Why not? Let me try to sit."    


It was over. This was definitely a fan of Lih Xiaowei and Lih Xiaoke.    


"Aren't you afraid that he will crash into the car and hurt you?"    


"No, little master's driving is very stable. I can see that he is even more stable than Luo Feng." Mrs Jian's eyes were always bright when she talked about the two little fellows.    


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