Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1072 Li Ling Ye Killed Someone

C1072 Li Ling Ye Killed Someone

Bai Xianxian was still immersed in the joy of celebrating her birthday. She lowered her head and looked at the birthday present that Lih Lingye gave her. It was not any worse than the jewelry that she had given him the last time they got married. It was quite exquisite.    


"Mommy, do you like it?" Lih Xiaoning went to Bai Xianxian's side and wanted to continue to play the bond between his daddy and mommy. He quickly persuaded his mommy to go home.    


"Okay." Bai Xianxian answered softly. She really liked it.    


"Then Mommy, don't..."    


Before Lih Xiaoning could finish, a scream came from outside the door. "Ah..." After the scream, there was a muffled sound.    


Then it was Hsu Mei's scream, "Lih Che, Lih Che, how are you?"    


"Dad, what's wrong with you? I'll take you to the hospital. Hold on, Hsu Mei said."    


"Call the police. Hurry up and call the police. Lih Lingye has killed someone."    


From Hsu Mei to Hsu Lingxun and then to Hsu Mei's shouting, after three consecutive sounds, Bai Xianxian was already stunned.    


Lih Xiaoning, on the other hand, jumped off the dining chair sober, "Mommy, I'll go out and take a look."    


Bai Xianxian only woke up when her son called out. She followed her son to the door and saw Lih Che lying in a pool of blood, and Lih Lingye, who was holding a dagger in front of Lih Che.    


Blood. The dagger was covered in blood. Lih Che's body was also covered in blood.    


Hsu Mei squatted in front of Lih Che and shook his body with force. "Lih Che, don't sleep. Don't sleep. The doctor will be here soon."    


"Crack... Crack..." A flash of light suddenly flashed in front of them. It was the sound of taking pictures.    


Bai Xianxian was stunned for a moment. When she raised her head and looked out again, she was somewhat stunned.    


Many reporters were currently gathered outside the villa's garden. Through the railing, they were taking pictures of the scene in front of the door.    


Obviously, the pictures of Lih Lingye holding the dagger were all taken.    


"Go away. How did you get into the neighborhood? Security, hurry up and chase them away." Bai Xianxian subconsciously shouted in panic. She was worried about Lih Lingye.    


She did not see what had just happened outside.    


Judging from Hsu Mei and Hsu Lingxun's reaction, they seemed to have confirmed that it was Lih Lingye who killed Lih Che.    


However, Bai Xianxian didn't believe it. She didn't believe it at all.    


In her mind and memory, Lih Lingye had always been very calm.    


No matter what he encountered, he would always remain calm in the face of danger.    


But now, he was holding the blood-stained dagger and standing there blankly, allowing the reporters outside to take pictures of him.    


Bai Xianxian could not remain calm.    


She had never seen such a Lih Lingye before.    


However, no matter what he did, she did not believe that he would kill her own father.    


Even though he usually showed disdain towards Lih Che, she didn't believe him.    


"Lih Lingye, wake up. You didn't do it, did you?" She had to wake him up. Otherwise, the reporters who were taking photos outside would definitely think that Lih Lingye had killed someone.    


Furthermore, they would help him spread the news.    


Otherwise, it would be a waste of their purpose of coming here.    


However, Bai Xianxian called out twice in a row. Lih Lingye did not have any reaction. He just stood there blankly the whole time, looking at Lih Che who had fallen to the ground and Hsu Mei who was squatting beside Lih Che. He did not move at all.    


Bai Xianxian looked at Lih Lingye who was like this and could only push him. "Lih Lingye, she said. You did not do it, right?" But when she asked this, she felt that the dagger in Lih Lingye's hand was too much of an eyesore.    


If Lih Lingye held it, even if he didn't kill anyone, he would still be recognized as a murderer.    


She wanted to take the dagger in his hand, but there were so many people outside watching. If she really took it from Lih Lingye's hand and threw it on the ground, people would think that it was Lih Lingye who did it.    


However, this man did not react at all.    


Bai Xianxian did not know how to react either.    


"Lih Lingye, wake up." Bai Xianxian looked at her man with disappointment. She reached out and pinched his arm. She just wanted to wake Lih Lingye up.    


Only then did Lih Lingye come back to his senses. He slowly turned his head to look at her. "Xianxian, wait for me obediently. I will come back."    


Just as Bai Xianxian was surprised by his words, she heard an ear-piercing siren outside the garden.    


The police car came.    


It came really quickly.    


It was so fast that she only said a few words to Lih Lingye. Lih Lingye only said one sentence.    


The door to the garden opened. The police rushed in and brought them in. There were also some reporters.    


All of them rushed in front of Lih Lingye in an instant.    


Then, the police stopped the reporters who wanted to get closer. They started to take photos and collect evidence, surrounding the entire scene.    


Bai Xianxian was also blocked by the police outside the cordon.    


At this moment, her eyes were all filled with Lih Lingye. He was not far from her. He was only two to three meters away, but it was also that far. Even if he was very close, she would not be able to touch him at all.    


Bai Xianxian watched helplessly as Lih Lingye was taken away by the police and taken into the police car. Then Lih Che was carried into the ambulance and sped away.    


However, Hsu Mei and Hsu Lingxun were naturally the ones who followed the ambulance. She and Lih Xiaoning were both stopped.    


Among the three villas, there was only the family of three. Even Yeh Xi and Ali were sent away by Lih Lingye.    


The last one to leave was Mrs Jian.    


At this time, Bai Xianxian did not even find anyone to help.    


Apart from herself and Lih Xiaoning, everyone else seemed to be standing on Hsu Mei's side. They were sure that Lih Lingye had just killed Lih Che.    


Lih Lingye only wanted to celebrate her family's birthday. However, they didn't expect that there would only be the family of three in the villa. There was no one else in the villa, so Hsu Mei took advantage of the loophole. He didn't know what she did, but she made Lih Lingye the one who was sure to be the murderer at the scene.    


"Lingye, Lingye..." Bai Xianxian chased after him, but her legs were not faster than the police car.    


Also, even if she caught up, so what? She could not get into the police car, nor could she get into the ambulance.    


She could only watch helplessly as Lih Lingye was taken away. There was nothing she could do.    


All of a sudden, she realized how weak she was.    


So weak that she couldn't even protect the person she loved the most.    


This feeling was not good at all. It was so bad that Bai Xianxian wished she could smash her head against the wall and die.    


She was really useless. She could not help Lih Lingye.    


"Mommy, don't cry. Daddy will come back. I believe in Daddy."    


Bai Xianxian listened to her son's advice and cried even harder. She also believed in Lih Lingye, but only the mother and son believed that Lih Lingye was useless. If the police wanted the reporters to believe Lih Lingye and not report the news that did not benefit Lih Lingye, then everything would be empty and meaningless.    


"Mommy, it's fine. It must be fine." Lih Xiaoning, who was beside her, gently held Bai Xianxian's hand. Every word he said was firm.    


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