Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C735 Drive Well

C735 Drive Well

Gu Jingyu blinked. "Coco, baby. Then please, big Bro. If you beg, big Bro will go. If you don't beg, then Big Bro won't go. I'll only accompany you."    


Su Ke was really about to be driven crazy by Gu Jingyu's hoodlum. She had never seen such a shameless hoodlum. She reached out and pushed. "Alright, consider it as me begging you to go and find Faang Wenxue. This should be fine, right?"    


"No." Not wanting to, Gu Jingyu continued to refresh his shamelessness.    


"Gu Jingyu, you bastard." Su Ke became anxious and worried for Faang Wenxue. With so many people looking for her, it proved that her disappearance was indeed worrying. Once she became anxious, she threw a punch at Gu Jingyu.    


Gu Jingyu stretched out his hand and grabbed Su Ke's fist. Other than feeling a slight breeze, he did not feel any threat from Su Ke, "Little darling, it is not that I am not going. You are the one who won't let me go. I'm just obediently listening to you. "    


"Gu Jingyu, when did I not let you go?" She had been urging him to go, okay?    


"Didn't you say you could ask me to go to Faang Wenxue and ask me if it was okay? I will tell you now, no."    


"Su Ke's mouth was opened into an O shape. She really admired Gu Jingyu. His speed of changing his face was so fast that she could not handle it. "Gu Jingyu, get up. I have never met you before."    


Even if she knew him, she would feel embarrassed. Really, it felt very embarrassing. This entire place felt like a hooligan and a rogue. It was a good feeling.    


"Lil 'Keke, don't worry. This bro only has one request. After you finish speaking, you can convict this bro, alright? Lil' Keke, don't worry. This bro only has one request. After you finish speaking, you can convict this bro, alright?"    


"If you have something to say, say it quickly." After saying that, she quickly went to look for Faang Wenxue. She felt that everyone in the world was anxious for Faang Wenxue. Only Gu Jingyu did not seem to be anxious. Su Ke really admired Gu Jingyu.    


"Hehehe, the little darling's foul language is so cool. Big brother likes it."    


... "" Su Ke stared blankly. Even at this time, he was still able to talk rubbish. He was truly invincible.    


"Keke, it's not impossible for me to agree to your request. However, you have to go with me. Let the little darling see how mighty I am with his own eyes. Hmm? "    


Su Ke reached out and pushed Gu Jingyu, "Okay."    


This unexpected move really made her push Gu Jingyu away, and then she quickly changed her clothes.    


She felt that if she still didn't agree, Gu Jingyu would definitely torture her for another ten minutes.    


Damn it! He did not want his five billion worth of land, but she still wanted Bai Xianxian and Faang Wenxue to be good friends.    


Only then did Gu Jingyu get up. He slowly buckled the belt on his waist. He said lowly, "Keke, are you dissatisfied because you were interrupted by Lih Lingye? Don't worry, when we find Faang Wenxue... Mhmm. Let's drive that spacious nanny car out. " Gu Jingyu said meaningfully.    


"Get lost." Su Ke picked up the pillow and placed it on Gu Jingyu's head. She lifted her leg and left.    


Gu Jingyu slowly followed and smiled as he held Su Ke's arm. "It's not like I haven't done it before. What's there to be shy about? Don't worry. Big brother will always only have the little darling in my heart."    


She did not know if the promise was true or false, but Su Ke's heart was filled with grief. The reason why she was still able to maintain her current relationship with him was probably because she was subdued by his careless promise just now.    


Every time he made such a promise, her heart would soften and she would continue to stay by his side.    


She quietly walked out of the room. She didn't know how many times she would soften her heart, but she also gave herself a bottom line. As long as she found out that Gu Jingyu still had an affair with another woman, she would silently leave and never pester him again.    


That's not right. She had never bothered him, but he was pestering her and not allowing her to leave him.    


The two of them entered the elevator. Su Ke looked at the two of them standing side by side through the wall of the elevator. Gu Jingyu was a head taller than her. She stood beside him. If one ignored the fact that he did not want to get married, she would not want to get married. They seemed to be quite compatible.    


In fact, Gu Jingyu's parents did not oppose their relationship. They even hinted several times that she and Gu Jingyu should quickly put the marriage on the agenda. However, Gu Jingyu did not respond. It was as if he did not hear her and did not understand her. He pretended not to talk about getting married.    


After coming out of the elevator, Gu Jingyu really walked towards his most spacious car, which was the nanny car.    


Su Ke's face turned red and her body paused. She forcefully pulled Gu Jingyu and said, "Drive that car." As she spoke, she pointed at Gu Jingyu's Lamborghini, which was a few steps away.    


He was just as cool and handsome. His cars were all luxury cars. At first, when she sat in his car, she would feel excited. But now, she no longer felt it. It felt like she was sitting on an ordinary bus.    


"Uh, that car is too narrow. This young master doesn't like it." Gu Jingyu shook his head in disgust.    


"I like it." Su Ke stared at him and growled.    


Gu Jingyu narrowed his eyes and looked at Su Ke for three seconds. Then he grinned and said, "Fine, fine. Since the little darling likes it, then we will listen to him. Our little darling has the final say."    


Su Ke's nose twitched when she heard him say 'our family'. Was she considered a family with him?    


There was not even a single sign of the birth date.    


But even though she knew that he didn't say a single word, when she heard him say it like this, she still inexplicably felt that it sounded nice and she liked to hear it.    


She was also becoming more and more despicable.    


She was always coaxed by a few words from him. There would even be times when she would be moved.    


Su Ke didn't know how to get into the Lamborghini until Gu Jingyu drove the car out of the underground parking lot. It wasn't until the neon lights shone through the window that Su Ke woke up. She turned to look at Gu Jingyu. For a moment, she felt as if she had been brought into a dream by the neon lights that filled the sky. It was as if nothing was real.    


"Little darling, if you keep looking at me like that, do you believe that I won't feel that the car is narrow at all?" As Gu Jingyu spoke, he even casually swept his gaze across the interior of the carriage. It was as if he really didn't mind it at all.    


Su Ke's body trembled. His gaze was as if she was not wearing any clothes, "Gu Jingyu, drive well."    


"Yes, yes. Drive well now. Drive well in another car later." Gu Jingyu chuckled. His thin lips opened and closed, continuing with his ability to speak without end.    


"Uh, even if it was just 'driving', Gu Jingyu could inadvertently give you several meanings. He was definitely a genius in this aspect.    


Seeing that she did not speak, Gu Jingyu, who had parked the car because of the red light, turned his body and a handsome face approached Su Ke. "Little darling, what are you thinking about? Are you thinking about how big brother can drive?"    


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