Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C951 It Means Thank You

C951 It Means Thank You

"Oh, yes. Mr Ye was right. It was really not easy for him." Su Ke's words were teasing Bai Xianxian.    


But she did not expect that she would put herself in it.    


Lih Lingye looked at his wife and secretly gave her a thumbs up for her quick reaction. She was indeed his wife. She didn't betray him.    


Otherwise, if Su Ke knew that he wanted to eat in the hall to increase the speed of her and Mr. Nicholas, Su Ke would definitely not let him go.    


At that time, she would tell Gu Jingyu that their brotherly relationship was in danger.    


Bai Xianxian received Lih Lingye's expression and shook her head helplessly. She had no choice. In fact, she did not want to protect Lih Lingye. She wanted to stimulate Gu Jingyu and make him look at his true feelings.    


Therefore, Bai Xianxian really left the previous private room and booked a public area in the hall.    


The four of them sat down. Mr. Nicola was a very casual person and did not feel that there was anything wrong with eating here. He was still talking and laughing with Bai Xianxian, Lih Lingye and Su Ke.    


Naturally, he still used his phone to communicate with Su Ke.    


The two of them had just gone through experiments on their way here and were already used to this kind of interaction. They did not translate it through Bai Xianxian at all.    


However, Su Ke did not have much interaction with Mr. Nicholas now. Because not long after she sat down, she asked Nicola to download and install a translation software like the one in his phone.    


It was very practical.    


She said that she would use her phone to translate and pass the phone to Mr. Nicola to take a look. Mr. Nicola also used his own phone and said that he would pass it to her to take a look.    


She no longer used his phone to speak and then translated.    


As they ate and chatted, the atmosphere was very relaxed and comfortable. Lih Lingye only had his little wife in his eyes right now. From time to time, he would bring food and cloth for his little wife. His eyes could no longer tolerate anyone else. He completely handed Mr. Nicholas over to Su Ke.    


While chatting with Su Ke, mr. Nicola kept taking pictures of the delicious food of Junyue Club.    


The delicious food here could be said to be excellent in color and fragrance. It was as delicious as it could be.    


Another dish was served. Mr. Nicola looked over curiously. He first took a photo and then tasted it. However, he could not tell what dish it was. He could not help but ask Su Ke, "What dish is this?"    


"Egg-yolk pumpkin." Su Ke explained. First it was Mandarin, then it was French, but she did not know if it was translated or not.    


After all, she could not understand the translated French.    


As the two of them were talking and laughing, a tall and straight figure walked over quickly.    


Like a gust of wind, it blew onto Lih Lingye's table in the blink of an eye.    


Gu Jingyu had arrived.    


"Uh, it really is me, Mr Ye and sister-in-law. Why didn't you greet me when you came? Why did you let me, the master, do the best of my abilities? You two are going too far. " Gu Jingyu said with a smile. His eyes were all on Lih Lingye and Bai Xianxian. He looked like he was very familiar with Lih Lingye and Bai Xianxian. At the same time, he also directly ignored Su Ke.    


Lih Lingye pursed the corner of his lips, holding back his hypocrisy towards this fellow and almost bursting into laughter.    


Gu Jingyu clearly knew that he and Bai Xianxian had come over a long time ago, yet he still said all this nonsense. It was clearly intentional.    


He was deliberately ignoring Su Ke.    


Look, he clearly cared about her life and rushed over in a hurry, but he could still pretend like this. He really admired it.    


However, he had now clearly seen Gu Jingyu's future. When he finally understood his heart one day, he would definitely be even more miserable than he was now. Su Ke would definitely not forgive Gu Jingyu.    


Perhaps Gu Jingyu's means of dealing with Gu Jingyu was even more powerful than Bai Xianxian's current means of dealing with him.    


After all, one should not judge a book by its cover.    


He was very optimistic about Su Ke.    


When that day came, if Su Ke's means were not satisfactory, he would not mind giving Su Ke some guidance. At that time, Gu Jingyu would regret it.    


"It's not too late for you to arrive now. Hmm, since you are the owner of this place, the task of paying the bill is yours." Lih Lingye said impolitely.    


"Uh, I didn't even eat a bite. Why should I pay the bill?" Gu Jingyu saw that Lih Lingye only wanted him to pay, but he didn't want to invite him to sit down and eat. He was anxious.    


This was the reason why he rushed over.    


He wanted to meet the foreigner next to Su Ke.    


Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that this foreigner really looked like a dog. He was quite attractive.    


Only then did Lih Lingye slowly sweep his gaze across the other three people on the table. "What do you three think?" This sentence... He had said it all in French, but when it came to Mr. Nicola, in order to make Mr. Nicola understand, he added, "This is my friend, he requests to dine with us."    


"No problem." Mr. Nicola naturally had no objections.    


His agreement showed that he was especially enthusiastic and magnanimous, which made Gu Jingyu feel a little embarrassed. "What did he say?" Although it was obvious from the foreign ghost's expression that he did not object, Gu Jingyu still cautiously asked Lih Lingye again.    


Otherwise, if he misunderstood, the one who would lose face would be him.    


In front of a love rival, that kind of stupid behavior that could be misunderstood absolutely could not happen. This was Gu Jingyu's subconscious reaction.    


Lih Lingye smiled and translated, "He said he agreed for you to sit down and eat together."    


"Hmph." Gu Jingyu did not even say thank you. He snorted and sat down without any politeness. The seat he sat in was naturally beside Su Ke.    


For a moment, on Su Ke's left was Mr. Nicola, and on her right was Gu Jingyu.    


Around the three of them were the waiters and staff of Junyue Club who kept looking in this direction. Each of them wished they could extend their heads and not blink. They didn't want to miss the absolutely wonderful scene in front of them.    


Looking at the scene in front of him, Lih Lingye held back his laughter. It was the right decision to come here today. It was quite interesting.    


Not only could he accompany his little wife, but he could also watch a show. Why not?    


He was very satisfied.    


Originally, it was just a casual syllable, but for Mr. Nicola, who was now earnestly studying Mandarin, it was definitely a good opportunity to learn.    


He also coldly snorted when he learned Gu Jingyu's syllable, and then asked Su Ke, "What does this syllable mean?"    


Su Ke had a headache waiting for Mr. Nicholas to translate in French.    


Could she say that Gu Jingyu was snorting coldly?    


However, just as Su Ke was having a headache and did not know how to explain, Lih Lingye, who could understand French, said insincerely to Nicholas, "It means thank you."    


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