Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C456 He Had a Headache

C456 He Had a Headache

Lingmei must have felt the knocking on the door. She wiggled slightly and rubbed against his chest again. She found a comfortable position and continued to sleep.    


Ji Yichen frowned and turned around to look around. His bed was definitely the bed he chose to sleep with last night, and Lingmei's patient bed was currently empty.    


She actually fell asleep and ran to his bed.    


Ji Yichen was speechless.    


Last night, he was going to leave, but Lingmei pulled his sleeve and refused to let go. She looked like a little girl who was afraid and had a pitiful expression. It was as if if if he left her here alone, she would definitely cry for him to see. In the end, Ji Yichen listened to the doctor's advice and stayed.    


However, even if he told Lih Lingmei a story last night, it was him who accompanied Lingmei on the patient's bed.    


The goal was to not let anything that Lih Lingye misunderstood happen again.    


In the end, even if he slept on the patient's bed, she could still fall asleep and fall asleep. She was really speechless.    


Gently pushing Lingmei away, Ji Yichen got off the bed and tidied his hair. He checked his clothes and slept in his smart clothes last night.    


This was the first time he had slept in his clothes. So, he was not used to sleeping late at night. Lih Lingmei. Now, it was a huge problem that belonged to him, a headache.    


He opened the door and saw Bai Xianxian. "Sister-in-law. Since you are here, I will hand Lingmei over to you. I have to go to work today." Lih Lingmei was not his sister and he did not have the obligation to take care of her during the day and night. He still had his own work to do.    


"No, Mr Yichen. I'll go wherever you go. You go to work. I'll go to work with you too. " Not wanting to, on the accompanying bed behind him... Lih Lingmei also woke up. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and got out of bed. She couldn't wait to put on her shoes and ran to Ji Yichen's side, afraid that she wouldn't be able to keep an eye on him. It looked like he ran away.    


Bai Xianxian saw it and hurriedly said, "Lingmei, quickly go and put on your shoes."    


"No, Mr Yichen is going to leave. After I put on my shoes, he will leave." Lingmei did not give Bai Xianxian any face as her sister-in-law and just did not want to put on her shoes.    


"Lingmei, listen to me. Be careful that you are sick. Your brother and I are worried about you." Bai Xianxian could only continue to persuade.    


"No, I want to go to work with Mr Yichen."    


Bai Xianxian was going crazy. She really did not know how to persuade Lih Lingmei.    


Ji Yichen rubbed his forehead and reached out to touch Lingmei's head. "Be good. Go and put on your shoes. We will talk after you put them on."    


"Mr Yichen, I have put on my shoes. Take me to work with you, right?"    


Ji Yichen felt dizzy.    


He was the CEO of the Ji family. When he was at work, Lingmei was following behind him. She knew him very well. It was a small tail. Those who didn't know would think that he was abducting an underage girl.    


"Lingmei, other than the company's employees and customers, not everyone can enter the company."    


"Then let my brother be a client of your company. Then I will also be your client. I want to follow you to the company." Ji Yichen had just refused Lih Lingmei, but she did not want to, so she thought of a way to deny it.    


... "" Ji Yichen looked at Lih Lingmei with burning eyes. Why did he feel that her IQ was so high? She was definitely not five years old. She must be pretending.    


Otherwise, how could she come up with such a good solution and insist that he take her to the company?    


Ji Yichen felt a headache coming on.    


Bai Xianxian also felt helpless, "Ji Yichen, I think Lingmei only listens to you right now. How about I trouble you for one day first, then take care of her for another day. When Lingye leaves the courtyard and feels slightly better, then think of a way, alright?"    


"Uh, are you sure you can represent Lih Lingye? If he comes to my company with a stroke, then fight me again. That's not good. I don't want to try. " Ji Yichen said, turned around, and went to take his pen, electricity, and bag. It was time for him to leave. He could not take care of Lingmei for Lih Lingye for the rest of his life.    


"I'm sure." Bai Xianxian did not want to. Before Bai Xianxian could answer Ji Yichen, Lih Lingye answered him.    


This familiar voice made Bai Xianxian and Ji Yichen turn around together. "Lingye, why did you get off the bed?" Wasn't he afraid of worsening the wound?    


Ji Yichen glanced at him indifferently. "Even if sister-in-law can represent me, I don't agree. Yesterday, I delayed a day of work and lost a big client. Lih Lingye, you can't afford it."    


Ji Yichen said as he took the pen and electric bag and left.    


Lingmei, who had not had time to put on her shoes, was still barefooted. She followed him without thinking.    


Lih Lingye saw Lingmei's bare feet and felt a headache. When Bai Xianxian came over just now, he had already called to inquire about Lingmei's condition. It was a little bad. Currently, Lingmei only listened to Ji Yichen.    


This was good news and also bad news.    


The good news was that at least Lingmei still listened to Ji Yichen. In the past, when anyone tried to persuade her, she would not answer any of the doctor's questions. She might have directly blocked the bad memory in her heart, no matter who tried to persuade her. She did not want to think about it, nor did she want to answer. And now, at least she was willing to listen to someone's advice. This was a good thing.    


The bad news was that even if he did not want to hand Lingmei, this pure and clean sister, to Ji Yichen, he had to listen to the doctor's advice. Nothing was more important than Lingmei's recovery.    


It had been 24 years. In these 20 years, she had been living in the world of children. Although it looked beautiful, no matter how he, Lih Lingxuan and Yeh Xi doted on her and loved her, it was better for her to return to normal.    


Therefore, when he had just walked all the way here, he had thought it through.    


"Ji Yichen, didn't Fang Tong Corporation cancel their partnership with your company? Actually, I think it's better this way. Ji Shi is worth a better client. If your case is collaborated with Guang Fei Corporation, your prospects will be even more promising. What do you think? "    


Ji Yichen was just casually talking about it. It was a few days ago that Fang Tong Corporation changed their decision at the last minute. It had nothing to do with him not working at the company yesterday. He did not expect Lih Lingye to know about it.    


Guang Fei Corporation was a company that he had been thinking about for a long time. However, he could not find a way to work with it. He contacted them a few times, but Guang Fei did not reply to him.    


That was that he didn't want to work with Ji Shi.    


And he had never liked to force it, so he did not contact Guang Fei Corporation anymore. "You have a way?"    


"It's just a matter of a few words. The people from the Guangfei Group will come to find you today. You just need to go to the company to receive them."    


"Really?" Ji Yichen could not believe it. He tried several times but failed. He did not want Lih Lingye to tell him directly that the people of the Guangfei Group would look for him. If the case really worked with the Guangfei Group, the Ji family's performance for the next few years would be stable.    


"Well, go. Don't delay the work." Lih Lingye went forward and patted Ji Yichen's shoulder. It was as if the two men who had fought yesterday had nothing to do with them. Bai Xianxian was speechless.    


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