CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C776 Angry

C776 Angry

The phone was quickly answered. "Hello?"    


"It's me. Gu Si replied.    


"Young Master, what can I do for you?"    


Gu Si paused for two seconds and asked, "Did she have dinner tonight?"    


"Two big bowls."    


Gu Si was relieved.    


"What is she doing now?" he asked.    


"She went back to her room." The maid just finished saying this and then said, "Young Mistress came over. I asked her to answer the phone..."    


After Hua Yuqing took a shower, she was a little thirsty. She carried a cup and came out of the room.    


Just as she walked into the living room, she heard the maid's voice coming from the room today.    


"I'm going back to my room.    


Just as she was thinking about who the maid was talking about went back to her room, she heard the maid say, Young Mistress is here. I asked her to come and pick up the phone... and then she was inexplicably put on the phone.    


"Young Mistress, the young master's phone." The maid said with a smile.    


Hua Yuqing thought to herself, "Gu Si's number, why do you want her to pick it up? She wondered if Gu Si hated her enough.    


She lowered her voice and put the phone to her ear. A series of beeping sounds came from the other side.    


Hua Yuqing was so angry! What? He asked her to answer the phone but he had already hung up.    


The maid did not know that Gu Si had hung up the phone. Seeing Hua Yuqing holding the phone, she thought Hua Yuqing and Gu Si had a good conversation.    


So when Hua Yuqing came back to her senses and put down the phone, she asked with a smile, "What did the young master say to you? Did he ask if you had dinner?"    


"He hung up the phone directly." Hua Yuqing replied.    


"Uh... how could that be? Clearly..." Before the maid could finish her sentence, Hua Yuqing said, "I'm going to pour some water."    


Then Hua Yuqing took the cup of water and went to the kitchen.    


After pouring the water, Hua Yuqing returned to her room.    


After sitting at the head of the bed for a while, she picked up her phone and opened WeChat.    


She jumped into his eyes. Other than a few hundred WeChat messages, there was also a new friend request.    


This new friend's WeChat nickname was' Swan Man '. It was very similar to her WeChat nickname,' Buzzing and Desolating '.    


Without even thinking about it, Hua Yuqing agreed to the other party's addition.    


Then, she sent a message over. [Hello!]    


However, Hua Yuqing waited for a few minutes but there was no reply.    


She shook her head and then clicked into the hospital group chat to watch everyone chat.    


After watching for a while, she was a little tired.    


She then turned off her phone and went to sleep.    


Not long after she fell asleep, her phone lit up twice. It was the Weary Man's WeChat message.    


The first message was: [Hello!] The other one was [I was busy just now.]    


When the maid said 'Young Mistress is here, I asked Young Mistress to listen to the phone', Senior Gu happened to come out of the room to look for him.    


Gu Si then returned to the maid. 'I have something to do. Don't let her come and pick it up.'    


The maid just happened to put the phone in Hua Yuqing's hand and did not hear it at all.    


When Hua Yuqing put the phone to her ear, she heard a beeping sound.    


Gu Si went to settle the matter. He turned on his phone and saw a message notification on WeChat.    


He opened the message and saw that Hua Yuqing agreed to his request to add him as a friend. She also sent him a message, "Hello.    


He immediately replied, "Hello." Then, after thinking for a while, he added, "I have something to do just now!    


Gu Si waited for more than ten minutes but Hua Yuqing did not reply. Only then did he notice that more than an hour had passed since Hua Yuqing sent him a message.    


Furthermore, at this time, Hua Yuqing should have fallen asleep.    


Feeling slightly disappointed, Gu Si put down his phone and went into the shower.    


The next morning, Hua Yuqing woke up. She turned on her phone and saw the message. It was sent at about 12 o'clock. She was very surprised.    


Hua Yuqing did not reply because she was in a hurry to get out of bed.    


She put on her clothes and got up. Then, she went to the washroom to wash up.    


Then, she carried her bag and went to the dining room to eat breakfast.    


After breakfast, she rushed to work.    


As for Gu Si, he was busy with all kinds of things and forgot about WeChat.    


It was only when Hua Yuqing was sitting on the sofa and playing WeChat that she remembered when she saw the "haggard" message.    


She then wrote a reply. [Sorry, I have been very busy these few days and did not reply to you!]    


Gu Si was in the middle of a meeting when he suddenly received a notification on WeChat.    


In the quiet Conference Room, this voice was extremely clear.    


Everyone was looking at each other. They were secretly waiting in their hearts. Which idiot actually brought the phone to Conference Room?    


"It's fine if you brought the phone to Conference Room, but just turn off the sound.    


Now, let's see what you're going to do.    


Then, everyone saw Young Master Gu, who had been sitting at the front with a cold face, take out the phone from his pocket and look at it seriously.    


Did they hallucinate? Or was the way they held the meeting wrong?    


Young Master Gu, who had always been strict, was actually playing with his phone?    


No, playing WeChat?    


Senior Gu, who was sitting next to Gu Si, expressed that this matter was no longer fresh!    


Gu Si did not know what the big guy was thinking. He was seriously looking at the message Hua Yuqing sent him on WeChat.    


She had been very busy these few days? He was busy with all kinds of things and did not go to the villa to take a look, so he did not know.    


After a few seconds of silence, Gu Si started to edit the news. [I am also very busy.]    


Then, in Conference Room, it became Gu Si sitting at the front, using his phone to send WeChat.    


The people below all looked at him eagerly.    


After an unknown amount of time, Gu Si finally realized something was wrong and raised his head.    


Being caught peeping, the big guy was extremely nervous.    


Young Master Gu wouldn't scold someone, would he?    


Unexpectedly, Gu Si just said lightly, "Continue the meeting."    


Hearing his words, everyone heaved a sigh of relief and continued the meeting.    


Of course, no one stole a glance at Gu Si and played with his phone anymore.    


Although Young Master Gu didn't get angry just now, what if he got angry the next time?    


Hua Yuqing didn't know that Gu Si made such a big commotion because of WeChat.    


She felt that this reply from this haggard person was very interesting. It was very short, as if he was completing a business.    


She did not know that this was a habit that Gu Si had developed since he was young. He rarely spoke. It was only when he faced her that his emotions rose and fell. He would not do this.    


Gu Si chatted with Hua Yuqing until the meeting ended. Later, his phone rang.    


It was Du Zhongyu. Gu Si called him earlier to ask for something from Du Zhongyu. Du Zhongyu told Gu Si that he had sent it to the villa.    


After Gu Si hung up the phone, he had sent a message to Hua Yuqing on WeChat.    


Later, he remembered that Hua Yuqing did not know that it was him on WeChat.    


He logged out of WeChat and called Hua Yuqing.    


The phone was answered very quickly. "Hello?"    


"It's me. Gu Si replied.    


After a few seconds, Hua Yuqing said, "Oh." Then she asked, "Mr Gu, what do you want?"    


Gu Si frowned slightly at the distance in Hua Yuqing's tone. Then he said, "godfather sent me something. Please sign it for me."    


"Okay." Hua Yuqing answered and then asked, "Is there anything else?"    


"No..." Gu Si had just replied 'no' when Hua Yuqing hung up the phone.    


This was the first time. Somebody hung up on him.    


Gu Si stared at the phone for a few seconds and clicked on WeChat.    


The page was still on the message he sent Hua Yuqing.    


Hua Yuqing did not reply to him.    


He threw his phone on the desk in frustration.    


Senior Gu, who was organizing the documents for him, was shocked.    


"Young Master Gu, what's wrong?"    


Gu Si did not answer Senior Gu's question. He just said, "Didn't you say director from Wen's Group wanted to see me? "Tell him that I have time tonight."    


"Alright." Senior Gu nodded and left Gu Si's office.    


After Senior Gu left, Gu Si leaned back in his chair.    


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