Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1515 My Belly Is a Bit Swollen

C1515 My Belly Is a Bit Swollen

Moo Nuannuan drank two cups of red sugar ginger tea in a row. As for the snacks, Moo Nuannuan did not eat them.    


She could not eat them.    


Her abdomen was a little bloated and bloated. Apart from the hot beverages, she couldn't eat anything else.    


Even if the food in front of her was what she loved to eat in the past, she still couldn't eat it.    


"Xianxian is also like you. At this time, she is lazy to eat anything. Forcing her to eat it is like swallowing medicine. Her face is full of pain. Hehe, sometimes she is like a child."    


Moo Nuannuan did not say anything. She now acted as Lih Lingye's audience.    


It made him say all the things he had been thinking about for the past five years.    


This way, he would feel much more comfortable.    


At four o'clock, Lih Lingye finally let Moo Nuannuan go. Seeing that she drank two cups, he packed one cup and agreed to let her leave with him.    


When they got in the car, Moo Nuannuan turned on her phone and was stunned. "Lih Lingye, our department is having dinner tonight to welcome me, the newly appointed manager. I even told them that I must treat tonight. I didn't expect that there would be a high management meeting at night. Isn't it too late to inform them?"    


"Can't the department have dinner tomorrow?"    


"No. If it were to be changed to tomorrow, I would lose too much prestige. My subordinates will question whether what I say is true in the future." Therefore, she felt that sacrificing Lih Lingye was the best option.    


Anyway, she was not afraid even if she stood Lih Lingye up. She was discussing this with him.    


"It's fine if you want me to agree. The dinner of the company's senior executives will be changed to tomorrow night." Lih Lingye knew that Moo Nuannuan had a gathering tonight and very agreed.    


This way, Moo Nuannuan would not have time to see Shen Mingxian tomorrow night.    


Anyway, he just did not want Moo Nuannuan to see Shen Mingxian.    


The longer they separated, the more time they had. That relationship that he couldn't part with would become fainter and fainter.    


En, it must be a relationship he thought it was. Anyway, he didn't like Shen Mingxian.    


"Alright, just help me settle it." At this moment, Moo Nuannuan looked at Lih Lingye with gratitude. The message sent by Manager Wenn said that no manager or higher could be absent from the executive's gathering tonight. Otherwise, they would bear the consequences.    


As expected, it was always good to know Li.    


"How can you thank me?" Lih Lingye smiled.    


"What do you think?" Moo Nuannuan was also embarrassed. If Lih Lingye helped her settle it, she would owe Lih Lingye.    


"Invite me to dinner the day after tomorrow." En, another day had passed.    


Even if Shen Mingxian was the fastest, he would only be able to see Moo Nuannuan three days later.    


He would talk about it when that day came.    


In any case, Shen Mingxian would never be able to see Moo Nuannuan again.    


He would not allow it now.    


He would try his best to create conditions to prevent Shen Mingxian from seeing Moo Nuannuan again.    


The mothers that the children had decided on could not be touched by other men, not even the boyfriends that Moo Nuannuan had acknowledged.    


"Alright." Moo Nuannuan was not in a hurry. She just wanted to have dinner with her colleagues at night. She finished early and then went to see Shen Mingxian.    


This was what she promised.    


She promised Shen Mingxian's younger sister, the future sister-in-law.    


The two of them could reconcile very quickly with each other every time they quarreled.    


Of course, she was the one who took the initiative to meet Shen Mingxian every time.    


Thinking of this, Moo Nuannuan felt uncomfortable in her heart. They had been separated for so long. Shen Mingxian actually did not even make a phone call. Shen Mingxian was going too far.    


He really had the nerve to let her coax him.    


When Maybach drove back to the company, it was already five o'clock.    


When Moo Nuannuan walked into Ministry of Foreign Trade, the secretary Yang came up to her, "Manager Moo, if you don't come back again, we would all think that you are going to miss your appointment tonight."    


Moo Nuannuan shook her head, "No, I will keep my promise."    


"Manager Moo, there are two customers in the first three groups tonight who need to pick up at 7 PM, so..."    


"It's fine. How many people are there? I will treat them." Moo Nuannuan said straightforwardly. She still had this bit of money. When she thought that her monthly salary was one million, she felt a little guilty. At that time, it was just a casual request. She did not expect the company to agree.    


Could it be Lih Lingye...    


He really wanted to ask Manager Wenn.    


However, she was too embarrassed to ask.    


"Manager Moo, before you came back, we had actually already discussed it. No, that's not right. It wasn't that we had discussed it. It was the colleagues from Group Three who said that they definitely could not miss the task of getting you wind. So, we decided to group it up for a meal. Today, it's group one, followed by group two and group three and group four. "    


Moo Nuannuan was stunned for a moment, "So, I am going to participate four times?" She felt her body. If she ate like this, she would definitely gain weight. She even felt that this was not the company's female employee's idea and wanted to let her gain weight and ruin everything.    


Wasn't her beautiful manager image good?    


Yang nodded vigorously. " Yes, it was four times. This was agreed by all the people in the group. This was something that couldn't be helped. Manager Moo, do you think anyone can choose not to participate?"    


These words were said in the main hall of Ministry of Foreign Trade in front of the subordinates of the department. Even if Moo Nuannuan had such thoughts, she did not dare to nod her head. "Cough cough, what are you saying? We have to participate in all of them. Not one less. Okay, let's do as you say. But you have to find me in advance every time. I have an appointment tomorrow night. I have an appointment the day after tomorrow night, but not the day after. We'll talk about the rest in two days. " Moo Nuannuan only felt that she was very busy these few days. After that, she was still so busy that she doubted her life.    


When she agreed, everyone in the office hall cheered. Group one was the most excited, "As expected, it is more comfortable to line up. This first gathering is our group's matter, beautiful."    


"Uh, you were trying out food for us. With you guys at the front line, those who don't taste good will be reported. Next time we go eat, we will definitely avoid the lightning. The other groups didn't forget to hurt a group of people. " Let the other groups eat first, and then they'll covet the other groups' food. This was too much, and they had to return the favor.    


Moo Nuannuan did not participate in the class competition anymore.    


When she returned to the office and sat down, the phone on the desk rang. Fixed phones were usually inline phones.    


Moo Nuannuan thought it was business, so she picked it up. "Ministry of Foreign Trade of Lih's Group."    


"Manager Moo, let me know if Director Lih's coffee is ready. I will go get it."    


The moment Sun Yan opened her mouth, it was a commanding tone. It was as if she, Moo Nuannuan, was a small employee under Sun Yan, ordering and commanding.    


Moo Nuannuan rubbed her lower abdomen. When she thought about how Lih Lingye had offered up his sanitary pad and red sugar and ginger tea, seeing how much he had offered, she would make a pot of coffee for her.    


In any case, the coffee beans were all his. She was just making a move.    


Moo Nuannuan propped herself up and made coffee.    


Then, she discovered that the strong smell of the coffee was a kind of healing. She sniffed and her abdomen no longer hurt. Her body finally relaxed.    


She seemed to be very used to this brand of coffee beans.    


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