Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1304 Daddy

C1304 Daddy

She likes it.    


Finally, it wasn't in vain for him to force himself to bring her here.    


Since he could make her happy and help her find her father, why not?    


Therefore, even if he was very uncomfortable right now, Lih Lingye didn't regret it.    


Bai Xianxian's happy running figure was everywhere in his eyes, lively and beautiful.    


This was the state he wanted her to be in.    


Lih Lingye's wife must be happy like this.    


Lih Lingye silently looked at Bai Xianxian's back and his eyes lit up.    


Even though he was struggling to walk, he was still full of brilliance.    


Lo Feng, on the other hand, was already panicking.    


From the moment Lih Lingye chose to take the three pills, he knew that Lih Lingye's situation at this moment was very bad.    


Otherwise, Lih Lingye wouldn't have taken three pills.    


"Young Master Lih, how about I send you back and let them continue following young madam to find Mr. Mo?" Lo Feng once again suggested in a low voice.    


Although he knew that Lih Lingye would not agree to it right away, but he couldn't help but suggest it. Otherwise, he would be too worried about Lih Lingye's condition.    


Lih Lingye didn't even look at him. He just shouted at him in a low voice, "Shut up!"    


Although Bai Xianxian was a distance away from him and Lo Feng, he still felt that Lo Feng's words were not considered properly. If he was not careful, Bai Xianxian would have heard him. Then his purpose of accompanying her would be ruined.    


He wanted his little wife to be happy. Happy, not to worry about him.    


He didn't change his original intention, so Lih Lingye ordered Lo Feng to stop immediately.    


He couldn't say anything more.    


Lo Feng furrowed his brows, but the more he looked at Lih Lingye, the more worried he became.    


At this moment, Lih Lingye was completely wrapped up. He could only see Lih Lingye's eyes under his sunglasses, but the exhaustion in those eyes was obvious.    


He could feel it even through the sunglasses.    


For a moment, he really wanted to knock Lih Lingye out and forcefully take him away from here.    


However, the moment he thought about it... Just as he met Lih Lingye's gaze, he gave up.    


He had no choice but to back down when he saw Lih Lingye.    


He could do anything to the others, but he couldn't do anything to Lih Lingye alone.    


He couldn't do it even if it was out of goodwill.    


Therefore, in a hurry, he could only follow by Lih Lingye's side. The two of them walked towards Bai Xianxian together.    


In any case, even if Bai Xianxian left very quickly now.    


But no matter how fast she was, she could only reach the beach.    


If she went any further, she would be in the sea. Even if she had ten guts, she would not jump into the cold sea. So, at this distance... As long as Lih Lingye was given time, he would be able to reach Bai Xianxian's place early, late, and late.    


However, Lih Lingye walked slower and slower.    


That speed was basically moving. It was not moving.    


The extremely cold weather stimulated the vitality of the poison in his body.    


Then, it made his body's condition worsen.    


Bai Xianxian arrived.    


The nearest penguin was only three to five meters away from her.    


At such a close distance, she excitedly looked at the penguin curiously looking at her.    


She really wanted to reach out and touch it, but she was afraid that it would scare the penguin.    


Not far away, a gaze quietly fell on her. Before Bai Xianxian noticed that person, that person spoke first, "Is it Mrs Lih?"    


This voice was familiar and unfamiliar to Bai Xianxian.    


Familiar was something he had heard before.    


Unfamiliar was because she had only heard it once.    


"Dad?" She subconsciously looked up and saw that at this moment, only Mo Qifan was left in Bai Xianxian's mind.    


That was her father.    


She heard his voice, so he was here.    


Sure enough, when she raised her head, she saw the man not far away. Who could it be if not Mo Qifan?    


The father that she had been longing for had finally been found at this moment.    


"Father?" However, compared to Bai Xianxian, Mo Qifan was dumbfounded.    


Mo Qifan, who had been here half a month ago, did not expect to meet Mrs Lih, whom he had met before.    


But what shocked him the most was Bai Xianxian blurting out daddy.    


Although this "father did not sound very loud, it was like a bomb exploding in Mo Qifan's heart, are you calling me?"    


Pointing at his own nose, Mo Qifan didn't believe it at all.    


Facing Mo Qifan's puzzled expression, Bai Xianxian's eyes turned red and she nodded heavily, "Yes, father."    


She called him father again.    


Before she saw Mo Qifan, she had always thought that when she saw him, it would be difficult to call him father for the first time.    


However, she didn't expect that when she saw Mo Qifan again, the word 'daddy' would naturally come out of her mouth. Furthermore, the way she called him daddy was very natural.    


The moment she called him that again, Bai Xianxian's face was covered in tears.    


That's right. She stood there in a daze and looked at Mo Qifan. Tears had already gushed out of her eyes.    


Mo Qifan, who was diagonally opposite her, was stunned for a few seconds before he immediately rushed towards her like an arrow. "Xianxian, you are my daughter, right? It must be."    


As he stepped on the ice, Mo Qifan was as fast as flying.    


With such a heavy down jacket on his body, he could actually run.    


It was as if it had only been a blink of an eye. He rushed in front of Bai Xianxian.    


Then, through Bai Xianxian's lenses, he actually discovered that she was crying.    


Yes, Bai Xianxian was crying tears of joy.    


She did not know how long she could live. She was really very satisfied to be able to see her biological father while she was alive.    


From now on, she was also a person who had a father.    


Regardless of whether this father had other children or not, he was still her father.    


"Xianxian." Mo Qifan first looked at her for a few seconds and then immediately grabbed her hand. His two hands were tightly held together from trembling slightly to trembling violently. It only took a few seconds. "Xianxian, don't cry. It's so cold. You will cry until your eyes are broken. Don't cry."    


Mo Qifan noticed that Bai Xianxian was crying. He tried to persuade Bai Xianxian, but his eyes were moist. "Am I dreaming?"    


Bai Xianxian was extremely excited. She did not say anything, but Mo Qifan kept muttering. When he saw that she was not moving, he bit his lips hard. "Hiss..."    


With a low hiss, Mo Qifan was sure that he was not dreaming.    


"Daughter, Xianxian..." Then, he excitedly called Bai Xianxian, one after another.    


Although Bai Xianxian only called him father, who was Mo Qifan? He saw Bai Xianxian and Lih Lingye not far behind Bai Xianxian.    


Since Lih Lingye had followed them, it proved that he was Bai Xianxian's father. Lih Lingye had also confirmed it.    


It was absolutely impossible for him to be wrong.    


Because he had long suspected Bai Xianxian's appearance. It was only because Bai Xianxian said that her mother's surname was Xi that he did not dare to confirm it. Now that Bai Xianxian herself had confirmed it, he must be the real one.    


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