CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C798 Do It

C798 Do It

Unexpectedly, as soon as her voice faded, Gu Si's cold gaze swept towards her.    


It took him a few seconds to understand what his young master meant. He wanted to personally apply ice on Young Mistress.    


The maid quickly corrected herself, "Young Mistress, let young master help you apply the ice. Young master's right hand is injured, but he can use his left hand."    


"I think it is better for you to compare..." Before Hua Yuqing could finish her words, the maid had already taken a step forward and said, "Young Mistress, my kitchen is still stewing soup. I will go and take a look."    


After saying that, she did not wait for Hua Yuqing to reply and quickly left the living room.    


It was as if there was something chasing after her from behind.    


There was nothing chasing her. There was only Gu Si's cold gaze. ...    


After the servants left, Gu Si picked up the ice bag and placed it on Hua Yuqing's left cheek.    


When the ice block touched Hua Yuqing's face, she subconsciously shrank.    


After shrinking, she thought of something and quickly apologized to Gu Si, "Sorry."    


Gu Si stared at her and then pressed the ice bag on his left hand to Hua Yuqing's left cheek.    


This time Hua Yuqing was prepared and did not shrink back.    


It was not good to apply ice for too long. Hence, after the ice bag in Gu Si's hand melted, he did not continue applying the ice.    


After the ice was applied, Hua Yuqing's face was still a little red. She thought that she still had to go to work tomorrow. If she went to work with this face...    


It would really be very embarrassing.    


Gu Si seemed to have seen through Hua Yuqing's thoughts, so he opened his mouth and said, "I will take leave of absence tomorrow."    


"No, I don't know how many leave I have taken this month." Hua Yuqing did not think about it and shook her head. Then she suddenly remembered that the ointment Jing Xuan applied to her wrist was still in her bag. "By the way, I still have the ointment last time. It is good to remove the swelling."    


As she spoke, Hua Yuqing ran into the room and found the ointment.    


Gu Si took the medicine bottle from Hua Yuqing's hand and looked at it. He opened it and used his fingertips to touch some of it. He wiped it on Hua Yuqing's face.    


Gu Si's hand was warm, and compared to the cool feeling of the ointment, it formed a contrast.    


It caused Hua Yuqing's heart to palpitate.    


Hua Yuqing shivered and came back to her senses. Then, she opened her mouth to speak and divert her attention, "This ointment was given to me by Mr Jing Xuan. The effect is very good. Last time, my wrist was swollen and swollen..." Before Hua Yuqing could finish her words, Gu Si suddenly threw the bottle of medicine in his hand heavily onto the ground and shattered it.    


Hua Yuqing did not expect that Gu Si would suddenly throw the ointment. She looked at him in shock.    


After a while, Only then did she remember that her wrist was scratched by Gu Si.    


Gu Si probably thought that she was complaining about him. That was why he was angry.    


She felt very wronged. She clearly wanted to bandage his wound that time, but in the end, he pinched her wrist like that.    


And this time, he was angry at her again because of that matter.    


For some reason, the more Hua Yuqing thought about it, the more wronged she felt. Her tears could not help but flow out.    


Actually, Hua Yuqing was wrong. Gu Si was not angry at all. She mentioned that he hurt her that time.    


Actually, he had such a big reaction when he heard Hua Yuqing say that the ointment was given to her by Jing Xuan.    


Now that he saw Hua Yuqing cry, the anger in his heart suddenly disappeared.    


His lips moved. He wanted to say something to Hua Yuqing, but in the end, Gu Si did not say anything. He turned around and strode away.    


Hua Yuqing heard the door close and then heard Gu Si's car start to leave.    


She felt the sweetness in her heart sink bit by bit.    


After a long while, Hua Yuqing got up from the sofa and went back to her room.    


After Gu Si drove out of the villa, he went straight to the pharmacy.    


Yes, he went to the pharmacy to find the ointment Jing Xuan gave Hua Yuqing.    


In order to find the exact same ointment, he went to more than ten pharmacies.    


After he finished buying the medicinal paste, he drove back to Jinyuan.    


However, he did not enter the villa.    


Instead, he parked the car at a corner a few hundred meters away from the villa.    


After staring at the villa for a few minutes, Gu Si took out his phone from his pocket and pressed the number of the villa.    


The other side quickly answered, "Hello!"    


Gu Si could tell it was the maid's voice, so he asked directly, "How is she now?"    


The other side paused for a few seconds before replying, "Young Mistress cried for a while and then went back to her room. She still hasn't come out."    


Hearing the maid's words, Gu Si raised his wrist to look at the time. It had been almost two hours since he left.    


His face instantly darkened. "What are you doing? She has been in there for so long. Aren't you going to take a look?"    


"I'm sorry, Young Master, I'll go and take a look immediately." The maid quickly said.    


"Wait a moment." Gu Si stopped the maid.    


"Young Master, is there anything else?" The maid asked.    


Gu Si stared at the ointment in his hand for a few seconds and then said, "Come out. Come to the corner two hundred meters away from the villa."    


After saying that, Gu Si hung up the phone.    


Then he turned his gaze back to the villa.    


About two minutes later, the maid came out of the villa.    


She walked straight towards him.    


Gu Si sat in the car until the maid was about to turn the corner and leave. He then opened the door and got out of the car.    


He suddenly came out from the corner and shocked the maid.    


"Young master?"    


Gu Si nodded and handed the ointment to the maid.    


The maid looked at Gu Si's hand. She didn't know what he meant.    


"It's for her face." Gu Si said.    


The maid took the ointment.    


Gu Si paused for a second and said, "Don't say I bought it. Just say you bought it yourself."    


After saying this, Gu Si turned around and left without waiting for the maid to ask any questions.    


The maid did not understand why the young master did not let her tell Young Mistress that the ointment was his.    


After returning to the villa, she sent the ointment to Hua Yuqing's room.    


"Young Mistress, I saw that your ointment was broken and went to buy you a bottle."    


"Thank you." Hua Yuqing took the ointment and thanked the maid.    


Gu Si said he could not tell Hua Yuqing that he bought it. The maid took the ointment and thanked Gu Si.    


After the maid left, Hua Yuqing opened the box of ointment and found that the ointment inside was exactly the same as the one Jing Xuan had given her.    


She was stunned.    


How did the maid know that the ointment was this brand?    


Perhaps she noticed it when the maid was cleaning up.    


Perhaps it was a coincidence.    


Hua Yuqing did not think too much about it. She applied some ointment on her face.    


When she applied it, she recalled the warm feeling on her face when Gu Si applied the ointment on her.    


Her heart skipped a beat, but when she thought of how Gu Si had left in a fit of anger, she was overwhelmed by a strong sense of loss.    


She quickly applied the ointment on her face, and Hua Yuqing lay on the bed with her eyes closed.    


After Gu Si gave the ointment to the maid, he stayed in the car for a while before driving away from Jinyuan District.    


Then, he went straight to the temporary office of Dragon Gate.    


Because he had already called before, Senior Gu and Zhang Heng were already waiting there.    


When they saw him coming over, they greeted him respectfully, "Young Master Gu..."    


Gu Si nodded. Then he said, "How are the preparations for the Liu Family going?"    


"We can do it at any time." Zhang Heng replied.    


Gu Si nodded and looked at Senior Gu.    


The latter replied, "I am ready to move at any time."    


"Let's do it then." Gu Si's tone was very faint, as if he was speaking in a light tone. He was not talking about dealing with the big families in the capital. It was as if he was talking about what he was going to eat for dinner.    


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