Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1099 I'm out

C1099 I'm out

Now that they had seen Lih Lingye come out with their own eyes, it meant that the police had confirmed that Lih Lingye wasn't the murderer.    


"Old man, I'm out. The murderer is someone else." Lih Lingye smiled. He held his son with one hand and held Bai Xianxian's hand with the other as he walked towards the old man. First, he wanted to tell the old man that he was safe, and second, he wanted to tell the old man the cause of Lih Che's death.    


"Who is it?" The old man suddenly became anxious. His hand, which was holding the cane, trembled non-stop.    


"This matter is a long story. The old man has already said that we have to return the favor. What we can do is to bring the real murderer to justice. It can also be considered as me, the son, doing my best for him."    


"Lingye..." Yeh Xi's expression changed slightly when she heard Lih Lingye say 'I am the son'. She hated Lih Che even if he died.    


Therefore, in the education of Lih Lingye, Lih Lingxuan and Lingmei, they would always choose either Lih Che or Yeh Xi, who was their mother. They definitely could not choose both.    


Therefore, she did not like Lih Lingye to personally say that he was Lih Che's son.    


She did not like hearing these words.    


When Lih Lingye heard Yeh Xi's low call, he understood her reaction.    


All these years, because of Lih Che's betrayal towards her, she had stepped on her pride and made it so that she could not raise her head in front of people. That was why she disappeared from the sight of people she was familiar with. She hid in a desolate place with Lingmei and secretly hurt herself.    


If it was not for his deliberate actions, Yeh Xi would not even bring Lingmei back. This was something that Lih Lingye knew all along.    


"Mom, dad is already dead. There is really no point in arguing with a dead person. Furthermore, his death this time was for me."    


"For you? What did you say? Lingye, did you have a fever? How can you believe such words? Lih Che has never treated you and Lingxuan as his own son." Whenever Yeh Xi mentioned Lih Che, her emotions would become agitated, and she would almost jump up from her seat.    


"Mom, he did die because of me this time." Lih Lingye tried to comfort Yeh Xi, but he also tried his best to say what he knew. He was not affected by Yeh Xi's emotions.    


He was an independent person.    


It was very difficult for anyone to control his emotions and thoughts.    


However, there were two people who could control his emotions now.    


They were Bai Xianxian and Lih Xiaoning.    


However, they could only control his emotions. As for his thoughts, for the time being, no one could control him.    


Originally, he wanted to stay inside for two more days.    


But when he thought of Bai Xianxian's worry when she saw him, he also thought about his son's birthday. Even if Gu Jingyu, Mu Yebai and Ji Yichen were arranged to celebrate his son's birthday, he still felt that he couldn't miss this chance.    


After all, he had already missed five times in five years. If he missed this time, he would regret it for an entire year until Ning celebrated another birthday.    


That was why he found out everything within two days and came out.    


The speed of two days, the people in the police station all said it was terrifying.    


A matter that even professional investigators could not settle, was in the hands of Lih Lingye, and it would be completed in two days.    


They couldn't help but admire him.    


The old man's hands trembled even more violently. "Is everything you said true? Is Lih Che really doing this for you?" The old man only asked this because he wanted to ask the reason again. In fact, he had already determined that what Lih Lingye said was true.    


Lih Lingye's words had never disappointed him. As long as Lih Lingye said it, it was 100% certain. Otherwise, Lih Lingye would never say it.    


And this answer was exactly what the old man wanted. If this was really the result, he would be glad.    


That dead son of his, at least in the end, repented and woke up. He was no longer confused by Hsu Mei. Hsu Mei was simply a vixen. If not for the fact that she gave birth to Hsu Lingxun, he was afraid that he would have killed that woman himself.    


He just didn't want his grandson to hate him.    


Some kinship, if done too ruthlessly, would make people even more rebellious.    


After all, Hsu Lingxun was already rebellious enough.    


"Yes, it's true. Dad was poisoned by Hsu Mei before he came to Waterside Pavilion. He looks normal, but in fact, it's not normal at all."    


"What? Hsu Mei poisoned Lih Che? Didn't she say she wanted to get old with Lih Che? " The old man was so angry that his face turned white. Lih Lingye could roughly guess that the person who killed Lih Che was probably related to Hsu Mei.    


"Dad said he wanted to split the assets under his name into four parts, one for each child. Lingxuan, Lingmei, and I also had a copy. We even drafted a written explanation."    


"Then, Hsu Mei found out, didn't she? She attacked your dad, didn't she?" The old man was already agitated.    


When he had originally known that his son had died, he had instantly aged a lot. He had never believed that it was true.    


However, he could only bear with it in front of others. After all, that son of his was in the past. What he did was really too much of a jerk. As a father, he was too embarrassed to defend Lih Che. He didn't expect that Lih Che would really regret it when he was about to die.    


"It's either Hsu Mei or Hsu Lingxun. Now, the two of them have been brought in. However, the final result will most likely be Hsu Mei." Lih Lingye smiled faintly.    


This was the result he could guess without even thinking.    


If Hsu Mei knew that there was only one person who could live between her and Hsu Lingxun, she would definitely choose Hsu Lingxun to live.    


But that was only her one-sided statement.    


When she and Hsu Lingxun came to his place, besides telling the truth, there was no other way out.    


He didn't want to kill all of them. However, if he wanted to, he wouldn't have any other way out.    


In the past, he had been too kind to Hsu Lingxun. Not only had he almost died in Hsu Lingxun's hands, but he had also almost caused Bai Xianxian to accompany him.    


But later on, seeing that Lih Che's blood was flowing in their bones, he opened one eye and let Hsu Lingxun go. He always thought that he would restrain himself.    


However, he never thought that Hsu Lingxun had really gone mad. He actually attacked Lih Che, his biological father, who had protected him for so many years for the sake of money.    


That's right. He didn't believe that there was nothing Hsu Lingxun had done.    


Hsu Lingxun must have participated in the entire process of killing Lih Che.    


Otherwise, no matter how thoughtful Hsu Mei was, she was still a woman. At most, she would only come up with bad ideas. The person who would really do something would definitely be Hsu Lingxun.    


"Who are the two of them?" The old man murmured. His face was filled with ruthlessness. As long as it wasn't Lih Lingye who killed his son, he wouldn't spare anyone else. He would definitely pay with his son's life.    


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