Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1104 You're about to Give Birth

C1104 You're about to Give Birth

That's like touching a kid's forehead.    


It was as if he had done it many times.    


He could not get used to it anymore.    


Bai Xianxian only felt that her forehead was in pain with Lih Lingye.    


The old man was like this, obviously he had not missed Lih Lingye's forehead in the past.    


Her Mr. Lih was really pitiful.    


He was already so grown up, yet the old man still treated him like a child and taught him a lesson.    


However, the aloof Mr. Lih seemed to have gotten used to the old man's behavior since he was young. Not only did he not resist, he even took a bottle of wine and poured himself a cup of wine. Then, he solemnly said to the old man, "Grandfather, let me toast you."    


The old man accepted it without any politeness and drank another cup. "En, I've drunk enough wine and eaten enough food. Ning's birthday has also been blessed. Ning, can you lend your daddy to me for a while?"    


Lih Xiaoning blinked and said, "Sure."    


The old man smiled. "Ning is sensible."    


Lih Lingye was speechless. Why did he feel like he had been sold by his son?    


But before he could complain to Ning, he heard the old man knock on the table. "Come with me to the study room."    


"Yes." Lih Lingye walked forward and supported the old man. He really left the scene in front of everyone and followed the old man to the study room.    


Lih Lingye left. Adding the fact that the old man, a super senior, had also left, Gu Jingyu seemed to have regained his freedom after being suppressed for tens of millions of years. He immediately pointed at the empty wine glass in front of Lih Xiaoning and said, "Little rich man Ning, hurry up and pour some wine for us."    


"Why? What's the reason?"    


"You're rich. You're now a rich man. With so much money in one go, I will let you pour a glass of wine for Uncle Gu to celebrate. You are not happy either? " Speaking up to this point, Gu Jingyu felt his eyelids twitch. He was afraid that he would plot against this child and toast him. This child could make him want to cry in the blink of an eye.    


If it was another family's child, he might not be able to, but Lih Xiaoning, this Lih Lingye's devilish child, could do anything.    


Anything was possible.    


That was why he asked Ning if he was happy. Otherwise, if the child thought that he was the one bullying him, the little fellow would definitely make him regret it.    


Why did he have a feeling that a six year old child was even more outstanding than Lih Lingye? When Lih Xiaoning grew up, he would definitely not be any worse than Lih Lingye. He would only be more ruthless than Lih Lingye.    


Yes, his appearance was definitely a lie.    


Lih Xiaoning was definitely not as cute and adorable as he appeared to be.    


He was a ghost spirit.    


Fortunately, just as Gu Jingyu was feeling uneasy, Lih Xiaoning smiled and said in a tender voice. "Sure, no problem." Then, he jumped down from the dining chair and picked up the wine bottle that was thicker than his arm and started to pour the wine.    


The first was Yeh Xi. "Grandma, Ning will pour the wine for you."    


"Yes, yes, Ning, be good." Yeh Xi was so happy that her mouth could not close. This grandson had really given her face. The old man had given her so many shares. This was a huge birthday present.    


Although the Yeh family wasn't bad, because she was the daughter of the Ye family, she couldn't be compared to her son. Therefore, no matter how much money the Yeh family had, she only knew that it wouldn't be able to reach her hands.    


With these things in his hands, it meant that her grandson would be able to live without worries from now on.    


Even if he didn't work hard, it would be enough for him to squander for a few lifetimes.    


Not to mention that Ning was clearly a child who would work hard even if you didn't want him to work hard.    


Because his intelligence was there, it wasn't any worse than Lih Lingye's when he was young.    


Therefore, he only needed to use a little bit of his heart to do something that was more accomplished than others.    


Lih Xiaoning poured some wine for Yeh Xi, then went around Bai Xianxian's side and poured some wine for Bai Xianxian. "Mommy, Ning's birthday is also your birthday. Mommy's birthday is happy, and she also needs to live a long life. In the future, Ning will take care of you. You don't need to work so hard, okay?"    


Lih Xiaoning knew that Bai Xianxian did not work hard because of her big belly.    


Even if he wanted to know, it was impossible.    


Recently, it was winter vacation and he did not go to school. So he spent most of his time at home. Therefore, Lih Lingye, who came back early every day to drink, revealed everything that he could not say when he was drunk.    


Of course, this also included the matter of not being willing to let Bai Xianxian work.    


When Lih Xiaoning heard this, he also could not bear to part with his mommy.    


But he was too young and he also knew Bai Xianxian very well. He knew Bai Xianxian was a person who could endure hardship. Moreover, once she made a decision, others could not pull her back even if they wanted to.    


But now, the little guy wanted to take advantage of his birthday to act spoiled and advise Bai Xianxian not to work so hard anymore.    


Bai Xianxian did not know whether to laugh or cry. "Look at how you are like a gangster. Can you protect me now?"    


"Of course. This is also Ning's duty. Ning's birthday is actually Mommy's bitter day. Six years ago on this day, mommy suffered a lot. Ning knows." As he spoke, the little guy even bowed towards Bai Xianxian.    


Bai Xianxian was very pleased. For the child to say such words, it meant that his mind was more mature than before.    


It was also her fortune to have such a son.    


Subconsciously, she reached out to touch her belly. She did not know if the two little things in her belly were as sensible as Ning when they were born. How could she not worry about being so smart?    


However, even though Bai Xianxian received her son's genuine gaze, she only wavered for a moment. She still did not want to give up on the career that she had started. Otherwise, she would not have given up the career that she had started. Wouldn't all of her previous work be in vain?    


"We will talk about this in the future." Since he didn't want to agree, he might as well reject it.    


However, the little guy was persistent. "Mommy, just promise Ning now. This way, Ning can have a good sleep tonight."    


"Uh, what are you saying? Don't tell me you are worried about Mommy every day?"    


"That's right. Ning is not only worried about Mommy, he is also worried about his little sister. Mommy needs to rest more now. Take care of her body and give birth to two little sisters for Ning." Lih Xiaoning kept calling her a little sister, as if the two little babies had been born. The softness in Bai Xianxian's heart also hooked Bai Xianxian to quickly agree.    


Looking at Lih Xiaoning, Bai Xianxian almost wavered. But in just an instant, she stabilized her mind. She pointed her finger at the tip of Lih Xiaoning's nose. "When did you become a guest? Other than this, we can discuss everything else." What he meant was that she had to work, so there was no discussion.    


"Mommy, you're going to give birth soon." The little guy's little hand landed on Bai Xianxian's belly and felt the pulse in her belly. His little mouth also opened, as if he felt the little sisters dancing in Bai Xianxian's belly.    


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