CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C789 It Was the First Time He Slept Beside Her

C789 It Was the First Time He Slept Beside Her

Because just after the fever, there's a sense of tiredness in the bones. So, after Gu Si returned to his room, he went back to bed.    


When he went to bed, he looked at Hua Yuqing who was sleeping over there, and then he removed the bedding and laid down on the bed.    


Actually, he did not understand why he had to let Hua Yuqing carry him on the bed just now.    


Just like, he did not understand why he would call Senior Gu when Hua Yuqing ran out of the room and ask the Ancient Regions to send her off.    


Then, he found out that she didn't return to the villa at all but had gone missing.    


He was in a hurry to look for her everywhere and even used the Dragon Gate's means.    


After finding her, he ran to Master Young Master Liu's villa without stopping.    


When he took her away, he found that there was a five finger mark on her neck. He was so angry that he made Zhang Heng and Senior Gu touch Master Young Master Liu.    


In the midst of all kinds of thoughts, Gu Si fell asleep again.    


When Hua Yuqing woke up, it was already dark.    


Through the dim light at the head of the bed, When she saw the familiar handsome face in front of her, Hua Yuqing thought that she was dreaming.    


It was really a beautiful dream! Hua Yuqing sighed in her heart and closed her eyes again.    


But after a few seconds, her eyes opened again.    


Because she discovered it. She wasn't dreaming.    


It was true. Gu Si was sleeping beside her.    


Hua Yuqing's heart was beating uncontrollably.    


This was the first time Gu Si was sleeping beside her when she woke up.    


Every time Gu Si slept with her, he would leave her as if he was afraid of touching something dirty.    


When she woke up, she would always be alone.    


She really wanted time to stay at this moment forever.    


However, she knew that this was impossible.    


Once Gu Si woke up, everything would disappear.    


Hua Yuqing greedily looked at Gu Si's face, then quietly took off the bedding, got up, and left Gu Si's room.    


When the door closed, Gu Si's eyes opened.    


When the fever subsided, his alertness was extremely high, not to mention that his fever had already subsided.    


The reason why he did not open his eyes was because he did not want Hua Yuqing to ask why she was in his bed.    


Gu Si only got up when he guessed that Hua Yuqing had already arrived downstairs.    


He went to the washroom to wash his face and then went downstairs.    


When he went downstairs, he happened to hear Hua Yuqing ask the maid to go upstairs and call him for dinner.    


"Go and call the young master to come down for dinner."    


"Okay, Young Mistress." The maid nodded and turned around. She saw Gu Si and immediately said, "Young master, you are awake!"    


Hua Yuqing heard the maid's words and turned around, looking at the eyes of the Ancient One.    


She looked away uneasily.    


Gu Si retracted his gaze and asked, "I'm hungry. Is there anything to eat?"    


"Young Mistress said you can only eat light food now. I just made some porridge. Young Mistress was going to ask me to call the young master." The maid replied.    


Gu Si nodded and walked towards the restaurant.    


Hua Yuqing stood there in a daze. She only came back to her senses when the maid called for her. Then, she went to the dining room.    


One of them sat on the main seat while the other sat at the very end.    


They each ate their own meals.    


It was only when Gu Si knocked over the bowl of porridge that the change occurred.    


Hua Yuqing had been sitting at the end of the table.    


In fact, all her attention was on Gu Si.    


Gu Si had knocked over the bowl of porridge. Without thinking, she got up and ran over.    


"Is it hot?"    


"Not yet." Gu Si looked at her and answered.    


Hua Yuqing heaved a sigh of relief and was about to squat down to clean up.    


The maid heard the noise and came out of the kitchen.    


Seeing Hua Yuqing's actions, she quickly said, "Young Mistress, let me do it."    


Hua Yuqing nodded and then turned and went into the kitchen.    


When she came out again, there were two bowls and a spoon in her hands.    


She first scooped up a bowl of porridge, then used the spoon to stir it continuously to let the porridge cool down faster.    


When the temperature was about right, Hua Yuqing pushed the porridge and the spoon in front of Gu Si.    


Then, she used another bowl to fill up another bowl of porridge and put it beside her to cool it.    


Gu Si looked at her and then reached out to pick up the spoon to drink the porridge.    


Hua Yuqing drank the porridge while looking at him.    


She would help him pick up some vegetables that he could not scoop up with the spoon.    


It was the first time in the restaurant in the villa that it was so harmonious and warm.    


After finishing his meal, Gu Si went back to his room.    


Hua Yuqing went to the medical kit to find some antiinflammatory medicine before going to Gu Si's room.    


When she went over, Gu Si was taking off his clothes. He looked like he was going to take a shower.    


Hua Yuqing immediately frowned, "Are you going to take a shower?"    


Gu Si looked at her and nodded, "Yes."    


"You can't touch water on the wound. Can you not take a bath for the time being?" Hua Yuqing asked.    


Gu Si did not say anything, but his meaning was clear. He had to wash it.    


In the end, Hua Yuqing could only say, "Then you should be careful when you wash it."    


After a pause, Hua Yuqing said, "Wash it in the bathtub. I'll go get some water for you."    


After saying that, without waiting for Gu Si's reply, Hua Yuqing turned around and went into the shower.    


Gu Si stared at her back and his eyes became even deeper.    


Then, he walked into the shower room.    


Hua Yuqing heard the sound and turned around, meeting Gu Si's eyes.    


Gu Si's eyes were extremely beautiful. His pitch black pupils were extremely deep. It was as if there was a magnet in the depths of his eyes, attracting Hua Yuqing's gaze.    


She said, "Put the water away. Take a bath. Remember not to wet the gauze."    


Looking at the gauze on Gu Si's shoulder, Hua Yuqing quickly walked out of the shower room.    


When she passed by Gu Si, Gu Si, who had not spoken since he entered the shower room, opened his mouth.    


"Aren't you going to stay and help me wash?"    


Hua Yuqing exclaimed and turned to look at Gu Si in shock.    


In the end, she met Gu Si's playful eyes.    


She immediately understood that Gu Si was playing with her.    


"Wash it yourself." After yelling at Gu Si, Hua Yuqing quickly walked out of the shower.    


When she left, she threw the door of the shower room.    


One could imagine how 'excited' she was.    


It turned out that she also had a temper.    


Gu Si curled the corner of his mouth and then went to take a bath in a very good mood.    


After Hua Yuqing came out of the shower, she did not leave Gu Si's room.    


Firstly, she was worried that Gu Si's wounds would get wet. Secondly, the medicine she brought to Gu Si had not been given to him yet.    


Gu Si had originally left Hua Yuqing, but he did not expect that when he came out of the shower, Hua Yuqing was still in his room.    


Seeing him come out, she stood up from the sofa.    


"Is the wound wet?"    


"No." Gu Si replied.    


Hua Yuqing did not believe Gu Si's words. Instead, she lifted the shoulder of his pajamas.    


Only after confirming that the bandage on his shoulder was not wet did she feel relieved.    


"It's not wet." After she finished speaking, she passed the prepared medicine and water to Gu Si. "I had a fever early in the morning. I was worried that there would be inflammation in my wound. I found some anti-inflammatory medicine. Take some."    


Gu Si hated taking medicine, but when he saw Hua Yuqing's face full of expectation, he could not say anything to reject her.    


In the end, he reached out to take the medicine and ate it.    


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