CEO's Pampered Sweetheart

C826 He Was Betrayed

C826 He Was Betrayed

Zhang Heng brought Hua Yuqing along and took the elevator to Gu Si's office. He raised his hand and knocked on the door. There was no sound inside.    


"Young Mistress, Young Master Gu probably didn't hear the knock. Let's go in." Zhang Heng gently pushed open the door of Gu Si's office and walked in with Hua Yuqing.    


Gu Si was sitting behind his desk when he heard the door open. He said coldly, "Didn't I say not to come in and bother me?"    


"I'm sorry, Young Mistress. Young Master Gu is not in a good mood." Hearing Gu Si's words, Zhang Heng immediately apologized to Hua Yuqing.    


When Gu Si heard what Senior Gu said, he subconsciously looked up and saw Hua Yuqing and Senior Gu standing at the door of the office.    


He was stunned.    


Zhang Heng looked at the stunned Gu Si and then sensibly left the office.    


Hua Yuqing wanted to stop Zhang Heng, but Zhang Heng had already left. She could only walk into Gu Si's office. Did I interrupt your work?"    


Gu Si looked at her without saying anything.    


Seeing that Gu Si did not respond, Hua Yuqing felt a little uneasy and she said, " I heard from Mr Zhang Heng that you were in a bad mood. That's why I came over to take a look. If I disturb you, I will leave first."    


After saying that, Hua Yuqing turned around and was about to leave.    


This time, Gu Si finally had a reaction, "Where are you going?"    


Hua Yuqing turned around and blinked at him.    


"Take a seat." Gu Si pointed at the seat opposite him.    


Hua Yuqing paused for a few seconds, then walked to the seat opposite of Gu Si and sat down.    


Then she asked, "You called earlier and went back to the villa. Why did you look for me?"    


Gu Si did not expect Hua Yuqing to ask this. He was stunned.    


Seeing that he did not speak, Hua Yuqing thought that he did not understand why he knew about this matter.    


She explained. "When I came back, the maid told me that you just called me."    


Gu Si nodded and said, "It's nothing. I thought your phone was broken. Ask what kind of phone you like."    


Gu Si didn't say a word. He threw the phone he bought for Hua Yuqing.    


Hua Yuqing did not expect Gu Si to call her and go back to the villa to buy her a phone.    


She was stunned for a moment and then said, "No need. I'll buy it myself."    


Why would Gu Si let Hua Yuqing buy it herself?    


He picked up the phone on the desk and dialed Zhang Heng's internal line.    


"Zhang Heng, get me a new phone immediately and send it to my office."    


Zhang Heng was at a loss when he heard what Young Master Gu said.    


Didn't Young Master Gu just throw the new phone?    


Why did he buy another phone?    


"Young Master Gu, what kind of phone did you buy? Is it the same as the previous one?"    


Gu Si paused for a moment and replied 'the same'. Then, he cut off the phone.    


"Zhang Heng might need some time to buy a phone. If you are bored, I will ask my secretary to take you for a walk."    


Hua Yuqing shook her head. "No need. I will just sit for a while."    


She knew she could not reject Gu Si's phone and could only accept it. However, she did not want to trouble Gu Si's secretary to waste time with her.    


Gu Si stared at her for a while, then asked, "Do you play with computers?"    


Hua Yuqing did not react in time, "Ah?"    


Gu Si did not say anything. He turned the computer in front of him and aimed it at Hua Yuqing.    


Then he asked, "Do you want to drink something?"    


"Sure." Hua Yuqing replied.    


Gu Si hummed and picked up the landline on his desk. He called his secretary and gave it to her.    


"Bring me a glass of milk."    


This was arranged by Gu Si according to Hua Yuqing's preferences.    


Not long after, the secretary came in with a glass of milk.    


When he came in, he saw Hua Yuqing sitting opposite of Gu Si, playing with Gu Si's computer.    


He was shocked.    


Of course, no matter how shocked she was, she still forgot her identity.    


She respectfully placed the milk on the desk beside Hua Yuqing's hand and then left Gu Si's office.    


Hua Yuqing drank the milk while playing the card game on Gu Si's computer.    


Gu Si looked at the documents while paying attention to him.    


Hua Yuqing played for a while and then raised her head to look at Gu Si who was looking at the documents on the other side.    


Gu Si looked at the documents in his hands for a few minutes and then looked up at Hua Yuqing who was playing the game.    


The two of them looked up and I lowered my head.    


Several times, their eyes accidentally met.    


They quickly moved away again.    


After a few minutes, he returned to his previous mode.    


He repeated the process until someone knocked on the door, breaking the atmosphere.    


Gu Si looked up and looked at the door of the office. He said, "Come in."    


Zhang Heng came in with a bag in his hand.    


"Young Master Gu, I bought the phone you asked for."    


Gu Si took the bag from Zhang Heng and opened it. He took the phone out of the bag and handed it to Hua Yuqing.    


"See if you like this H5 phone. If you don't like it, let Zhang Heng change it."    


Hua Yuqing felt that Gu Si's words were very strange. She wanted to see if she liked this H5 model phone.    


How did he know that this phone model was H5? He didn't even open the packaging outside.    


He probably just said it casually, right?    


Hua Yuqing thought so and opened the packaging bag. In the end, she found that it was really an H5 phone.    


She was stunned, "How did you know it was an H5 phone? You didn't even open the bag just now."    


"Uh..." Gu Si finally reacted. He was too excited just now and had spilled the beans.    


He turned his head and pointed at Zhang Heng. "Zhang Heng told me just now."    


"Did Mr Zhang Heng say that?" Hua Yuqing looked at Zhang Heng.    


At this time, Zhang Heng already understood that Young Master Gu's phone in the morning was also bought for Young Mistress.    


However, for some reason, Young Master Gu got angry and threw the phone away.    


Now, Young Mistress found the loophole in Young Master Gu's words.    


Should he expose Young Master Gu or not?    


In the end, Zhang Heng thought about it and decided not to expose Young Master Gu.    


After all, Senior Gu, who had betrayed Young Master Gu in front of Young Mistress, had been assigned a secret mission by Young Master Gu and had not returned yet. He did not want to leave Senior Gu's path of retreat.    


Zhang Heng smiled and said, "Young Mistress, I just told Young Master Gu the model of the phone."    


"Oh, then I must have remembered wrong." Hua Yuqing said.    


Gu Si let out a sigh of relief and changed the topic, "Do you like this phone?"    


Except for the color of the phone, it was exactly the same as Gu Si's.    


Hua Yuqing naturally liked it. She nodded. "I like it. Thank you, Mr Zhang Heng."    


Hearing Hua Yuqing say thank you to Zhang Heng, Gu Si felt a little depressed.    


He was the one who picked the phone. Although the phone he had personally picked had been thrown by him, it was still considered his choice. She thanked Zhang Heng instead.    


Zhang Heng looked at Young Master Gu's slightly depressed face and secretly smiled in his heart. He said, "Young Mistress is not polite. I am only following Young Master Gu's orders. The money for the phone was also given by Young Master Gu."    


Hua Yuqing said, "Oh," and then thanked Gu Si.    


Humph, at least you know what's good for you.    


Gu Si glanced at Zhang Heng and said to Hua Yuqing, "It's fine as long as you like it."    


Zhang Heng saw that Young Master Gu's mood had changed. He said, "Young Master Gu, You have a meeting in fifteen minutes.    


Hua Yuqing heard that he was going to have a meeting and immediately said, "You are busy. I will go back first."    


"Stay for a while longer. Come back with me." Gu Si said.    


"This..." Hua Yuqing hesitated.    


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