CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C792 Replace It

C792 Replace It

She asked anxiously, "What's going on? Didn't he always recover from his injuries? Why did he suddenly bleed?"    


"I don't know. Just now, he was in the living room. Then, for some reason, a loud sound came from the living room. When I ran out, the door of the living room cracked open, and the young master's shoulder was bleeding. " I called Mr Gu, and then Mr Gu came with the doctor. He was chased out by the young master. "    


"I know. I'll be right back." Hua Yuqing hung up the phone after she finished speaking.    


She turned to Jing Xuan and said, "Mr Jing Xuan, I have something to do at home. I'm going back."    


Jing Xuan had just heard it from Hua Yuqing's phone. Someone was injured.    


With Hua Yuqing's intense reaction, This person should be her husband.    


Jing Xuan did not ask Hua Yuqing what was wrong with her husband. He just said, "Go. If you don't have time tomorrow, you don't need to come to the hospital."    


"Thank you, Mr Jing Xuan." Hua Yuqing nodded and then anxiously ran out of the hospital.    


She ran to the side of the road and hailed a taxi. Then she rushed back to the villa.    


When she returned, the maid and Gu Da were in the living room.    


Seeing her return, they all stood up in unison, "Young Mistress, you're back!"    


Hua Yuqing nodded and then asked, "Where is he?"    


"In the room." Senior Gu replied.    


Hua Yuqing nodded and went to the second floor.    


She came to Gu Si's room and knocked on the door.    


Gu Si's cold voice came from inside, "Get lost!"    


Of course Hua Yuqing would not leave. She opened the door and walked in.    


Gu Si was standing in front of the French window, looking out the window. He did not know what he was looking at.    


When he heard the noise, he immediately cursed. "I told you to get lost, I didn't hear..."    


When he saw that it was Hua Yuqing, he was stunned.    


"I heard that your wound split open?" Hua Yuqing said and looked at Gu Si's shoulder.    


Sure enough, there was blood on it.    


She frowned and walked over.    


Gu Si snorted and said, "It's none of your business."    


"You got shot for me. You don't care about me. Who does it have to do with you?"    


After saying that, Hua Yuqing grabbed his wrist and pulled him to sit on the sofa. She then reached out to unbutton his shirt.    


She was very close. He could smell the fragrance of her hair clearly.    


Gu Si's frantic heart calmed down in an instant after a whole morning.    


Hua Yuqing did not know what Gu Si was feeling. After she untied Gu Si's shirt, she saw that the gauze on his wound was dyed red with blood. She was so anxious that tears almost fell out.    


"What did you do? How did you end up like this?"    


Of course Gu Si would not tell her. He called her and heard that it was a man who answered her phone. So, he was so angry that he punched the coffee table.    


So, he just pursed his lips and didn't say anything.    


Hua Yuqing held back her tears and swiftly removed the thread on the wound and then stitch it up again.    


Her speed was faster and more accurate than the last time.    


After she finished suturing and bandaging the wound, she packed her medical kit and left Gu Si's room without saying a word.    


Gu Si wanted to stop her, but he did not know what to say, so he watched her leave.    


Downstairs, Senior Gu saw Hua Yuqing come down with the medical kit and immediately got up to ask, "Young Mistress, how is Young Master Gu?"    


"The wound is open. I sutured it again." Hua Yuqing replied.    


"That's good." Senior Gu heaved a sigh of relief and said, "You don't know. He drove the doctor away just now."    


Hua Yuqing did not say anything. She just told the maid, "Make porridge for him at noon."    


The maid nodded, "Okay, Young Mistress..."    


During lunch, Hua Yuqing still brought him a spoon, porridge, and food but did not say a word to him.    


It was as if she was in a cold war with him.    


Gu Si was very unhappy. No, he was very unhappy.    


But he didn't make any mistakes.    


Could it be that he could still drag Hua Yuqing and talk to him?    


After dinner, Hua Yuqing carried the medicine and water to his room and then left.    


Gu Si stared at the medicine on the table and had a feeling that the medicine was his enemy.    


In the end, he still ate the medicine obediently.    


He had already angered her. If he provoked her again, he would probably explode.    


He completely did not notice that he was actually afraid that Hua Yuqing would be angry...    


After finishing the medicine, Gu Si leaned against the bed and opened WeChat, preparing to send a message to Hua Yuqing.    


Suddenly, he shifted his gaze and noticed that Hua Yuqing had updated her WeChat Moments.    


He immediately opened his WeChat Moments.    


Hua Yuqing had shared a careful note earlier. She had participated in the hospital's in-service exam today and hoped to get a good result.    


No wonder she wanted to apply for leave today, but in the end, she still went to the hospital. So she was going to take the advanced studies exam.    


Gu Si was stunned for a while, then he turned to the message interface, editing a message and sending it to Hua Yuqing.    


[Perched Man: Congratulations on taking the advanced studies exam today!]    


Hua Yuqing replied very quickly. [Proud and lonely: Let's wait until the results are out and then congratulate me!]    


Gu Si paused for a moment, then replied: [What's wrong? You don't seem to be happy!    


[Bustling and Desolating: A little unhappy, no, very unhappy.] Hua Yuqing replied.    


Gu Si did not even think about it and knew that Hua Yuqing was doing this because of him.    


He edited the message and sent it over. "Can you tell me about it?"    


Hua Yuqing stared at the phone and the 'haggard' message. Finally, she turned off the phone.    


She did not want to tell anyone about Gu Si.    


Even if this person was just an unknown netizens...    


Gu Si felt a little disappointed when he did not receive Hua Yuqing's reply.    


He leaned against the bed and thought about how to stop Hua Yuqing from having a cold war with him.    


Gu Si thought about it all night but did not think of a good idea.    


The next day, Gu Si realized that Hua Yuqing did not go to work. Instead, she was sitting in the living room and looking at her phone.    


He originally wanted to go over and apologize to her, but when he went over, he realized that Hua Yuqing was not playing with her phone. She was using it to record things.    


So, he swallowed the words of apology.    


Then, he sat on the other side and did not disturb her.    


Not long after, Senior Gu came over with a pile of documents.    


Gu Si was flipping through the documents while Senior Gu went over to Hua Yuqing's side.    


"Young Mistress, what are you checking with your phone?"    


"Nursing materials." Hua Yuqing replied while sliding her phone.    


"Oh," Senior Gu replied. Then he said, "Why didn't Young Mistress use the computer to check? It's so troublesome for you to use your phone."    


"No computer." Hua Yuqing paused for a moment and then said.    


Senior Gu did not think too much about it. "There is a computer in Young Master Gu's study room."    


"That is his." Hua Yuqing replied.    


Senior Gu was stunned when he heard Hua Yuqing's words.    


Because Hua Yuqing and Gu Si had been getting along well these past two days, he had forgotten how much Gu Si hated Hua Yuqing.    


How could Hua Yuqing touch Gu Si's computer?    


Senior Gu quickly tried to remedy the situation, "Young Mistress, I'll bring you a new computer tomorrow.    


"Don't bother. I don't really use it." Hua Yuqing said.    


"No problem. There is..." Before Senior Gu could finish his sentence, Gu Si's voice came over, "Senior Gu."    


"Yes, Young Master Gu. Senior Gu replied and ran to Gu Si's side.    


Although Gu Si had been reading the documents, he had been paying attention to Hua Yuqing.    


He had heard the conversation between Gu Si and Hua Yuqing.    


Therefore, when Senior Gu said that he wanted to bring Hua Yuqing a new computer, Gu Si called Senior Gu over.    


"Young Master Gu, what's the matter?" Senior Gu ran over and asked.    


"Zhang Heng is going to take care of the Liu Family's matter now. From today onwards, you will take Zhang Heng's place and follow up on L's work." Gu Si said as he read the documents.    


Senior Gu did not react immediately when he heard Gu Si's words.    


Don't blame him for doing this, because Zhang Heng had always been good at this kind of thing.    


Now, Gu Si actually asked him to replace Zhang Heng.    


"Young Master Gu, you know, I am too careless. I can't do it well. This kind of thing."    


"So?" Gu Si looked up from the document.    


"So, Young Master Gu, can you not let me replace Zhang Heng?" Senior Gu asked.    


What a joke. Why would Gu Si agree to Senior Gu's request?    


The reason why he did so was because he was not happy with how skilled Senior Gu and Hua Yuqing were.    


If Senior Gu knew that the reason why he was in such a miserable state was because he had kindly provided Hua Yuqing with a new phone number and was jealous of Young Master Gu, he did not know how he would react.    


Gu Si said lightly, "Then why don't I replace Zhang Heng for you?"    


Senior Gu did not have the guts to ask Gu Si to take his wounds to work for Zhang Heng. He quickly said, "I'll go, I'll go. Young Master Gu, you take good care of yourself."    


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