CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C797 Ice Applied

C797 Ice Applied

"Grandpa, we're fine." Hua Yuqing shook her head.    


Old Master Hua felt relieved when he heard Hua Yuqing say they were fine.    


As long as Gu Si and Hua Yuqing were fine, there was always room for negotiation.    


He smiled at Gu Si, who had not spoken a word, and said, "Gu Si, Grandpa will give you an explanation for this. Let's go somewhere else to talk, okay?"    


Before Gu Si could say anything, Hua Zhenqiang spoke.    


"Uncle, you can't take them away. I still have to take them to the Liu Family to give an explanation."    


Old Master Hua didn't expect Hua Zhenqiang to call Hua Yuqing and Gu Si over. He wanted to explain things to the Liu Family. He was furious. "What do you plan on using them to explain things to the Liu Family?"    


"Uncle, you don't know. The night before yesterday, this unfilial daughter and this man crippled the son of the Liu Family. If they don't give the Liu Family an explanation, the Liu Family will target the Hua Family..." Before he could finish, he was interrupted by Old Master Hua.    


"I don't know when, but my Hua Family is actually afraid of the Liu Family."    


When Hua Zhenqiang heard Old Master Hua's words, the expression on his face froze.    


"Also, do you know what happened that night? Are you going to take them to the Liu Family to explain?" Old Master Hua asked.    


Hua Zhenqiang really didn't know much about the old master's question. It was just that the patriarch of the Liu Family told him that Hua Yuqing and her man had crippled his son. He said that he would take them to account for it.    


Hua Zhenqiang felt guilty and lowered his head.    


Master Hua snorted and said, "The night before yesterday, that brat from the Liu Family kidnapped Yuqing and wanted to use her to threaten the Hua Family. And you still want to give an explanation to the Liu Family without asking any questions? Are you a father? " The more Old Master Hua scolded, the more excited he became, and his breathing became rapid.    


Hua Yuqing saw this and quickly helped him to his seat. "Grandpa, don't be agitated."    


Although Hua Zhenqiang did not like Hua Yuqing, he had great respect for Old Master Hua. Seeing that Old Master Hua's situation was not good, he was very worried, but he did not dare to come close. He was afraid that Old Master Hua would get even angrier.    


After a long while, Old Master Hua calmed down a little. He pointed at Hua Zhenqiang and said, "The Liu Family is looking for you. Don't you know that they are looking for your big brother? They actually pushed their men out and gave the Liu Family an explanation. Zhenqiang, I am very disappointed in you."    


When he heard the old master say that he was disappointed, Hua Zhenqiang's face immediately turned pale.    


Uncle... " He wanted to say something, but Old Master Hua interrupted him. "Your big brother will handle the Liu Family, so you don't have to worry about it."    


After saying this, Old Master Hua called Hua Yuqing and Gu Si to leave.    


Before Gu Si left, he deliberately walked in front of Hua Zhenqiang and stared at him for a few seconds before following him out.    


When Gu Si walked out of the courtyard, Old Master Hua was standing beside Hua Yuqing.    


Seeing him come out, Old Master Hua asked with a smile, "Can you talk to grandpa for a bit?"    


Gu Si nodded, then took out the car keys from his pocket and handed them to Hua Yuqing, "Get in the car first."    


Hua Yuqing looked at Gu Si, then at Old Master Hua, then took the car key and walked towards Gu Si's car.    


After Hua Yuqing left, Old Master Hua spoke.    


"Gu Si, don't take Zhenqiang's matter too seriously. I can't explain the matter between father and daughter in one sentence or two."    


Gu Si didn't say anything. However, there was displeasure in his eyes.    


Old Master Hua sighed and asked, "Did Yuqing tell you about the father and daughter pair?"    


"No." This time Gu Si finally spoke.    


"Then let me tell you." Then, Old Master Hua told him about the matter between Hua Yuqing's mother and Hua Zhenqiang.    


The more Gu Si listened, the more he frowned.    


When Old Master Hua finished talking about Hua Yuqing being bullied in the Hua Family, his entire forehead started to wrinkle.    


"I know Yuqing suffered, but Zhenqiang... Sigh..." Old Master Hua sighed heavily.    


Although he was the head of Hua Family, Hua Zhenqiang was only his nephew.    


Gu Si did not say anything. He just made a decision in his heart. He would not let Hua Yuqing suffer in Hua Family again.    


At this moment, Gu Si only felt that this idea came from the bottom of his heart. He had never thought about it. Why?    


"This time, I know about that kid from the Liu Family. It's because he kidnapped Yuqing. It's only right that you cripple him. " Don't worry about the matter of the Liu Family. Your big uncle will take care of it. " The old man said.    


"No need." Gu Si refused.    


Old Master Hua was surprised to hear what Gu Si said. He thought of something and said, "Forget it. You can do whatever you want."    


Gu Si did not nod nor shake his head.    


Hua Yuqing, who was the first to return to the car, was a little restless.    


She was worried that her grandfather would have a problem with Gu Si because of the Liu Family incident.    


She was also afraid that Gu Si would be unhappy with her grandfather because of this.    


After an unknown amount of time, the car door finally opened.    


After Gu Si got into the car, Hua Yuqing immediately asked anxiously, "Grandpa didn't say anything about you, did he?"    


Gu Si turned his head to look at her but did not say anything.    


Hua Yuqing thought he was unhappy because Old Master Hua said it. She said, "Don't mind it. Grandpa just said it. In fact, he won't blame you..."    


Seeing Hua Yuqing mistakenly think that the old master had tried his best to comfort her because of the Liu Family incident, Gu Si couldn't help but laugh softly.    


Hua Yuqing was stunned when she saw Gu Si smile for the first time.    


It was a pity that Gu Si's smile only lasted for a short period of time.    


Then he said, "Grandpa didn't say anything."    


"Ah?" Hua Yuqing realized what Gu Si meant and felt awkward.    


Her grandfather did not tell him about her and she looked like she was trying to comfort him. It was embarrassing.    


She turned her head to the car window in embarrassment, embarrassed to look at Gu Si.    


Only when Gu Si started the car did she remember Gu Si's injury.    


She said in surprise, "Your shoulder is not healed yet. Why are you driving?"    


Gu Si raised his eyebrows and did not say anything.    


"Get out of the car. I'll drive." Hua Yuqing saw that he did not say anything and said directly.    


Gu Si had never been talked to like this in his entire life. Even godfather did not talk to him like this.    


However, he didn't feel angry. He even felt that she was a little cute.    


He was no longer afraid of him or scared of him. He would lose his temper at him and contradict him. He did not feel angry, but happy.    


Hua Yuqing saw that Gu Si did not speak for a long time and just looked at her. She asked, "Is it because of the wound? Let me take a look."    


As she spoke, she moved closer to check the wound on Gu Si's shoulder.    


As she moved closer, the five fingers on her face became clearer. Gu Si's eyes darkened slightly. Then, he could not help but raise his hand and touch it.    


There was a sharp pain on her face. Hua Yuqing snorted.    


Gu Si quickly retracted his hand and said, "This little injury does not stop me from driving."    


Hua Yuqing wanted to say something but Gu Si had already started the car...    


When they returned to the villa, the maid saw the five fingers on Hua Yuqing's face and asked in shock.    


"Young Mistress, what's wrong with your face?" Could it be that she was beaten by the young master? The maid glanced at Gu Si who was behind Hua Yuqing.    


The maid looked at Gu Si so brazenly. How could Gu Si not understand what she meant?    


He said coldly, "What are you looking at? Why aren't you going to bring the ice bag over?"    


"Yes, Young Master." The maid shrunk her neck and quickly ran into the kitchen to get the ice bag.    


Gu Si took the ice bag naturally after he got it.    


Hua Yuqing touched her nose and said, "I'll do it myself."    


As she spoke, she went to take the ice bag in Gu Si's hand.    


In the end, Gu Si dodged it. "I'll do it."    


Hua Yuqing hurriedly shook her head when she heard Gu Si say that he was coming. "No need, no need. I'll do it myself. Furthermore, your hand is injured..."    


"Let me help Young Mistress apply ice." The maid beside her volunteered.    


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