CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C815 Smash the Restaurant for Her

C815 Smash the Restaurant for Her

Beggars? Hua Yuqing lowered her head to look at her clothes.    


She was wearing a coat and jeans. Although it was not expensive, it did not match the beggar's attire, right?    


"Although I'm not dressed well, it doesn't mean that I can't afford to eat western food in your restaurant."    


"Wearing it like this, you still say that you can afford our Western restaurant? Do you know how much our Western restaurant costs for a dollar steak? " Even if you wear all your clothes, you won't be able to afford it. " The waiter's voice was very loud, which attracted many people in the hall to look at Hua Yuqing.    


Hua Yuqing wanted to find a hole to hide in when she was looked at.    


Just when Hua Yuqing was about to turn around and leave, Gu Si's cold voice was heard.    


"What's wrong with her clothes? In my opinion, the entire western restaurant can't afford her clothes."    


Hua Yuqing turned around. Gu Si just happened to walk to her side.    


He reached out and held her hand. Then he said, "It's just a western restaurant that isn't very authentic. They even arrogantly bully customers in the capital."    


Gu Si's voice was very faint, just like usual, but those who were familiar with him knew that he was in a rage.    


The waiter had seen Hua Yuqing's sweater and jeans, which was why he had humiliated Hua Yuqing.    


Now that he saw Gu Si in his custom-made clothes, he could tell that he was someone he could not afford to offend in the upper class. He quickly apologized, "Sorry, both of you. It's our fault. I apologize to both of you."    


Gu Si seemed to have heard a joke. He snorted and said, "If apologies are useful, what do you need the police for?"    


He narrowed his eyes and slowly took out his phone from his pocket. He then pressed a number.    


"Senior Gu, bring someone to Christine's West Restaurant immediately."    


Senior Gu was still on his way back to his office when he received a call from Young Master Gu. He was dumbfounded.    


Of course, he didn't dare disobey Young Master Gu's orders.    


He immediately called the Jiangnan Conference, called someone, and went to Christine's restaurant.    


Hua Yuqing did not want Gu Si to make a scene. He pulled Gu Si's sleeve and said, "Let's go to another restaurant to eat. We are not here anymore."    


"We are going to change the restaurant, but before we change, I need to do something." Gu Si raised his hand and patted Hua Yuqing's hand to comfort her.    


What a joke. He specially invited Hua Yuqing to dinner today, but Hua Yuqing was bullied by the waiter in the restaurant.    


He, Gu Si, put his face there?    


This place had caused such a huge commotion, and even manager of Kristin West Restaurant was alarmed.    


After he came over, he scolded the waiter first and then said to Gu Si, "sir, our waiter was wrong. We can ask her to apologize to you. But if you want to cause trouble at Christine's restaurant, we, Christine, will not allow it. "    


Gu Si looked at him coldly and did not say anything.    


manager, who was in the western restaurant, saw that Gu Si did not take his warning seriously and sent someone to call security.    


In the end, before the security guards came, Senior Gu came with a group of people.    


"Young Master Gu, Young Mistress..."    


Gu Si did not say anything and just snorted.    


But who was Senior Gu? The bodyguard who had been by Gu Si's side for many years knew that he was in a rage when he saw Gu Si like this.    


He asked Hua Yuqing, who was by Gu Si's side, carefully.    


"Young Mistress, what's wrong with Young Master Gu?"    


Hua Yuqing was just about to tell Senior Gu the whole story when Gu Si already said, "Their western restaurant said that she can't afford a piece of steak even if she takes all her clothes."    


Senior Gu was stunned for a few seconds before he understood what Young Master Gu meant.    


He was furious.    


What a joke. It was just a western restaurant. How could he say that Young Mistress didn't have the right to enter?    


Not to mention that Gu Si would be angry, even he would be angry.    


"Young Master Gu, how do you think we should settle this?"    


"I asked you to call for someone, did you?" Gu Si did not answer him.    


"Yes, wait outside." Senior Gu answered.    


"Let them in and smash the restaurant." Gu Si said lightly. His tone and tone made it sound like he was not going to smash the restaurant but was going to eat lunch.    


Before Wu Da could say anything, manager from the western restaurant said, "Do you guys have the ability to smash our restaurant?"    


"Then you guys can see if we have the ability." Gu Da snorted and walked to the door of the restaurant, shouting.    


A dozen or so people came in from outside, "Young Master Gu..."    


"Young Master Gu said he smashed the restaurant." Senior Gu ordered.    


"Yes." The dozen or so people nodded their heads and started chasing them away.    


After chasing away the customers in the restaurant, they started to smash the restaurant.    


manager held his phone and wanted to call the police.    


In the end, Senior Gu snatched his phone.    


Hua Yuqing did not expect Gu Si to be smashed by someone. She was stunned.    




"Are you hungry? Let's go to another restaurant." Gu Si asked.    


"Tell them not to smash it. It won't be good if they keep smashing it like this." Hua Yuqing shook her head and said.    


Gu Si stared at her for a few seconds, then waved at Senior Gu.    


Senior Gu immediately ordered, "Stop."    


The servant immediately stopped what he was doing.    


Unfortunately, the entire western restaurant was almost smashed.    


Gu Si smiled in satisfaction. Then he walked to the front of manager, who was wearing a grey face.    


He said slowly, Sorry, I smashed your Western restaurant."    


"You... you..." manager from the western restaurant pointed at Gu Si, unable to say a word.    


Gu Si said coldly. "Do you understand now? Apologize is useless."    


After saying that, he turned to Senior Gu and said, "Pay them five million yuan." After that, he left the restaurant with Hua Yuqing.    


After Gu Si and Hua Yuqing left, Senior Gu took out the cheque book from his pocket and signed a five million yuan check. He handed it to manager in the western restaurant.    


"Don't look down on others in the future. Some people are not people you can mess with."    


That's right, don't look down on others. "There are many people that you can't afford to offend.    


If you offend them, you have to pay the price.    


And the price is often something that you can't imagine.    


After exiting Christine's restaurant, Gu Si drove Hua Yuqing to another restaurant.    


On the way, Gu Si suddenly asked, "Are you so happy?"    


Hua Yuqing was stunned for a few seconds before she realized that Gu Si smashed Christine's restaurant to vent her anger.    


She was very happy that he had stood up for her.    


However, she felt that it was not worth it to smash her restaurant and compensate her with five million yuan.    


"I am very happy. However, it is not worth it to compensate him with five million yuan." Thinking so, Hua Yuqing also said so.    


This was Gu Si's first time helping someone vent their anger.    


It was also his first time being complained about after venting his anger. It was not worth it to spend money.    


Gu Si actually did not feel angry. Instead, he felt that Hua Yuqing was really cute like this.    


However, he still said on purpose. "You are still not happy after getting angry at me?"    


Hua Yuqing exclaimed. Then she said cleanly. "No, I'm not unhappy."    


After she answered, she found a trace of mockery in Gu Si's eyes.    


She immediately understood that Gu Si was playing with her on purpose.    


She snorted unhappily and turned her head away.    


Gu Si curled the corner of his mouth and said, "Where do you want to eat?"    


Hua Yuqing turned to look at him and then replied, "Let's just find a random restaurant to eat."    


"Then let's go to Panjiayuan." After Gu Si finished, he said, "I see that you really like the roast duck in Panjiayuan."    


"How do you know?" Hua Yuqing did not expect Gu Si to know that she liked the roast ducks in Panjiayuan. She was very surprised.    


"You did not take any other dishes that day. You only packed the roast duck." Gu Si replied.    


Hua Yuqing was stunned for a few seconds before she understood that Gu Si was talking about Gu Si, who happened to meet Senior Gu in Panjiayuan that day. When she saw them come over, she immediately stopped eating and asked the waiter to pay for her. Then, she felt a little pity. She only ate a few mouthfuls of the roast duck before she packed it.    


Unexpectedly, Gu Si could tell that she liked roast duck just like that.    


"I like roast duck." Hua Yuqing nodded.    


"Yes, you like it. I asked Senior Gu to dig out the cook of the roast duck in Panjiayuan and cook it for you every day." Gu Si replied.    


Because he liked it, he waved his hand and asked the chef to cook it at home.    


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