Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C1390 Too Shameful

C1390 Too Shameful

Just now, not only did he sweep through the bullet comments of his two younger brothers, he also paid special attention to Moo Nuannuan's walking posture.    




Very similar.    


Hence, from the feeling of familiarity before to the feeling of walking faster now, Lih Xiaoning looked at Moo Nuannuan with even more confusion.    


The women in the camera mostly smiled lightly. Along with Tianlin's left and right poses, the feeling of being a loving mother was very strong.    


After the shot, Mu Tianlin was satisfied and ran to Lih Xiaoning's side with her short legs. Her small hands naturally held onto Lih Xiaoning's palm. "Mr Ning, let me check if your slap looks good. If it is not good, you have to slap it again."    


Lih Xiaoning handed the phone to her in amusement. "Look."    


Then, Tianlin lowered her head and looked at it seriously.    


Lih Xiaoning shook his head and ignored Mu Tianlin's conversation with Moo Nuannuan. "Auntie Moo, I heard that the place you used to live at was closer to the North Pole?"    


"How do you know?" Moo Nuannuan was slightly surprised. After all, it was her first time meeting Lih Xiaoning. However, after she asked, she felt that her brain was playing tricks on her. Although it was her first time seeing Lih Xiaoning, she had been on the phone with Lih Xiaoning because of Lih Xiaowei and Lih Xiaoke.    


It was normal for Lih Lingye and his two youngest sons, Lih Xiaowei and Lih Xiaoke, to investigate her identity based on their intelligence.    


In that case, it was perfectly normal for Lih Xiaoning to know.    


After all, they were both from the The Lihs.    


"Apologize. This is a prank by Xiaowei and Xiaoke. These two brats secretly investigated your information and even sent a copy to my email, so they remembered it." Lih Xiaoning said calmly. He would never tell Moo Nuannuan that he was the one who checked Moo Nuannuan.    


Forgive him. He was an adult now. If he placed the person who did this on his two younger brothers, it would not cause Moo Nuannuan to dislike him.    


For some reason, Lih Xiaoning did not want to lose his reputation in front of Moo Nuannuan. He just wanted to give Moo Nuannuan a good impression.    


It had been a few years, and this was the first time he cared about an outsider's impression of him.    


Sure enough, Moo Nuannuan laughed when she heard it. "Those two little fellows are cute and powerful. They even investigated my background."    


If Lih Xiaoning was talking about other children, Moo Nuannuan would definitely believe that Lih Xiaoning was talking nonsense. What could a few years old child investigate?    


But if it was Lih Xiaowei and Lih Xiaoke, she felt that everything was possible.    


The intelligence of those two little things was shockingly high.    


"Xiaowei and Xiaoke have determined that you are our mother." Lih Xiaoning said with a smile on his face.    


He looked at Moo Nuannuan and felt that she was their mother.    


"Then they must not have found any information about me and your mother in the end." Moo Nuannuan looked at Lih Xiaoning suspiciously.    


She did not expect Lih Xiaoning to be so honest and expose the fact that his brother was investigating her. The most terrible thing was that she was not angry when she heard it.    


"No, but they still think that you are our mother. Auntie Moo, if Xiaowei and Xiaoke bring trouble to your life, I will apologize to you here."    


"No... I will not." Moo Nuannuan did not dislike Lih Xiaowei and Lih Xiaoke at all. She did not like Lih Lingye at all.    


When she thought about how Lih Lingye might have seen her naked body and even forced her to sleep with him for the whole night, she was so angry that she could not find a place to vent her anger.    


However, none of these things could be said to anyone.    


She couldn't say it.    


It was too embarrassing.    


"Does Auntie Moo really not mind my two younger brothers messing around?" When Lih Xiaoning said this, he silently picked up Mu Tianlin's small body, which was still looking at the photo.    


"I don't mind. It's just two children. What's there to fuss about?" Moo Nuannuan was speaking the truth. She did not have a child and because the doctor had checked her body, she could not get pregnant. Therefore, she especially liked children.    


But in her previous world, there were no children that she liked to make her feel closer.    


Therefore, when she met Lih Xiaowei and Lih Xiaoke at the airport that day, she immediately fell in love with them.    


It was precisely because she liked them that she chose to let the two little things stick to her.    


She did not expect that a series of events would occur. This was something that she did not expect.    


Lih Xiaoning's eyes did not blink as he looked at the woman's voice and smile. He still could not cast away that familiar feeling. Then, he politely asked, "If Auntie Moo does not hate my two little brothers, can she acknowledge them as her godsons?"    


Lih Xiaoning wanted to win more motherly love for Lih Xiaowei and Lih Xiaoke.    


Because the two little guys lacked motherly love the most right now.    


However, for no reason at all, Moo Nuannuan was regarded as a mother. This also did not make sense. At the moment, if the two of them wanted to continue begging for love, the first thing they would do was to legally ask for love.    


If Moo Nuannuan agreed to take in two younger brothers as her godsons, then, it would be absolutely legal and legal for the two of them to ask for love.    


As an elder brother, he would think for his younger brother's sake. That was necessary.    


"This..." Moo Nuannuan was slightly stunned when she heard Lih Xiaoning's request. She had never considered taking in a godson.    


"It's just to agree to be their godmother in name. Auntie Moo, I know this might be a little difficult for you. However, I promise you. They definitely don't want to hurt you. If they hurt you in the future... As your older brother, I won't forgive them. " Lih Xiaoning said seriously. He continued to fight for his two younger brothers. In fact, he had fought for his two younger brothers. It was also to fight for something for him.    


"No, I wouldn't think that the two of them would hurt me. I might not be used to it. After all, I haven't... haven't... " She was not married yet, but she suddenly had two godsons. It was strange just thinking about it. Besides, if Shen Mingxian knew about it, he would definitely be unhappy.    


When he was taken away, he had also warned her not to provoke Li Xiaoye.    


"It is normal for Auntie Moo to have concerns. This matter is not urgent. It is not too late to agree after Auntie Moo has thought it through." Lih Xiaoning had guessed Moo Nuannuan's thoughts the moment he heard Moo Nuannuan's words.    


He was definitely a warm-hearted man. He definitely would not force Moo Nuannuan.    


However, judging from his short interaction with Moo Nuannuan, she was as kind as his mother, Bai Xianxian. Therefore, as long as the three of them worked together, Moo Nuannuan would agree to be their godmother sooner or later.    


Moo Nuannuan was a little embarrassed. "Okay, let me think about it." She would only decide after asking Shen Mingxian.    


After all, the person she wanted to spend the rest of her life with was Shen Mingxian, not anyone else.    


"Auntie Moo, I won't bother you anymore. Let's go." Lih Xiaoning kept it as he saw fit, but when he said that, he pinched Mu Tianlin.    


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