CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C184 She Left Without Looking Back

C184 She Left Without Looking Back

Ever since Ning Qianyu met Ye Xi, she had been eating and resting as usual. She even went to walk in the corridor.    


When she saw Ye Xi, she did not go crazy anymore. She acted very normal.    


The entire City A was covered in lead color. Accompanied by the biting cold wind, there was a bit of gloominess in the air.    


When night began to fall, snowflakes that looked like goose feathers fell from the sky that was covered by clouds. After a while, the ground turned white. The hospital was exceptionally quiet during the snowy night. It did not take long before it became completely quiet.    


Mu Shengchen finally woke up after two days of coma. The moment he woke up, he asked Ye Xi to move him back to the room next to Ning Qianyu.    


Because the last time he went to see Ning Qianyu at night, he disturbed her, so Mu Shengchen did not dare to look at her again. He just sat on the bed and did not sleep as he thought about Ning Qianyu in the room next door.    


Suddenly, very light footsteps came from outside.    


Mu Shengchen frowned. He thought it was a nurse coming to make ward rounds, so he did not care.    


He sat at the head of the bed and leaned his head against the wall. He felt the breathing of someone on the other side of the wall.    


Suddenly, there was a soft sound of the door opening. Mu Shengchen immediately sat up alertly.    


No, the sound came from the room next door.    


Mu Shengchen moved down from the bed. Before he could turn on the light, he groped his way out of the bed. As the wheelchair was quite far away from him, Mu Shengchen leaned against the wall and moved out.    


He could not care less about the pain in his leg.    


He moved with difficulty and headed out of the ward.    


The sound coming from the next room was getting louder and louder. He was sweating profusely.    


As soon as he opened the door, he saw a familiar figure coming out of the room next door.    


"Qianyu..." Mu Shengchen called out.    


Ning Qianyu looked as if she was frightened. She lowered her head and ran towards the other end of the corridor.    


"Qianyu!" Mu Shengchen was in a hurry to catch up, but his body fell forward on the ground.    


Ning Qianyu heard the sound and looked back. She saw Mu Shengchen lying on the ground and heard him calling her. She forced her to turn around and run to the end of the corridor, not looking at Mu Shengchen.    


At the end of the corridor, a tall figure was standing there waiting for her.    


Gu Si looked at Ning Qianyu, whose face was full of tears, and asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"    


"I'm fine." Ning Qianyu raised her hand to wipe the tears off her face, "Have you helped me get all the things?"    


"I've got everything." Gu Si's eyes swept over Ning Qianyu's sick clothes, then took off his coat and draped it over Ning Qianyu's body.    


"Thank you. Let's go." Ning Qianyu pinched her fingers and forced her not to look back. She walked out first.    


Gu Si protected her and quickly left the hospital.    


Mu Shengchen's voice alerted the nurses in the hospital.    


The nurse on duty ran out. When she saw Mu Shengchen lying on the ground, she wanted to help him up but was dodged by him.    


In the end, the nurse had no choice but to push Mu Shengchen's wheelchair over and help him into the wheelchair.    


Ning Qianyu had already left. When Mu Shengchen chased after her, he found nothing.    


He could not find Ning Qianyu, so Mu Shengchen went to the hospital.    


Although it was the middle of the night, the hospital became lively after Mu Shengchen made such a noise.    


After checking the information at the counter, he found out that someone helped Ning Qianyu settle the procedures at nine o'clock in the evening. Ning Qianyu was discharged from the hospital.    


"Why didn't anyone tell me that she was discharged? Without my permission, you actually let her leave the hospital." Mu Shengchen roared angrily in front of the counter.    


Mr Mu... "The people in front of the counter were scared speechless by Mu Shengchen.    


"Get your dean here. I want to know who is the one who made the decision and let her out of the hospital." She left. She did not want to give him any chance to explain. When he was completely unprepared, she left. She left him. She left without looking back.    


"Mr Mu, our director is not here." He did not dare to be here. When he heard that Mu Shengchen was angry, the director hid. He did not have the courage to bear Young Master Mu's anger.    


Because Ning Qianyu's discharge certificate was issued by the hospital director, there was nothing he could do. He did not dare to not open the certificate. It was very simple. Young Master Gu had personally come to find him. Who was Young Master Gu? He was comparable to Mu Shengchen.    


The hospital director knew that he had helped Ning Qianyu settle the discharge procedures and would offend Mu Shengchen, so he had hidden himself a long time ago and let his subordinates handle this matter.    


"The hospital director is not here? Where are the other people in charge? " All of them aren't here? " At this time, Mu Shengchen had already reached the point of losing his mind.    


"I... I will go find them immediately." The young nurse ran to ask for help. She really could not bear Young Master Mu's terrifying anger.    


Very quickly, the nurse in charge of Ning Qianyu came over, "Mr Mu, don't you know about Miss Ning's discharge?"    


"You don't know either?" Mu Shengchen's expression became more and more gloomy.    


"I only know when I heard the notice." The nurse was confused. "Mr Mu, why don't I get someone to find out which doctor on duty signed it?"    


Before the nurse could finish her sentence, Mu Shengchen interrupted her. "No need. I'll look for it myself."    


Mu Shengchen did not want to waste any more time in the hospital after spending so much time. He planned to look for it himself.    


He was anxious and angry, but he was more worried. Ning Qianyu had secretly left the hospital alone. Where could she go in the middle of the night?    


Would she feel cold? Did she find a place to stay?    


Mu Shengchen began to use all his connections to search for Ning Qianyu. He searched all the places Ning Qianyu could go. Mu Shengchen even found the old house in Mafang District where Ning Shujun lived. However, the neighbors said that Ning Shujun had moved away a long time ago. As for where she moved to, they did not know.    


Ye Xi had also used his connections to investigate the news of customs departure and other channels to leave City A.    


However, there was no news at all. Ning Qianyu seemed to have evaporated all of a sudden and disappeared.    


"Young Master Chen, this subordinate has ordered more people to search for Young Mistress..." Ye Xi stood respectfully in front of the desk.    


Mu Shengchen waved at him and then he went into the darkness. He seemed to have lost his soul and sat there...    


Time passed day by day, but there was no trace of Ning Qianyu.    


Mu Shengchen began to feel dispirited. He locked himself in the room and recalled the little things that happened between him and Ning Qianyu bit by bit.    


Three days later, when Ye Xi forcefully opened the door, Mu Shengchen fell to the ground.    


He immediately sent Mu Shengchen to the hospital and only then did Mu Shengchen wake up.    


After waking up, Mu Shengchen changed. He turned back into the distant and cold Mu Shengchen.    


"Who won the competition in Mafang District in the end?" Mu Shengchen's face was expressionless. His voice was so cold that it made people shiver.    


"It's the Mu's Group." Ye Xi replied with a lowered face.    


"Mu's?" Mu Shengchen's eyes flashed coldly. "How's the sniping going?"    


"The sniping was almost done. The competition in Mafang District brought the Mu's back to life." Ye Xi answered quietly.    


"Because I don't know what Young Master Chen's next plan is, I didn't dare to act on my own."    


"You can't even handle this kind of thing? Why would I spend money to support you guys?" Mu Shengchen's expression was very cold.    


Ye Xi lowered his head and did not dare to speak anymore.    


"Ask the subsidiary company to suppress the Mu's and then let Yan Rui purchase the Mu's's shares."    




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