CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C709 The Love Rival Meeting Wubo Hen

C709 The Love Rival Meeting Wubo Hen

After Ye Xi got off work, he drove into the parking lot of the neighborhood as usual.    


He pushed open the door and got out of the car. He saw a car open at the same time and two people got out of the car.    


"Mr Ye, we, sir, welcome you."    


It was within Ye Xi's expectation that Charles Group could find him. It was also quite surprising that Gu Si could cover for him for more than two months. Initially, he thought that one month would be enough.    


"Is your family's sir used to hiring people at night?" Ye Xi asked with a cold snort.    


The bodyguard frowned and warned, "Mr Ye, please cooperate. We don't want to..."    


Before he could finish, Ye Xi reached out and grabbed his wrist. He pressed hard and the man cried out in pain.    


Ye Xi said coldly, "Go back and tell sir that I don't have time to see him tonight. If you want to find me, please do it during the day."    


After saying that, Ye Xi shook off his hand and walked straight into the building.    


Seeing Ye Xi leave, the other bodyguard hurriedly supported the injured bodyguard and left.    


After Ye Xi entered the building, he did not go back to his apartment. Instead, he stood on the stairs and dialed several numbers to go out.    


After dialing the number, he pulled on his wrinkled clothes and went back to his apartment on the second floor.    


Just as he opened the door, Gu Qin's voice came from the kitchen.    


"You're back?"    


"Yes, I was blocked on the way. I came back a little late." Ye Xi replied as he changed his shoes.    


Gu Qin poked her head out of the kitchen. "It's not late. It just so happens that the food is cooked."    


Ye Xi nodded and put the briefcase on the sofa. He then rolled up his sleeves and went into the kitchen to help.    


Gu Qin pushed him away and said, "There's no need to help. Go wash your hands and eat."    


"Okay." Ye Xi glanced at the dishes on the counter and nodded and went into the washroom.    


A few minutes later, he came out of the washroom. Gu Qin had just finished loading the last dish.    


The two of them carried the dishes to the dining room and then started to eat dinner.    


After a few minutes, Ye Xi suddenly asked, "Do you have classes tomorrow?"    


"Yes, why?" Gu Qin looked up and asked.    


"I want you to help me get something from Young Master Gu." After Ye Xi finished, he added, "Something very important."    


Gu Qin did not ask any more questions. "Then I will ask the professor for a day off tomorrow."    


"Yes, okay." Ye Xi nodded.    


The two of them continued to eat and did not speak.    


After dinner, Ye Xi went to the kitchen to clean up as usual. Gu Qin sat on the sofa and called the professor for leave.    


After Ye Xi cleaned up the kitchen, he did not look at the documents as usual. Instead, he sat down beside Gu Qin.    


"Aren't you busy today?" Gu Qin tilted her head and asked.    


Ye Xi smiled and asked, "Do you want me to be busy?"    


Gu Qin did not answer Ye Xi's question. Instead, she asked, "What do you think?"    


"I think you should hope that I will stay close to you every day." Ye Xi emphasized the last few words.    


Gu Qin's ears turned red when she heard Ye Xi's words. "I don't think so."    


"No? Some people's ears were so red that they almost bled." There was a smile in Ye Xi's eyes.    


"I hate you. You did it on purpose." Gu Qin picked up the pillow beside her and threw it at Ye Xi.    


Ye Xi took the pillow with a smile and carried Gu Qin into his arms.    


"Don't be angry. It's me. I want to be close to you every day..."    


The next morning, at eight o'clock, when Ye Xi and Gu Qin came downstairs together, David's car was already waiting at the foot of the building.    


Seeing David, Gu Qin asked curiously, "Aren't you going to drive to the company today?"    


"No, I asked David to take you to Young Master Gu's place." Ye Xi shook his head.    


Gu Qin rolled her eyes and said, "I will take a taxi. Don't bother."    


Ye Xi reached out to touch Gu Qin's hair and said, "Let David send you off. I'm more assured."    


Hearing Ye Xi say so, Gu Qin did not say anything else. "I know. I will take his car."    


"Okay." Ye Xi nodded and reached out to open the back door for her. When she sat on it, he reached out to tie it up for her.    


After that, he did not close the door immediately. Instead, he touched Gu Qin's face. "Wait for me to pick you up."    


"Okay, I'll wait for you." Gu Qin nodded.    


Ye Xi nodded and turned to David, who was in the driver's seat. "Be careful on the road."    


David understood what Ye Xi meant by "be careful." He nodded and said, "Yes.    


Ye Xi looked at Gu Qin reluctantly, then took two steps back and closed the door.    


Gu Qin waved at him in the car and said, "Be careful when you drive."    


"I will." Ye Xi nodded and watched David drive Gu Qin away.    


He did not look back until the car disappeared from the residential area. He walked to the parking lot.    


As expected, he saw the car he got into last night in the parking lot. There were several other cars with him.    


Seeing him come over, all the doors were opened and more than a dozen bodyguards came down.    


"Mr Ye, we, sir, welcome you."    


"Let's go." Ye Xi got into one of the cars.    


The bodyguards did not expect Ye Xi to be so cooperative. They did not know what to do.    


Ye Xi glanced at them indifferently, then closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.    


The bodyguards looked at each other, then quickly got into the car.    


An hour later, they brought Ye Xi to the presidential suite of a hotel under the Charles Group.    


When Ye Xi went in, there was no one in the room. He knew that they were deliberately keeping him here and hiding somewhere to watch.    


He sneered at their childish actions in his heart. He sat down leisurely on the sofa, then casually swiped his phone, as if this was his room.    


His guess was right, Wen Suo? Charles and Alan were looking at him from the monitor in the room next door.    


Seeing Ye Xi so relaxed, both of them were so angry that their lungs were about to explode.    


After an hour, they couldn't help but rush over.    


Hearing the sound of the door opening, the corner of Ye Xi's mouth curled into a cold smile. Then, he slowly stood up and turned around, just in time to meet Alan's gloomy eyes.    


When two rivals in love were facing each other, sparks should have been flying in all directions.    


However, it was not the case. Alan had been defeated by Wen Suo a long time ago? Charles had warned Alan and did not dare to speak.    


As for Ye Xi, he merely glanced at Alan indifferently and then turned his gaze to the middle-aged man beside Alan. The current director of the Charles Group, Wen Suo? Charles.    


Being ignored by Ye Xi like this, Alan's eyes almost popped out.    


Wen Suo? Charles glanced at Alan, then walked to the sofa and sat down. He gestured for Ye Xi to sit down.    


"You are Ye Xi?"    


"That's right." Ye Xi nodded and sat down.    


Wen Suo? Charles did not say anything. He kept looking at Ye Xi. He wanted to see the uneasiness on Ye Xi's face, but he failed.    


He didn't feel uncomfortable at all. He was as relaxed as before.    


Wen Suo? Charles said in a double tone, You have guts."    


"You flatter me." His words were modest, but there was not the slightest bit of modesty on his face.    


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