CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C772 Leave

C772 Leave

Hua Yuqing frowned when she realized that the heel of her foot had been ground into a bloody mess in such a short period of time.    


This was the banquet hall, so it was not easy for her to deal with it.    


She stood up and walked towards the washroom. She planned to go to the washroom to take care of the blood stains on her feet. Then, she would use a tissue to cover them so that her feet would feel better.    


Hua Yuqing sat on the toilet in the washroom and took off her high heels. She then took out a wet tissue from her bag and wiped the wound on her heel.    


When the wound came into contact with the wet tissue, it was a little painful.    


Hua Yuqing endured it and wiped the wound clean.    


She took out another wet tissue and pasted it on the back of her feet. Then, she put on her high heels.    


Because of the wet tissue, the heel of his foot didn't hurt that much.    


Hua Yuqing opened the door of the cubicle and walked out of the bathroom to wash her hands at the sink outside.    


As soon as she turned on the tap, she heard footsteps and voices outside.    


"Where is she? Can't you see clearly?" Hua Yuqing was very familiar with this voice. It was Hua Jingtong's.    


She did not know who she was. Hua Yuqing shook her head and turned off the tap. She took out a tissue and wiped her hands as she walked out of the washroom.    


Just as she walked to the washroom door, she saw Hua Jingtong and Huang Qi looking around as they walked over.    


Hua Yuqing glanced indifferently and retracted her gaze, preparing to leave.    


But Huang Qi pointed at Hua Yuqing and said, "She is there!"    


Then Hua Jingtong looked over at Hua Yuqing's side, and then they directly walked over to Hua Yuqing.    


Only then did Hua Yuqing understand that the person Hua Jingtong and the others were looking for was her.    


Her feet hurt today and she did not want to cause trouble with Hua Jingtong, so she pretended that she did not see them and quickly left.    


But Hua Jingtong did not want to let her go. She quickly rushed over and stopped her.    


"Hua Yuqing!"    


Hua Yuqing had to stop, "Is something the matter?"    


"Nothing. What do I need you for? Is there something wrong with you?" Hua Jingtong replied snappily.    


Hua Yuqing smiled coldly and replied," How would I know? Isn't Miss Jingtong always like this?"    


These words, Hua Yuqing secretly mocked Hua Jingtong for having a mental illness.    


Unfortunately, Hua Jingtong could not hear it at all. She only said proudly, "It's good that you know."    


"Puchi..." Hua Yuqing could not help but laugh.    


Huang Qi who was standing beside Hua Jingtong's face twitched before she leaned close to Hua Jingtong's ear and said a few words.    


Hua Jingtong's expression immediately changed, then she pointed angrily at Hua Yuqing and said, "Hua Yuqing, you actually dare to call me stupid."    


Hua Yuqing shrugged her shoulders. "You said it yourself, not me."    


Hua Jingtong was so angry that she wanted to die. She grabbed Hua Yuqing's collar with one hand and waved her other hand towards Hua Yuqing.    


Hua Yuqing did not expect Hua Jingtong to be so angry that she wanted to hit her. First she was stunned, then she wanted to dodge.    


But she did not expect that the high heels under her feet would twist and there was a sharp pain in her heels.    


By the time she reacted, Hua Jingtong's palm was about to hit her face.    


Seeing that she could not dodge anymore, Hua Yuqing could only resign herself to her fate and close her eyes.    


The expected pain did not come. Hua Yuqing opened her eyes strangely and saw Gu Si's face.    


Ever since he went back to question Hua Yuqing that day, Gu Si thought about it and felt that he had gone too far.    


Of course, he, Gu Si, would not apologize to anyone.    


Coincidentally, Zhang Heng and the others had already set up an office in Jingdu and needed to return to the Dragon Gate headquarters to bring some things over.    


Gu Si followed them back.    


There were many things that needed to be moved over. They stayed in M Country for a whole week before returning to the capital today.    


Initially, Gu Si planned to go to Jinyuan tonight to take a look, but Zhang Heng gave him an invitation, saying that Hua Zhenwu had asked someone to send it over.    


He had no choice but to go over. In the end, he found out that the people who went to the gathering were all disciples of the great families of the capital.    


He immediately lost interest and was about to leave.    


He did not expect that he would actually see Hua Yuqing.    


After not seeing her for a few days, she seemed to have lost some weight and her expression did not look too good.    


Gu Si fiercely frowned. During this period of time, did she not eat?    


He looked at Hua Yuqing and greeted a circle of acquaintances at the gathering. Then, he found a remote place to sit down.    


But not long after he sat down, she got up again.    


This time, Gu Si noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with her feet.    


After hesitating for a few seconds, he got up and followed her.    


In the end, he found out that Hua Yuqing was only going to the washroom.    


He let out a sigh of relief. He felt that he was thinking too much, so he planned to leave.    


In the end, he saw Hua Jingtong talking to a woman as she came over.    


From their words, Gu Si understood that they came to find Hua Yuqing.    


Gu Si knew that Hua Jingtong and Hua Yuqing did not have a good relationship. That time when they returned to the banquet, Hua Jingtong scolded Hua Yuqing for having an illegitimate daughter. The last time in Jiangnan Conference, Hua Jingtong forced Hua Yuqing to drink.    


Therefore, Gu Si stopped in his tracks.    


After Hua Yuqing came out of the washroom, she was blocked by Hua Jingtong.    


After that, the two of them started a verbal battle.    


In the end, Hua Jingtong started to fight.    


Gu Si originally thought that Hua Yuqing would avoid Hua Jingtong's slap.    


After all, she was the one who would not lose out.    


Unexpectedly, she actually accepted her fate and closed her eyes.    


Seeing her close her eyes, Gu Si did not even think about it and rushed over with large strides.    


He grabbed Hua Jingtong's wrist.    


Then, the scene just now appeared.    


Hua Yuqing opened her eyes and saw Gu Si pulling Hua Jingtong's wrist.    


At first, she thought she had seen wrongly.    


Why was Gu Si here? Why would he help her?    


It was only when Gu Si opened his mouth that she realized that she wasn't mistaken.    


"Let her go!" Gu Si's voice was cold and sharp, with a hint of hostility. It showed that he was very angry at the moment.    


Hua Jingtong did not know if she was scared by Gu Si's sudden appearance or what happened. She did not move. She just looked at Gu Si in a daze.    


"I asked you to let go of her. Didn't you hear me?" This time Gu Si's voice became colder. At the same time, he pulled Hua Jingtong's wrist harder.    


Hua Jingtong's pink face instantly turned pale. At the same time, she cried out in pain, "It hurts..."    


"Let go of me!" This time Gu Si only said two words. Hua Jingtong was so scared that she let go of the hand that was pulling Hua Yuqing's collar.    


After she let go of Hua Yuqing's hand, Gu Si fiercely shook off the hand that was holding Hua Jingtong's hand.    


Because the strength was too great, Hua Jingtong was thrown by Gu Si until she staggered. If it was not for Wen Qi who just happened to be standing behind her, she was afraid that she would have fallen.    


After she stabilized herself, she pointed at Gu Si and said, "I am the young miss of the Hua Family. If you treat me like this, the Hua Family will not let you go."    


Gu Si smiled coldly and said, "Alright, we will wait for the Hua Family to come to us."    


After saying this, Gu Si pulled Hua Yuqing's hand and walked towards the banquet hall.    


He did not return to the banquet hall, but walked through the banquet hall and left.    


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