Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1196 You Are a Woman

C1196 You Are a Woman

Bai Xianxian was stunned as soon as she entered.    


Because it was under the apartment she used to live in. Therefore, there was no doubt that the two apartments were exactly the same.    


There was no doubt about it.    


Bai Xianxian also did not doubt this.    


However, it was not a big deal that they looked exactly the same. The decoration of the room, even the cushion on the sofa and slippers at the door were exactly the same as the one upstairs. This was a little...    


Bai Xianxian quietly walked into the apartment.    


Then, she silently sat on the sofa.    


A pair of eyes was still sizing up the apartment.    


It was too similar, almost exactly the same.    


Even the broom in the corner had the same color and style as the one upstairs.    


Caine, he was a bit abnormal.    


Or perhaps, he loved her more than she imagined.    


That was why he had set up such an apartment downstairs.    


It was only when he brought her in that he found out that there was actually an apartment that completely copied her apartment in this apartment building.    


Yes, if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, even she wouldn't have believed it.    


Caine very naturally went into the kitchen and very quickly made a cup of lemon water and handed it to her. "Drink some water."    


He had always remembered her habit of liking lemon water.    


Bai Xianxian took the lemon water. At this moment, it could be described as shock to describe her mood.    


She took a light sip and asked him softly as if she did not feel anything, "Where is Si Jingyu?"    


She could not discuss the issue of the apartment with Caine. Because, whether she discussed it or not, all the facts were laid out in front of her. That was that the existence of this apartment was definitely because of her.    


"Wait." Caine picked up his glass of water and sat comfortably opposite Bai Xianxian.    


Yes, he deliberately sat opposite her.    


At this moment, he really did not dare to come to her side.    


Because, even if she didn't ask about the background of this apartment, the unconcealable surprise in her eyes already explained everything.    


He understood that Bai Xianxian might very well be contradicting him.    


In her heart, it was naturally also all bitterness, just because she didn't love him. Hence, what he did would only make her feel disgusted.    


But he had only done all of this. For six years, he had never forcefully troubled her in any way.    


Even though he knew that she had married Lih Lingye, in the end, he accepted their marriage.    


Only he knew how much courage and willpower it required.    


"He's not here?" Bai Xianxian felt like she had been cheated and her eyes turned slightly cold.    


If Caine had not said that he had brought her to see Si Jingyu and that Si Jingyu had already been found, she would have been on the plane back to T City by now.    


She missed the children. She missed them very much.    


But she also knew that if she missed this opportunity, it would be very difficult for her to come to Europe to find Si Jingyu in person in the future.    


After all, she did not know if she would have the courage to let go of Lih Lingye and the children again.    


She knew very well how much she missed Lih Lingye and the children while she was away.    


However, it was really very, very difficult to let her go and find clues about her biological father.    


Therefore, she wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to find her father in one go.    


It was because of this reason that she did not contact Lih Lingye and the child after she and Caine left the honey-colored building.    


That was because she was worried that they would contact each other. She could not hold on any longer and went straight back to T City.    


She missed the four of them so much.    


However, looking at Caine's current attitude and the quiet atmosphere in the apartment, it didn't look like Si Jingyu at all.    


At this moment, Bai Xianxian was a little angry.    


Her small face was flushed red.    


Her little beast-like anger started to rise.    


Caine took another sip of lemon water and looked at her with a smile. "He's here. It's just that it's not convenient for you to see him now. I'll drink some water. I'll let you see him when I'm done."    


Bai Xianxian stood up immediately. "Where is he?" Other than the conversation between her and Caine, there was no other sound in the entire apartment. It was too quiet.    


If Si Jingyu was really here and heard them, he would definitely have noticed them.    


Bai Xianxian started to look for people. Caine said, "He's in the bathroom."    


Bai Xianxian turned around and walked towards the washroom. She really wanted to see Si Jingyu.    


Seeing Bai Xianxian go directly, Caine took a step forward and grabbed her hand with his big palm. He also pulled her, "He is not in a good position to see you now."    


"Why?" Bai Xianxian could not think anymore. She only wanted to see Si Jingyu and find out about her biological father. Other than that, she did not want to care about anything else.    


Caine sighed and lowered his head to face Bai Xianxian's small face. He said helplessly: "Because you are a woman."    


"With a bang, Bai Xianxian's face turned red.    


At this moment, her thoughts finally returned to her brain.    


She understood that Si Jingyu, who was locked in the washroom, must be in a mess of clothes.    


Otherwise, Caine would not have stopped her like this.    


"You... quickly go and clean him up and bring him out."    


"Alright." Caine saw that she really could not wait any longer. He could only put down the lemon water and walk to the bathroom.    


The apartment wasn't big. There were two bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen, and one living room.    


So, there was only one bathroom.    


Just as Caine opened the bathroom door, an unpleasant smell drifted out, making Bai Xianxian cover her nose.    


Only then did she remember that before Caine went to the kitchen to get some lemon water, he seemed to have looked inside when he passed by the bathroom.    


At that time, he had only opened a small gap in the bathroom door, but now, it was half open.    


Therefore, an unpleasant smell immediately rushed out.    


With such an unpleasant smell, she thought that Caine would marry after he opened the door.    


At the very least, she would only go in after making up her mind.    


However, Caine went straight in.    


After that, it was the sound of the tap being turned on.    


Bai Xianxian sat on the sofa and looked at the lemon water that she had just put down. She could no longer drink it.    


It was already very good that she did not throw up.    


She suddenly understood why Caine had to sit down and drink the lemon water previously.    


Because he knew that after he went to the bathroom to deal with Si Jingyu, he wouldn't be able to drink his cup of water.    


He suddenly felt that he was too impatient.    


She shouldn't have urged Caine.    


Taking a deep breath, Bai Xianxian went to open the balcony door and the other windows.    


She let the fresh air flow in.    


Otherwise, she would feel that she was almost out of breath. Wash your hands inside. The smell that drifted out was really too unpleasant. Si Jingyu had probably been locked up for a long time.    


At this moment, her mind was filled with the Si Jingyu she was about to meet, so she did not notice that a car had entered the neighborhood, much less that Lih Lingye was in that car.    


He had come to find her.    


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