Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C973 It Was Mr Li's Plan

C973 It Was Mr Li's Plan

Scanning the word 'no', Bai Xianxian only used a few seconds to rush to the window.    


Downstairs, Lih Lingye and Gu Jingyu were still standing in the rain.    


"This is crazy." Bai Xianxian was so angry that she stomped her feet.    


On the other side, Su Ke turned over and pulled over the blanket to cover her head. She said in a deep voice, "Bai Xianxian, I am tired."    


It was obvious that she was going to leave.    


If you want to sleep, then sleep here. If you don't want to sleep, then leave.    


Bai Xianxian frowned and hesitated for a moment. She looked at Su Ke pretending to sleep and finally walked out of Su Ke's bedroom and returned to her own bedroom.    


Although it was only a few steps away, she was already much more awake.    


Su was right. The two men were clearly doing it on purpose. It seemed like they had long known that it would rain here tonight, so they waited downstairs in advance for the rain.    


If she went out to bring Lih Lingye up today, if there was one more, there would be two more, and then there would be no more time to stop.    


Thinking about this, Bai Xianxian did not go to the window, nor did she see if Lih Lingye was still in the rain downstairs. Instead, she went to her bed, laid down, and closed her eyes to let herself fall asleep.    


It was very strange. She was clearly very excited before, but as soon as she thought about how Lih Lingye and Gu Jingyu deliberately rained, her emotions slowly calmed down. Then, she unknowingly fell asleep.    


This time, she actually slept very soundly. She slept until dawn.    


If not for the little thing continuously kicking her stomach uneasily, Bai Xianxian would still be asleep.    


After leisurely waking up and lying down for a full five seconds, her consciousness quietly returned. She also suddenly thought of the two men who were drenched in the rain downstairs before falling asleep last night.    


She remembered and got out of bed.    


After an entire night, she calmly went to the window. She always thought that Gu Jingyu and Lih Lingye must have left at this time. But when she looked out and saw Gu Jingyu and Lih Lingye still standing there, she thought that there was something wrong with her eyes.    


However, when Bai Xianxian rubbed her eyes and looked out again, Lih Lingye and Gu Jingyu were still standing there.    


At this moment, she finally could not hold it in anymore. Early in the morning, it was only five o'clock when she called Lih Xiaoning.    


Lih Xiaoning picked up the phone in a daze, "Mommy, good morning."    


"Did your daddy go back?"    


"No, he didn't. Father said last night that he didn't go home last night. He didn't go home for the whole night. He told me not to worry. He will take care of himself. "    


Before Lih Xiaoning could finish, Bai Xianxian had already hung up the phone. She changed her clothes and rushed out of the room.    


Faang Wenxue and Su Ke's rooms were all quiet. She didn't call the two of them and went out of the room by herself into the elevator.    


The early morning wind was very cold and it made her shiver.    


She was wearing so much but she still could not stand the cold wind.    


Not to mention Lih Lingye, who was drenched.    


"Lih Lingye, what have you been standing here for?" Bai Xianxian shouted at Lih Lingye before he even arrived. She was really speechless towards Lih Lingye.    


This behavior of not leaving in the rain was clearly the behavior of a child. How childish was this?    


When Lih Lingye's little wife ran out of the building's door, he felt Bai Xianxian's appearance. He quietly raised his head and met Bai Xianxian's worried gaze.    


For a moment, their eyes met. He took a long step forward and was about to support Bai Xianxian who was rushing over.    


But when he moved, he felt stars all over his body and he could not move at all. "Xianxian..." His slightly swaying body revealed his current situation.    


Bai Xianxian's eyes were sharp and she reached out to support Lih Lingye but he forced himself to turn sideways. Just as he was about to support the car, he gently grabbed Bai Xianxian's hand with his big palm. "I'm fine."    


His voice made Bai Xianxian's face turn red. She wanted to break free from his hand, but she could not. Enduring the numbing pain that spread all over her body, Lih Lingye held Bai Xianxian's hand and walked towards his Maybach, leaving Gu Jingyu with a confused face.    


They had agreed that the two of them would take the rain together and move Su Ke and Bai Xianxian to come downstairs together.    


In the end, after being drenched all night, Bai Xianxian went downstairs. But Su Ke still did not go downstairs until now.    


Therefore, when he saw Lih Lingye holding Bai Xianxian's hand, he had a bad feeling. If Su Ke wanted to go downstairs, she would have gone downstairs long ago. She would not have waited until Bai Xianxian came down and Su Ke had not yet come down.    


Therefore, at this moment, Gu Jingyu looked at Lih Lingye and Bai Xianxian holding hands. Apart from being an eyesore, he was also an eyesore.    


However, at this moment, there was no longer Gu Jingyu in Lih Lingye's eyes. He had long forgotten about Gu Jingyu and only left his wife who was holding hands and walking side by side.    


Only two steps away, Lih Lingye held Bai Xianxian's hand and walked to his car. Just when Bai Xianxian thought he was going to put her in the passenger seat, he held her hand and gently turned her around. He walked to the door of the driver's seat and said, "Wife, I'm a little uncomfortable. Can you drive?"    


Bai Xianxian frowned slightly. She did not believe that Lih Lingye had said it himself.    


After all, ever since he knew she was pregnant, he would not allow her to drive.    


When he drank, he asked Ke Qingrann to drive for him and also did not want Bai Xianxian to drive.    


But now, he personally called Bai Xianxian to drive.    


This also made Bai Xianxian instantly uncomfortable.    


Even if she knew that there was really no problem with her driving, she was also not used to Lih Lingye who let her drive like this.    


Therefore, Lih Lingye letting her drive like this must be because he really could not drive. It was even more dangerous for him to drive than letting her drive.    


"Lih Lingye, you are not feeling well?"    


After asking, Bai Xianxian wished she could knock her own head. After being drenched in the rain for the whole night and blowing the cold wind for the whole night, it would be strange if Lih Lingye felt comfortable.    


"It's fine. Let's go." Lih Lingye was indifferent, as if he was really fine.    


Bai Xianxian was forced to sit in the driver's seat for the first time. She saw Lih Lingye put on the seatbelt for her and was about to turn to the passenger seat. She reached out her hand and put it on his forehead.    


It was hot.    




Apart from being hot, it was also hot.    


Lih Lingye had a fever. It was still a high fever.    


At this moment, she finally understood why Lih Lingye asked her to drive.    


If Lih Lingye drove, it would be even more dangerous.    


"Lih Lingye, are you sick?" The feeling of the hand test was at least 39 degrees, which made Bai Xianxian angry. Because Lih Lingye's fever was not an accident, but man-made. It was man-made.    


Lih Lingye suddenly retreated and avoided Bai Xianxian's hand. "Wife, just send me home." Then, he staggered and forced himself to the passenger seat.    


Bai Xianxian frowned and waited for him to sit properly. She turned to look at Lih Lingye again. His face was pale. This was a man who was even more stupid than a fool. In order to let her go home, in such a modern era, he actually used an ancient trick to make her suffer...    


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