Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C611 Take It off

C611 Take It off

"I want to eat wontons." Bai Xianxian curled her lips and said without answering.    


Lih Lingye rubbed his forehead. Fine, he would eat whatever his wife wanted to eat. As long as she was happy, it was good. The car turned and went to the parking lot on the side of the road.    


It was already past dinner time, but the business of the store was still very hot.    


There were a lot of people.    


After going in and sweeping a circle, he found a seat for two people. "Two bowls of pasta with three fresh filling." Bai Xianxian did not ask Lih Lingye and directly ordered for him.    


In such a small restaurant, he did not even know how to order dishes.    


Lih Lingye quietly sat there and smiled at the satisfied Bai Xianxian.    


However, he didn't know that with his expression and aura, he was simply the unconventional one in this small restaurant. He would definitely stand out among the crowd.    


Other than being eye-catching, he was also eye-catching.    


Bai Xianxian also felt the gazes of the surrounding people.    


But she also understood that even if she wanted to stop it, she could not stop it.    


This was a bit of her fault.    


Mr. Lih was dressed in a well-ironed suit. He didn't even have a slight wrinkle on his face. It really wasn't suitable for such a friendly restaurant.    


She reached out and pulled his sleeve. Every time she saw his cuff, she liked to touch it. "Take off your coat, okay?"    


"No." Lih Lingye didn't want to, so he directly refused.    


"Hey, you look a bit out of place here." Bai Xianxian stared at him speechlessly.    


"It's okay if you want me to take it off. Take it off for me."    


"With a bang, Bai Xianxian blushed and looked around like a thief. Luckily, Mr. Lih's voice was not very loud. Otherwise, she would have found a hole to hide in.    


"Take it off yourself. Hurry up."    


"I don't want to."    


Mr. Lih didn't want to, so he started to feel awkward.    


Bai Xianxian was speechless. She stood up and began to peel off his suit.    


Only then did Lih Lingye cooperatively stretch out his arm and let Bai Xianxian help him take off his suit.    


After taking it off, she put it on the back of his chair. Then she turned to look at the others and asked Lih Lingye in a low voice, "Is one bowl enough for you to eat?"    


"It's enough." He had enough of such a place.    


"Then I'll add another bowl. If you don't have enough, don't snatch mine." Bai Xianxian warned Lih Lingye very seriously.    


"Oh, okay." Lih Lingye had never known that Bai Xianxian was actually a foodie. He also did not know where she could eat so much. The meat did not grow much either. Although the touch was not bad, he still wanted it to be better.    


For things like welfare, the more the better. It was never too little.    


The wontons were sent over.    


Bai Xianxian ate very quickly. However, she was still considered gentle.    


Her appearance was completely different from the women in Lih Lingye's world.    


It was also special.    


He recalled what she had experienced. She had even done things like racing, so it was very normal for her to eat such snacks.    


The first spoonful was still alright.    


If she ate again, it would be fine.    


As he ate, Lih Lingye found that the wontons in the snack bar were indeed delicious. No wonder business was so good.    


However, no matter how delicious it was, he always ate at the same speed, neither too fast nor too slow. He was gentlemanly and elegant, and every time he ate, he would have a special taste.    


In the end, when he ate half of it, Bai Xianxian had already finished her bowl.    


When he finished one bowl, Bai Xianxian had already finished two bowls.    


The warm wontons entered his stomach and finally did not starve. Bai Xianxian felt comfortable, "Lingye, do you want another bowl?"    


Lih Lingye felt his taste buds and stomach. "That's good too."    


Bai Xianxian smiled. "I already said one bowl is not enough, but you still don't believe me." She asked the waiter to give another bowl. This time, it was Lih Lingye who watched her eat.    


Her welfare today was really good. After looking at Mr. Lih for the whole afternoon, her eyes were filled with happiness.    


Lih Lingye continued to eat at a moderate pace. He seemed to be very satisfied with the way the little woman stared at him as if she was reluctant to even blink.    


However, after eating half of it, he couldn't eat anymore. "Let's go." His appetite had always been like this. He only wanted to be exquisite and meticulous, no more, no less.    


"Hey, you're wasting it."    


"Eat well. If you think it's a waste, eat."    


"Okay, I'll eat it." Bai Xianxian really brought over the remaining bowl and even used the chopsticks that he had just used.    


Seeing the little girl finish off the remaining wontons in no time, Lih Lingye rubbed his forehead. Why did he feel that he had married a wife who was starving to death? If it wasn't for that, he might have starved her.    


Lincoln restarted. Bai Xianxian, who had eaten her fill, narrowed her eyes like a little pig. She was sleepy.    


It was noon. It was really easy to feel sleepy after eating her fill.    


Lih Lingye did not wake her up, but let her sleep.    


This sleep made the sun set in the west.    


When he woke up, it was already dusk.    


Bai Xianxian rubbed her eyes and sat up muddle-headed. She just happened to see Lih Lingye brushing his pen and electricity beside him. "Where are we now?"    


She woke up from her sleep. She already did not know what night it was.    


She had been busy during the day and at night. She was really tired.    


During the day, she had been busy going to the construction site to translate. In the afternoon, she had classes. In the evening, she still had classes. As for the work at night, it was definitely thanks to Lih Lingye.    


It was all because of him that she felt sore at her waist, back, and leg cramps every day. She was so tired.    


So, she slept over her head.    


She didn't even know when Lih Lingye carried her out of the car.    


It was just that the sofa bed was very soft and comfortable, which made her oversleep.    


"I'm awake. Hm?" Lih Lingye heard her voice and then closed the pen and put it into the bag.    


"Where is this?" This was a small lounge. It was a very warm arrangement, but she could not guess where it was. She had never been here before.    


"Let's go. We'll know in a while."    


Uh, they were just continuing to keep him in suspense.    


She was about to suffocate from curiosity.    


She followed Lih Lingye out of the small lounge with sleepy eyes. When she saw the situation outside, she finally understood where it was.    


At the wedding dress shop.    


There were six wedding dresses that Lih Lingye had customized for her in front of her. They were arranged in a row and were waiting for her, the owner, to try out the effects.    


It was a stunning wedding dress.    


Every one of them was even more beautiful than the ones in the atlas that she had seen before.    


"Mr. Lih, can I try it now?" The waiter came up and respectfully waited for Bai Xianxian to try the wedding dress.    


"Yes." Lih Lingye pushed Bai Xianxian to the waiter, "En, go and try."    


"Hello. What about you?" Bai Xianxian suddenly started to panic. She did not like the feeling of leaving him.    


"Mrs Lih, Mr. Lih also wants to try his dress." The waiter reminded her at the right time.    


Bai Xianxian was embarrassed. She had even forgotten. She wanted to try, and so did he.    


He couldn't just wear his suit and marry her.    


If he agreed, she wouldn't agree either.    


He tried on the wedding dress. It was white, pink, and big red. All the colors were tested one by one. The most difficult colors to control were perfectly displayed on Bai Xianxian's body.    


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