Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1323 You Pervert

C1323 You Pervert

"Madam, that's impossible. We can't sit down." Lo Feng helped Lih Lingye up to the car and asked the other two to hurry up.    


"I said let's squeeze together. It's okay." Bai Xianxian knew that Lih Lingye no longer had strength. At this time, she had to stand out and arrange everything. Otherwise, it would be a waste of time.    


"Madam..." Lo Feng was anxious.    


"I'll let you get in the car. Squeeze." Bai Xianxian said and pulled Lo Feng up.    


She sat in front of Lih Lingye, and Lo Feng sat behind him. At the front and back were two companions. Although it was very crowded, she felt that they would have to walk together if they came together.    


"Madam, you can't stand being squeezed like this." Lo Feng still hesitated.    


"Are you waiting for the other party to catch up? Although I am a woman, But you're dressed so thick that you won't be able to take advantage of me even if you want to. Come on up. " As she spoke, she tugged at Lo Feng again.    


" Then let's give it a try? If it doesn't work, I have to go down." Lo Feng looked at Lih Lingye and felt a little worried, so he squeezed in.    


The snowmobile was not small, but after all, the original standard was three people.    


It was really crowded to squeeze in five people at once.    


However, they really squeezed down when they sat up one by one.    


"Let's go." Bai Xianxian's eyes lit up. She took Lih Lingye's place and commanded. She did not have the weak feeling of a woman at all. She looked valiant and valiant, and her eyes were bright.    


The motorcycle started.    


It really started.    


At this moment, Bai Xianxian was satisfied.    


Fortunately, she desperately drove the snowmobile back to find Lih Lingye.    


Otherwise, the four of them would have walked back on foot for an unknown amount of time.    


And the longer they walked, the greater the danger.    


The speed of the car was very fast.    


Because the five of them could smell the scent of danger.    


They also knew that the danger had always been behind them.    


Bai Xianxian held Lih Lingye's hand back and closed her eyes to smell his scent.    


Somehow, she felt that if she did not remember the smell on his body at this moment, or she would not be able to smell it for the rest of her life, she would not have a chance anymore.    


"Lih Lingye, you have already predicted everything, haven't you?" She faced the wind and asked. She also let the wind send her voice into Lih Lingye's eardrum.    


"Yes." The one who answered Bai Xianxian was not Lih Lingye, but Lo Feng.    


Lo Feng could not bear to let Lih Lingye answer again.    


Lih Lingye could not bear any more torture. Even if it meant... A single sentence was extremely difficult for Lih Lingye.    


Bai Xianxian did not care who answered her. She just needed to promise the truth.    


"Lih Lingye, do you know who wants you dead?" When she asked this, she wanted him to know. Only by knowing the enemy would she be safe in the future. Only then could she be at ease.    


"Young Master Lih knows." Lo Feng actually wanted to stop Bai Xianxian from asking questions one after another, but he saw that Bai Xianxian did not say anything.    


There were many people.    


The five of them squeezed together.    


In fact, there was not a single gap between the five of them.    


Although she was so close to him, she felt that he seemed to be very far away from her.    


He looked weak, but there was nothing she could do.    


"Yes, yes, we are almost there. We will be there very soon. Xianxian, I want to take a bath." At this moment, Lih Lingye said this sentence as soon as he opened his mouth.    


He was really a germaphobe to the extreme.    


Bai Xianxian turned her head and rolled her eyes at him, "Lih Lingye, you're abnormal."    


A germaphobe to the point of being a pervert. It was just that she hadn't taken a shower for two days. When he was feeling unwell, all he could think of was the problem of taking a shower.    


It was as if taking a shower was the most important thing in his life.    


Lo Feng, who was at the back, felt as if his chicken skin had been scattered all over the floor. "Uh, Young Master Lih is disgusted that he ran into me."    


"It's not just you." Lih Lingye added.    


"Bai Xianxian felt that this man's condition was not serious enough. That was why she had so much energy to discuss this.    


She only wanted to send him safely to the plane to let out a sigh of relief.    


He had come for her, so she wanted to send him back safely.    


Otherwise, even if he died, he wouldn't be able to feel at ease.    


On the motorcycle, they chatted and laughed like this. They actually didn't feel cold at all. It was as if they were passing by quickly. "When we get on the plane, you can do whatever you want."    


"Uh, the storage water on the plane is limited." Lo Feng reminded.    


"At most, you guys won't eat or drink. You should be able to tolerate it for more than ten hours, right? In any case, we can't let Young Master Lih endure for more than ten hours without bathing. That's impossible. " Bai Xianxian also teased Lih Lingye.    


After she said that, even she laughed.    


She knew about Lih Lingye's mysophobia. In the past, no one would be able to touch him even if they wanted to.    


But now, in order for everyone to safely return to the plane, he endured turning himself into a heart-cracker. She squeezed in front of him and it was okay. Previously, it was two men who sandwiched him in the middle.    


Even if he had cotton clothes and equipment, he had never experienced them before.    


"No problem." Lo Feng was straightforward. The other two also smiled and said that there was no problem.    


The snowmobile was very crowded, making it hard for people to breathe.    


But Bai Xianxian felt that at this moment, this was a rare and warm moment.    


She was at the second seat. So, as long as she tilted her head slightly, she would be able to see the scene in front of her through the motorcyclist.    


On the way back, there was no longer any trace of the motorcycle wheel.    


The snow and wind could cover up all traces in a short period of time.    


"We are here, dad..." Bai Xianxian saw Mo Qifan.    


Mo Qifan was a little thinner than the other big guy, so it was easy for them to recognize each other.    


She snatched the motorcycle and left. At this moment, she was a little embarrassed to see the two of them again.    


She didn't need to ask to know that Mo Qifan must be very worried about her.    


She saw Mo Qifan and the big guy, and the two of them also saw her.    


They were getting closer and closer, and they could clearly see the movements of people's limbs.    


Bai Xianxian let out a long sigh of relief. She didn't snatch the motorcycle for nothing after all. If she hadn't arrived in time, Lih Lingye's life and death would have been unknown by now.    


Therefore, she didn't regret it.    


They were almost there. She turned her head gently. She didn't know why, but she wanted to take a look at Lih Lingye. It was as if she wouldn't be able to see him again if she didn't look at him.    


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