Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C754 Mr Li You Don't Understand

C754 Mr Li You Don't Understand

"He went on vacation?"    


"Yes, so it's very likely that he's on the plane right now. So, miss Bai Xianxian, you have to compensate me with a beauty sleep."    


"Bam..." Bai Xianxian directly hung up. She was compensating for Xuefya's beauty sleep. Once she hung up, xuefya could continue sleeping.    


The sunlight shone on her body and it felt warm.    


Bai Xianxian's eyes were a little fleeting and her mind was unable to think of Caine. She kept feeling that there was something wrong with the recent interactions between her and Caine.    


Suddenly, her gaze swept across the phone. She finally thought of something. That was, although Caine had e-mails with her every month, however, it had been a long time since they had talked on the phone.    


In the next second, Bai Xianxian dialed the phone that she had hung up not long ago.    


"Bai Xianxian, my beauty sense..." Shafiya roared angrily.    


Bai Xianxian smiled embarrassedly and said in a low voice. "I... I just want to ask you, have you been in contact with Caine recently?"    


"Yes, there must be. Are you sure you are asking me a question and not wanting to disturb my beauty sleep?"    


"No, no." Bai Xianxian hurriedly denied, "Jala, then how are you and Caine related?"    


Feeling that the other side paused for a moment as if they did not understand what she meant, Bai Xianxian said again, "For example, how did you contact him through phone or email?"    


"I think so. Bai Xianxian, you are so annoying. Why did you ask such strange questions? You hung up and then turned off the phone. Don't think that you won't let me sleep in beauty sleep just because you are prettier than me."    


... "" Uh... There was no need to compare her beauty, right?    


Bai Xianxian could not help but laugh as she put down her phone. She must have thought too much. It was because she was too sensitive.    


After washing up and entering the kitchen, there was actually cooked porridge. Recently, Mr. Lih had become more and more considerate.    


Apart from bringing her home, he was doing all the cooking that he had never done before.    


He served a bowl of porridge and slowly ate it. The taste was not bad. It was much better than the first time he cooked it. As expected, she did not cook it for nothing in the past few days, and that man did not learn it for nothing.    


No matter what, Lih Lingye was also a bookworm when he was studying. It was just cooking porridge, but he still learned it very well.    


After eating her fill, Bai Xianxian was not in a hurry to go to school. The Christmas gala of T University was naturally held at night, and she did not participate in the class program, so she naturally did not need to go early. She just needed to step on something and report it.    


Looking at the time, it was still a little early to go shopping at this time of the day. Many shops had yet to open for business. The shops in large shopping malls opened at about ten o'clock. Moreover, this was not the main point. The main point was that she was waiting for the express delivery.    


In order to cater to the situation and to keep it a secret, she bought two gifts on the internet. One was for the big man, Lih Lingye, and the other was for the small man, Lih Xiaoning. However, they both arrived today.    


She originally thought that this would be a surprise for the two men, but now it seemed that there was no need for her to prepare or not. It seemed that Lih Lingye did not intend to celebrate Christmas. Lih Xiaoning, who used to be the most passionate about Christmas, did not seem to be particularly enthusiastic this year.    


She even felt that even if her Christmas present arrived, it didn't matter if she didn't give it to him or not.    


Anyway, those two men didn't seem to care.    


Clearly, she was especially busy during Christmas, but now Bai Xianxian was so idle that she was in a panic.    


In such a day, even if she sent an email, there wouldn't be any customers who would read it.    


In China and abroad, everyone was celebrating Christmas. She was the only one who was bored to the point of wanting to develop some overseas clients on such a day.    


She was really crazy.    


Unfortunately, it was really boring. Bai Xianxian decided to be a diligent and earnest good employee and was prepared to continue her email work that she had persisted for a few days.    


She opened her email on her phone.    


Bai Xianxian first browsed through the email on a routine basis. There were emails almost every day, but they were mostly spam emails. She casually opened them and deleted them one by one. Just as she was about to delete the last one, she was stunned.    


It seemed to be emails from customers.    


She opened it.    


Bai Xianxian was pleasantly surprised.    


He was actually asking about a product from the Lih's Group.    


Bai Xianxian stayed in the Lih's for a few days before replacing Lih Lingye to manage the company for a few days. Therefore, she had some understanding of the situation in the Lih's, so she easily replied to this email.    


He didn't expect that the other party would reply so quickly at this time when the time was absolutely different from the time in Africa.    


But when she replied, Bai Xianxian did not dare to reply.    


The other party's question was too professional. She really could not reply casually.    


After thinking for a while, Bai Xianxian took out her phone and called Lih Lingye. It was still safest to ask Lih Lingye. This was also respect for the client. What if he placed an order? It would not be in vain for her to be busy for the past few days.    


Although it was Christmas, this call of hers was definitely for work, so it could not be considered as disturbing Lih Lingye's work time.    


Lih's Group.    


In the meeting room on the top floor, there was a meeting of the executives of the company.    


Lih Lingye held a pen with his slender fingers. He listened to the report of the senior management while he drew circles on the documents in his hands.    


Suddenly, the phone in his pants vibrated.    


Because of the meeting, he switched the phone to silent mode and chose vibration mode.    


Lo Feng, who was sitting at the side, saw Lih Lingye taking out his phone in such a meeting. He was stunned for a moment, then he remembered that Lih Lingye had recently bought the most fancy thing he had ever thought was a motorcycle. It seemed that there was nothing Lih Lingye could not do recently.    


Lo Feng saw Lih Lingye look at his phone first, then he raised his hand and made a gesture. "The meeting is paused."    


With that, he interrupted the senior executive who was working hard to report the work. The senior executive was stunned. He did not understand whether Lih Lingye was satisfied with his report or not.    


He looked at Lo Feng, who was the closest to Lih Lingye, in a daze.    


Lo Feng was also a little confused. He raised his eyes and looked at the phone in Lih Lingye's hand. He was stunned for a second. It was a call from Mrs Lih.    


"Take a break." Lo Feng stopped the meeting on Lih Lingye's behalf and said, "Young Master Lih, such an important customer, you take his call first. We are not in a hurry. We will wait for you to come back and continue the meeting."    


He was giving Lih Lingye enough face to not embarrass Lih Lingye. Otherwise, if the senior executives in the meeting found out that Lih Lingye was having a meeting and went to chat with Mrs Lih, the company would be in chaos.    


Unexpectedly, Mr. Lih did not understand what was going on and corrected him. "It's not a client, it's Xianxian. The meeting will continue in ten minutes."    


After saying that, Mr. Lih got up and walked out of the meeting room. Just like that, he openly showed off the affection in the meeting room.    


"Lo Feng wanted to hide under the meeting table. His reputation as a hero who never lied was ruined by Lih Lingye just like that.    


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